Showing posts with label wishlist. Show all posts
Showing posts with label wishlist. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 15, 2008


Isk..beg ni buatkan tido ku tak lena....argh!!!
Desc : 18 (L) x 10 (H) x 6 (W)
Accommodates laptop (blh isi botol susu, cream, pampers etc..)kuang kuang

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Another wishlist

Authentic Coach Multicolor Scribble Hobo
*pix courtesy : Ayra

*pix courtesy : Ana

hmm...bila nak dpt ni ek?
boss, ting tong!

p/s wishlist yg lepas dah checked 2, 1 more to go plus this 2...(..sambil dahi berkerut..)

Monday, May 19, 2008


My most wanted list :

1-Fossil Pink MOP Twist..
probably from hubby as my birthday present...
rite..hubby? is that correct? (I know you are reading this...hehe)
Opps, no worry..I remember the pullnbear jeans that you mentioned the other day.
Maybe you can surf it from here :
yg ni...ok tak? wink wink :o

2-Nokia N73
I'm not a gadget persion. So, I think this is good enuf for someone who want to have quite canggih and popular(glamour) phone..
My current phone dah mcm too outdated la, mcm nak kasik kat Ako je...
My collegue gave me this link to check for the price.

This is the list for today. I will update more after I got any dreamssss later.

Friday, May 16, 2008

After 3 weeks of HL

3 weeks and 1 day from consumed HL.

Akhirnya selepas beberapa minggu berat static...turun jugak!
Berakhirla weight platue ku...uresshii.
Altho just turun tak sampai, ni dah petanda baik dan tanda2 yg diet ku(tahan dugaan mkn) berjaya la..
Selama ni ingatkan mcm tak de hasil ke dok tahan mkn, rupa2nya berkat kesabaranku,barula nampak hasilnya.
Another 4.5kg more to go! the reward, mcm nak beli satu swingpack utk diri sendiri.
Liz Claiborne Swingpack ni...nice kan.


Ops, lupa nak update pasal professioon ku yg teramat la memeningkan semenjak dua menjak ni.

Akhirnya aku dah made decision yg paling kufikirkan paling susah setakat ini....

Aku tolak d offer !! Huwaaa...unbelievable.

Setelah bertahun kutunggu peluang ini...dan akhirnya aku lepaskan.

Takpela..rezeki semua di tangan-Nya.

Insyaallah ada rezeki lain..maybe I deserve better..hopefully. ami--n