Showing posts with label interview. Show all posts
Showing posts with label interview. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Artful Adventures

So very excited for Nathalie Kalbach, author of Artful Adventures in Mixed Media, her newly released book from North Light. 

As I write this post, the book is ranked #1 in Acrylic Painting on Amazon. The pages of this book are filled with both instruction and inspiration. Just some of the techniques covered include layered texture, monoprinting, photo manipulation, blotted line drawing, and graffiti layering. She covers principles and elements of art, acrylic gels and layers, composition and focal point, collage and assemblage, color wheels and art journaling. And she does all this in the context of taking an artful adventure, whether that be a visit to an artist studio, taking art strolls through a museum. being out in nature, journaling on the go, and more.

I am thrilled to be a guest artist in this book, sharing my inspiration of travels and creating Ephemeral  Discoveries for the book.

I also had the pleasure to spend some time talking to Nathalie about our lives in art, touching on such diverse subjects as organizing found objects, travel journaling, collecting trash, and connecting with people. You can watch the conversation below.

Artful Adventures in Mixed Media Interview with Seth Apter from Nathalie Kalbach on Vimeo.

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

How to Get Creative

Earlier this month I was a guest on Creative Chat with Barb Owen, the brains behind the site How to Get Creative. Barb interviewed me and we spoke about my (lack of) interest in art growing up, my current inspirations, my five favorite art supplies, True Colors (the book that started it all), the impact of NYC on my art, and so much more. Barbara also demonstrated some of my techniques on the video after the interview was complete. It's a long one but you can check it out below...

Or see it on YouTube

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Creativation Interview

Every year in January, the Craft and Hobby Association (CHA) holds their annual trade show. Manufacturers, retailers, designers and other industry professional come together for buying, selling, education and networking.  Since I have been attending, the show has always been held in Anaheim, CA. This coming year though, changes are in store.

In 2017, the show will be held in Phoenix, AZ, has been redesigned and even has a new name: Creativation.

I will be attending the show and releasing & demoing new products there with Spellbinders, Impression Obsession, and PaperArtsy.

I am a Designer Member and will be meeting with many other designers, both formally and informally throughout the show.

I will be teaching a workshop, designed especially for Creativation and titled Mixed Media to the Max

I will be walking the show floor and scoping out all the trends. That way I can bring you my annual trend report so you can stay on top of this too. You can read my post on this from 2016 here.

So why am I talking about this January 2017 event in September 2016? Other than the fact that my preparations have already begun, I wanted to share with you an interview with the folks at CHA which has been published on their blog as part of their Meet the Faculty series. Learn a little bit more about me and my connection to CHA there.

Friday, February 12, 2016

Scrap n' Art Giveaway

I am so very pleased to have my line of rubber stamps from Impression Obsession featured in the February issue of Scrap n' Art Magazine. This online publication focuses on paper crafting, traditional and digital scrapbooking, and card making.

Different stamps from my collection at Impression Obsession were provided to their design team and the results, along with full supply lists and creative tips, are being presented in the current issue of the magazine. 

Here are just a few of the projects...

 Terre Fry

 Teresa Horner

 Lynda Lindley

 Kathy Adams

Normally there is a charge to access the monthly magazines. But Scrap n' Art has provided a code so that I can giveaway to all my readers a complimentary one year subscription. Head over to the site to subscribe and enter the code snarocks. 

While you are there, check out the entire feature, read more about Impression Obsession, and click on the interview that I had with the Scrap n' Art crew. 

AND head to this Facebook post to enter their giveaway for a piece of my original art that features my Impression Obsession stamps.

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

How do you Spell...

Spellbinders is introducing its new designers this and next week. Founder Stacey Caron was highlighted Monday and Becca Feeken was in the spotlight yesterday. Today is my day.

Head over to their blog to read my interview and hear more about my collection. And stay tuned for the release of the entire line in about 2 weeks.

