The 2006 Catolympics

Friday, June 16, 2006


The Sandpoint High School Band has just arrived, as have the Color Guard. The American flag has been placed in the center of the arena and all other participating countries' flags are placed on either side....then the state flags on the far left and right. ESPN news has been here for about an hour now, taping.

Food is available in the hotel dining area at all times. Stinky Goodness will be served in an hour. A litter box (scooped hourly) and fresh water, along with the bedding you requested, is in your cubicle. Your name is above the door along with the state/country you are from and the events you are going to be in. Every effort has been made to keep family members together (unless otherwise requested.) We are sorry we couldn't always put you right where you requested, but made every effort to get as close as possible. It seems the cubicles closest to the dining area were in great demand and went first.

The lighted torch is burning brightly where Mistrie placed it yesterday, in it's holder, next to the cauldron. Mistrie is standing there, her leg of the journey, to light the torch.

The excitement is unbelievable. Every once in a while a wild cheer goes up and you hear CATOLYMPICS 2006!!!! Cats are milling around, getting to know each other, happy to see old friends......shaking paws and running around like their butts are on fire!! Yes, the day has arrived!!!


  • Hi there! Just checking in to pick up my ID and competitor's packet. I see my cubicle is very close to the dining area - how thoughtful! Someone must know I like my food.

    By Blogger Fat Eric, at Friday, June 16, 2006 4:05:00 PM  

  • I know the time change makes it hard for you Eric. We are sorry about that......hope the jet lag isn't too bad. Here is your packet with your ID tag....go get some stinky goodness in the dining room!!

    By Blogger Big Piney Woods Cats, at Friday, June 16, 2006 4:43:00 PM  

  • Oh good. We haven't missed anything. I was worried because I don't tell time so good and Momma had to work! Georgia, get over here--I want to get my badge.

    Chey could you at least check in before you start gulping all their food?

    By Blogger Gemini, at Friday, June 16, 2006 6:15:00 PM  

  • HI efurryone. Boo and Ping and myself are here to check in. It was really nice to put us all together,and I see we are right next to Miles & Sammy!!


    By Blogger ANGEL ABBYGRACE, at Friday, June 16, 2006 7:11:00 PM  

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