
Showing posts with label quiz. Show all posts
Showing posts with label quiz. Show all posts

A Christmas quiz

I took this quiz for fun, since December is just around the corner. I have to say that I didn't really do very well, just 5 out of 10 correct answers.  (Although the official results say that I know a lot...but diba passing is 75% :P).  I wish though, that they posted about the correct answers!  I do not know which of the answers I put in are the RIGHT ones!

You Know a Lot About Christmas

You got 5/10 correct

You know tons about the history and traditions surrounding Christmas.

When you celebrate the holidays, you never forget their true meaning - or all the little fun details.

Random Christmas fact: The average mall Santa is 5'9, 218 lbs, and 52 years old. The average waist size is 43 inches.

I like this type of house

You Should Live in a Rustic House

You are a traditional person with old fashioned values. And you're only looking to impress yourself.

You think it's important to have as comfortable a home as possible. You want to feel cozy.

You are in touch with nature, and you appreciate a beautiful view.

You appreciate the simple, basic things in life. You can be happy just from seeing it snow.

How should I deal with stress?

You Should Play Some Music

Part of what's stressing you out is that you can't stop thinking about your problems. Whenever you try to relax, you can't stop your mind from racing.

The best thing you can do is crowd out your thoughts. And there's no easier way to do this than by cranking some music.

Dancing is optional but highly recommended. Give yourself a break from your stress and really let loose.

Or put on some of your old favorite music (happy music only though!). Sit back and remember what it was like not to be so overwhelmed.

What Kind of Intelligence Do You Have?

Your Dominant Intelligence is Linguistic Intelligence

You are excellent with words and language. You explain yourself well.

An elegant speaker, you can converse well with anyone on the fly.

You are also good at remembering information and convincing someone of your point of view.

A master of creative phrasing and unique words, you enjoy expanding your vocabulary.

You would make a fantastic poet, journalist, writer, teacher, lawyer, politician, or translator.

Are You a Child of an 80s?

You Are 60% A Child of the 80s

Back in the day, you were totally 80s.

Tubular, totally tubular.

The Three Question Personality Test

Your Personality Is Guardian

You are sensible, down to earth, and goal oriented.

Bottom line, you are good at playing by the rules.

You tend to be dominant - and you are a natural leader.

You are interested in rules and order. Morals are important to you.

A hard worker, you give your all at whatever you do.

You're very serious, and people often tell you to lighten up.

In love, you tend to take things carefully and slowly.

At work, you are suited to almost any career - but you excel in leadership positions.

With others, you tend to be polite and formal.

As far as looks go, you are traditionally attractive. You take good care of yourself.

On weekends, you tend to like to do organized activities. In fact, you often organize them!

What Utensil Are You?

You Are Chopsticks

People see you as exotic, unusual, and even a bit intimidating.

You are a difficult person to figure out.

In truth, you try to live a very simple life.

But most people are too frenzied to recognize the beauty of your simplicity.

What Kind of Superhero?

You Would Be a Upstanding Superhero

You are alert and observant. You can see through people easily. You know who's evil and who's good.

You get bored easily and need excitement in your life. You like having problems to solve.

You understand people quite well and often know what others are thinking. Because of this, you can get people to do what you want.

You tend to feel apart from the rest of the world. You don't really fit in, and you don't try to!

You are a true intellectual. You are thirsty for knowledge, and you are curious about the world.

Are You Facebook, MySpace, or Twitter?

You Are Facebook

You are social, outgoing, and excited to connect to your friends.

You are interested in your friends' lives, and you enjoy adding your opinion to the mix.

While you enjoy sharing online, you don't want everyone to know your business.

You value your privacy. Your life is an open book to those you know but not to strangers.

What Kind of Blogger Am I?

You Are a Pundit Blogger!

Your blog is smart, insightful, and always a quality read.

You're up on the latest news, and you have an interesting spin on things.

Of all the blogging types, you put the most thought and effort into your blog.

Truly appreciated by many, surpassed by only a few

I Am Assertive?

And I always thought I am shy....

You Are Assertive

You assert yourself whenever it's necessary, but you're always polite and appropriate about it.

You're not a bully, a manipulator, or a nag. You just state what you need quickly and honestly.

You've been assertive for so long that it just comes naturally to you. You're definitely not shy.

People wonder why you get what you want in life. Well, it's because you ask for it!

What Metal Are You?

