Showing posts with label sketches. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sketches. Show all posts

Tuesday 8 December 2015

Mill Road Winter Fair

Mill Road Winter Fair ink, watercolour and coloured pencil

On Saturday 5th December I joined the Cambridge Urban Sketchers to sketch the annual Mill Road Winter Fair. A few hardy souls gathered at the skateboard ramp at the Parkside end of Mill Road at midday before settling off to find a sheltered spot to sketch. I settled on a spot near The Broadway and perched on my camping stool until I could hardly feel my fingers anymore. Discarded coffee cups and escaped balloons swept past me as I was buffeted by the wind and I finally gave in and headed off to Romsey Mill Community Centre cafe to meet up with everyone else and thaw out with tea and cake! I added a bit more colour when I got home and got my fingers unfrozen!

This was my first trip out with Urban Sketchers since breaking my ankle in September and I hope to join the London Urban Sketchers next Saturday in Trafalgar Square

Saturday 11 September 2010

Sketching in Spain

Fruit Sculpture
Shadey Corner

Last year I spent two weeks in the village of Tamariu, on the Costa Brava in Spain.
While there I managed a few sketches. The three below are sketches in the Botanic Gardens in Cap Roig, Calella. This bowl of fruit is a quirky water feature
Femme du Jardin

Villa in Calella


Palafrugell Market


The road into Tamariu was precipitous to say the least but worth it for the view. Calella is a short distance along the coast and Palafrugell is the nearest large market town. I came here many years ago as child and am happy to say it is much the same as I remember it, beautiful and unspoilt.

Friday 20 March 2009

Moo cards

My Moo cards arrived today, they are so cool!
The one's above are business card size with different pictures of my coloured pencil work on the front and contact details on the back. They are a lovely matte finish and "quality"feel to them, I like them very much and can't wait to start giving them out. They come in a cool little box and I also ordered a Troika card case to keep some in my bag.

I actually think these Moo minicards are even cooler, I've made about 20 different designs from my sketches on Flickr and again ordered a neat little holder.