Friday, July 10, 2015

We Asked the Artists

Somerset Place, the blog from Stampington & Company, have been posting an ongoing series called We Asked the Artists. They interviewed a group of artists, asking a series of questions that touch upon issues important to all of us. I am happy to be among the group who have provided responses. Reading the thoughts of so many different individuals about these topics is fascinating.

Their post in May tackled the question: What motivates you? When you find yourself in an artistic rut, what inspires you to get going again?

In June they asked: What is your ideal work environment? Do you listen to music, or do you prefer silence? Do you like to work alone, or share studio space with others?

I am already looking forward to July!

Thursday, July 2, 2015



I recently had the pleasure of being interviewed by Madeline Faiella about mixed media, artistic process, authenticity, influences, and more. You can read the highlights of our conversation here on the Mixed Media Art blog.

Some excerpts...

"There is a story and a sense of history that can be found in the layers of materials that make up a mixed media piece."

"Ultimately I am creating both from and for myself. What I do has to be an expression of me or it is not worth doing."

"I am still and will forever be developing my voice as a mixed media artist."

Saturday, December 27, 2014

Artful Resolutions

Twenty-four creatives, including myself, share their artful resolutions on Somerset Place - the blog from Stampington & Company. It is fascinating to read the varied thoughts of so many artists in response to the following questions:

What is your creative/artful resolution for 2015?

What do you do to stay inspired - will you be looking for new sources of inspiration in 2015?

How do you, as an artist/photographer/writer set challenging but attainable goals?

Click here for the blog post highlighting some of the answers and click here to see each and every response. And feel free to add your own responses to these questions in the comment section.

Friday, December 26, 2014


Every December, I always look back on the year about to pass and look forward to the year getting ready to unfold. This is true both in art and life. 2014 started off with a check mark when I accomplished a (very) long-standing goal of starting a website. This blog has always been home base for me but I knew that as an artist I needed a place to send people to easily find my artwork. I also wanted to able to have full control over my online shop. So in the later half of 2013, I began to explore platforms and after much research, decided to create my website using IndieMade. Nearly one year to the date of going live, I cannot be more pleased with the result.

The founder of IndieMade, Jennifer Rapp Peterson, is not only both creative and business-minded, she is a genuinely nice person. She recently interviewed me about my path to, process of, and plans for being an artist. You can read the entire interview - The Altered World of Seth Apter - here.

Friday, November 8, 2013

The Mind of the Mixed-Media Artist

Head on over to the Cloth Paper Scissor blog to read some Q & A between Cate Prato, the online editor at Interweave, and myself about the mind of the mixed-media artist and see some discoveries from my new book about being an artist today.

And stop by the the Interweave store where you will find my wish list of art supplies for this holiday season. See which products I cannot live without! And use code WISHLIST10 to save 10% off my picks.


My self portraits from my book The Mixed-Media Artist.

...the face we show the world is but a shadow of our innermost and true selves...

Archaeological Dig
Freud has likened psychoanalysis to archeology, describing it as the unearthing of meaning layered beneath an expanse of ruins. This resonates with me, in all the different bits and pieces of my life, including art...

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Time to Tap


Photographer, artist, and author Susan Tuttle has begun a new series on her blog called Tap-In. In Susan's words, this project will "present unique, inspiring interviews with creative types from various areas of the arts like painting, photography, sculpture/assemblage, mixed media, collage, fiber arts, writing, floral design, music cooking, and more."

First up in the series was Madelyn Mulvaney. And today I join in the fun. You can read what I have to say about creativity and life, and see my new photographic series Angels and Icons, by clicking here.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Mixed Media May

Mixed Media May

Artist and blogger Cindy Jones Lantier has put together a wonderful project called Mixed Media May. She is highlighting a single artist on each day of the month. Each artist has provided responses to the same series of questions and shared images of their artwork. There are 30 artists participating and Cindy has promised a special surprise for May 31st!

She has chosen a very eclectic group of artists, many of whom are new to me. It has been great fun "meeting" these new artists...and getting to know some old friends better. I am one of the featured artists and today is my day. You can see my interview here and keep track of all the postings by following MMM on Facebook.