You Are Copper

You are provocative and challenging. You help people realize who they really are.

You live a very balanced life. You always take time for love and art.

You are both a powerful and generous person. You always have time to give back.

People find you to be incredibly ethical and loyal.

Hmmm, I was hoping for something more "precious" like GOLD. But this does seem to suit me better. It is also what I want to be (although I'm not quite sure if I've really achieved to be the type of person I aim to be).

Come to think of it, I'm not a very flashy person too, and never aim to be, so it's probably never gold for me.

Cute or Sexy?

I just had to see for myself....Am I cute or sexy? :P

Beauty pageants like Miss Universe showcase different types of beauty all over the world. While beauty is certainly in the eye of the beholder, sometimes the way we look at beauty depends on our culture and upbringing. For example, in 1994 when the Miss Universe pageant was held in Manila, Pinoys went gaga over Miss Belgium, was looked very "cute" and innocent looking. However, she was not deemed "sexy" or "gorgeous" enough to land on the top stops, or even in the semifinals for that matter. But I have to agree, all the contestants were beautiful...just in their own way. It's just that "cute" does not fit the criteria of most pageant judges.

You Are Cute!

Believe it or not, you are much more attractive than you realize.

You don't try too hard, and that's one of the cutest things about you.

You have a vibrant glow about you, and people are drawn to your energy.

You're not perfect, thank goodness. Your flaws are part of what's lovable about you.

My Ideal Vacation Spot

I think a close local alternative would have been Palawan -- never been there YET! Or maybe Bohol (was planning to go there on our honeymoon but it was fully booked!) When, oh, when can I get the time and the budget for a vacation?

Your Ideal Island Vacation is Maui

On an island vacation, you want it all. You don't want to miss any experience or opportunity.

As far as you're concerned, Maui has it all. Upscale resorts, tons of outdoor activities, and of course, beaches.

Maui is romantic enough for a honeymoon, diverse enough for a group, and interesting enough for solo travel.

The hardest decision you'll have to make is how to spend each afternoon. Spa treatment? Windsurfing? Or whale watching?

Pumpkin Latte?

You Are a Pumpkin Latte

You are always up for a celebration. You are a very festive person.

You look forward to every holiday, and you are nostalgic for good times after they're over.

You appreciate the small things that make life special. You love little treats.

You often look at the world with childlike wonder. There's so much to enjoy!

Age 79

You Will Die at Age 79

You're pretty average when it comes to how you live...

And how you'll die as well.

Pretty good, I guess. Considering that I don't practice as much "healthy living" tips as I'd like to. They say that life expectancy is more or less dependent upon the distaff side. I believe the women in my family had lived past 80, so 79 is pretty close.

My Ideal Pet?

I'm not really fond of pets, but just for fun, I tried to see what kind of pet would suit my personality.

Your Ideal Pet is a Cat

You're both aloof, introverted, and moody.

And your friends secretly wish that you were declawed!

Frankly speaking, I am a bit surprised. I've never been that fond of cats. I like dogs more. But then, I'm not really a pet person at all. I'd admire other people's pets but I do not really have the inclination to look after pets of my own.

How's Your Attitude?

Your Attitude is Better than 60% of the Population

You have a good attitude. While a realist, you do see the positive side of most things. People love to be around you.

Are You In Love?

Your Love Score Is: 75

It's truly love. You have an amazing partner and a wonderful relationship.

Your relationship isn't perfect, but you know how to work with each other to make it better.

You both listen to one another, give freely, and do your best to make things work.

While you have ups and downs like any other couple, you're good at getting through the bad times together.

And although you find it easy to love your partner, you understand that lasting love doesn't come easily.

You are both willing to give this relationship everything you have. And luckily, that's all it takes to make it work.

Would You Be a Good Wife or Husband?

I've always wondered if I am, in fact, a good wife. As everybody knows, when you get married, both of you should start thinking in terms of "we" rather than "I". You no longer decide things just for yourself but also in terms of how it will affect your spouse and your children, if you have any. I've always wondered if I've been a good enough wife (I'm realistic enough to know that there is no such thing as perfect). OK, so here goes....

You Would Be a Good Spouse 85% of the Time

You have what it takes to be an amazing wife or husband.

You are caring, patient, giving, and romantic. You are willing to work for a marriage.

More than anything, you're not about to let your ego ruin a relationship.

You are humble and unselfish. And that's the key to being a good spouse.