The 2006 Catolympics

Saturday, June 17, 2006

Speed Racing

Wow, it's been an exciting race so far! The crowd is going wild! Princess Mia's afternoon practice seems to have paid off, but Timmy is not far behind! Oh, wait . . .! Is that Timmy in front now? Oh, those Tuxedo Cats are so hard to tell apart sometimes!

Coming 'round the turn they are now, with the pack a mass of beautiful fur! Derby and Nala are neck and neck, with Oreo and Finny coming around on either side, trying to pass them!

Beau Beau looks like he's ready to jump over everyone! (Is that allowed?!)

Bella, Ping and Mistre are right on their tails, looking fresh enough to overcome the blistering pace!

Wait, what do I see . . . It's Kiara, Buddy and Dolce! They were bringing up the rear, but they're making their move now!

The finish line is coming up! The pack of racing cats is bunching up again ... I can't tell anymore who is where ...



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