Monday, November 21, 2011

On the Radio

I recently had the pleasure of being interviewed by Lesley Riley as a guest on her Art & Soul radio program. The show goes live on Monday, November 21st at 7pm EST and you can listen at this link. The show will be available to hear at any time after Monday and will also be available as a podcast on iTunes. Thanks for listening!

Monday, October 3, 2011

Questions and Answers

Billie's Craft Room

I am the Featured Artist of the Month on Billie's Craft Room, a wonderful blog from the UK that regularly features art tutorials, book and product reviews, artist interviews, free downloads, and more. Sending my thanks out to Billie for giving me the opportunity to be interviewed and to showcase my art.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Ice Ice Baby

Sending thanks out to Jen Cushman for inviting me to be featured in Susan Lenart Kazmer's newly redesigned Ice Queen E-Zine. Click here to read my interview and see my newest artwork. And while you are there, spend some time reading the daily, themed posts on this fascinating site.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

To the 10th Power

The newest and 10th issue of Pasticcio Quartz is hot off the presses. Created by Sarah Fishburn and Angela Cartwright, this publication is really more book than zine. I guess that is why the title includes the word Quartz, which stands for Quality Art Zine.

Sarah and Angela pour their hearts and talents into every issue. One of the many things that makes Pasticcio so special is the wide variety of topics covered. Of course there is art, and at 72 pages there is a lot of art to love. But there are also interviews, book and movie reviews, tutorials, links to discover, stories, historical artist reviews, and so much more.

Sarah and Angela invited me to be part of this issue and I am happy to say that you can find my art and an interview featured in the Art Array section. The art images shown in this post are two of my pieces that you will find in issue 10.

You can see a preview of Pasticcio, including a page from my feature, and order your copy here.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

A Visit with Helen

Helen Stead is a visual arts student from Manchester, UK. Her two blogs feature her own mixed media work with paper, fabric, and photography, interviews with other artists, and inspired finds. She recently invited me to be interviewed and you can "read all about it" here.

Thanks Helen for the opportunity.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Next Stop: Ephemera

Sometimes road trips take place through the streets and sometimes they take place travelling through cyberspace. So we interrupt our regularly scheduled posting about my new discoveries on the road to share with you one from the blogospshere. Marty Weil has a fascinating blog called Ephemera.

His love of all things paper is instantly clear from his postings. His focus is on collectible, vintage paper items such as letters, newspapers, advertisements, photographs, and the like. He also posts interviews with people who have some sort of connection with ephemera and/or paper. And I am happy to tell you that he has just posted an interview with me. Click here to go straight to the interview and click here for the general link to his blog.

Thanks for the opportunity Marty!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009


ETSY Today

Golden Night

Ingredients: watercolor paper, altered paper, vintage book page, tissue paper, acrylic paint, wax pastels, pigment ink, dye ink, colored pencil, rub on letters, dry transfer, altered found metal objects. approximately 4" x 3". click to enlarge.

Available for purchase in The Altered Page on Etsy.
Sold. Thank you!

MMCA Today

A big thank you goes out to Debbie Overton who invited me to do a guest interview on her wonderful blog MMCA Marketplace.

Head on over to the interview to see a sampling of my artwork and to learn a little bit more about me, my artwork, and my collaborative projects. And while you are there look around through the blogs and shops of the MMCA members. You will also find free digital images and links to online art suppliers, workshops and retreats, tutorials, challenges, and exhibitions.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Therapy Session

I’m the featured artist this week over at Creative Therapy, a great blog that gives weekly prompts, or catalysts, to get us creating art about the things in our lives that are important to us. I rarely make artwork based on a prompt but I find those that are offered on this site to be thought provoking and quite unique. Click here to see how I responded to the following prompt:

"create art about a time when something that then seemed small happened but then it ended up changing your life"

I often find that seemingly small experiences can have big impact, but life changing? Not usually. But in the case of the moment in time that is represented by this art piece, absolutely!