Showing posts with label fridays. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fridays. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

We're Baaaaack!

Spring break took all us away from one another but we returned in style (Schweizer wore an neckerchief) this past Friday. We even had alum Alex App, our current Spotlight, show up to hang out with everyone and we surprised him with cake to celebrate his recent graduation! For those of you than came out your involvement is greatly appreciated. You guys really help make our department strong, energized, creative, and friendly!

Shawn Crystal officially introduced the Firebreather Pin-Up Challenge at the meeting. For those students who are not aware of this challenge please click the link for more information. It's an amazing opportunity! Don't miss out!

During the height of the meeting we had sixteen people in attendance working on projects at the same time. Considering we have less than forty students in our department that is a massive number! Below, from left to right: professor Shawn Crystal, Dianna Bedell, Cara McGee, Sean Perkins, Michael Lavelle, Justin Wagner, Chris Schweizer, Areta Harabatch, alum Hunter Clark, Chris Lane, David Bonilla, Dominike Stanton, Tommy Le, and Doug Dabbs.

In attendance but not shown above: alum Alex App, Allen Spetnagel, Jackie Lewis, Olu Ajagbe, and Megs Glasscock. And here's a rare glimpse of professor Nolan Woodard (because normally I'm the one taking the photos and making posts) trying to cut Alex's cake with a wimpy, plastic knife. Mmmm, cake.

If you were unable to join us please come this Friday, in room 398 from noon to 4pm!

Friday, February 29, 2008

Paintings and Maquettes and Fun - Oh my!

Another Friday, another Temple meeting! We're always getting together to have fun working in a pseudo-studio environment but this week it went a bit beyond the normal variety of inking and drawing techniques.

This Friday we had Shawn Crystal working with students on paintings for his SEQA310 Painting for Comic Covers class. It involves using a tonal drawing as the under-painting then fixing it and using a subtractive technique with darks on lights to bring out highlights and create shape and volume. While Shawn works on looking fashionable in his apron as he paints Etrigan the Demon, the student covers are being produced with Bruce Timm's Two-Face story "Two of a Kind" in mind.

As Crystal and his students are eating up the painting project, Nolan Woodard and his students work on maquettes for SEQA224 Character Design and Storyboarding for Animation. Some students are making tie-wearing apes, crazy Kinko's employees (don't ask), and a self-portrait while Nolan creates an evil scientist. Cara McGee (below) is making a zombie holding its own arm like a weapon! Once painted, a little gloss coat in the right places will make that stump of an arm really look *dry-heave* fresh.

Oh yeah, and Happy Leap Day, everyone!

Monday, February 4, 2008

Painting Demo by Olu

Last Friday we met as usual for our sketch jam and challenge but grad student Olu Ajagbe graced us with a quick painting demonstration too. The turn out was fantastic and Olu really showed off his talent!

Here's Olu relaxing after showing the department his painting process.

Shawn Crystal and students look on as the 300 inspired demo comes to life. And keep in mind, no one is required to come! Our students enjoy hanging out and learning from one another on their own time. It's a great department!

And here are the reference photo, pencil sketch, and quick painting Olu used and created during the demo.

Finally, a more refined painting Olu did before the demo so we could all see the technique pushed further when he's not limited by time. Nice work, Olu!