Showing posts with label The Beatles. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Beatles. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Mything Pieces IV

Interviews from around the world, from 1964 - 1967.
Humour always at the ready, it's refreshing to hear an entire program rather than a poor edit.
Final disc of this set. Further infos on this disc and set.

Friday, July 20, 2007

Mything Pieces III

Further info can be found here.
Full concert from Essen, but as with other shows from the lads, it's hard to hear over the crowd.
Odds and ends include appearances on Jukebox Jury, various interviews, and the boys on Public Ear.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Mything Pieces II

As with part 1, BLZ has this to say about the series:
" An internet-made compilation of the unreleased or upgraded tracks found on Strawberry's Mythology series."
From their television appearances in December 1963 on "It's The Beatles" and January 1964 back at the Palladium on a Sunday Night, a couple of tracks aired on BBC's "Top Gear" later in 64, to another appearance on "Blackpool Night Out" in August 1965, this collection continues their media legacy, with a final track from Lennon's appearance on "Frost On Sunday" when in the final seconds of the broadcast, the first public airing of the new track "Hey Jude" occurs to John's surprise, with his leading the audience in a sing-a-long of the chorus. Priceless!

Saturday, July 7, 2007

Mything Pieces I

Further info here.
From BLZ:"An internet-made compilation of the unreleased or upgraded tracks found on Strawberry's Mythology series."

In which is covered roughly a year in the life, starting mid-1963 with recordings made for the BBC radio programme "Saturday Club", continuing through their TV performance from "Sunday Night At The Palladium", on to a command performance at London's Prince Of Wales Theatre, back to TV with the "Morecambe & Wise Show", some odds and ends, rounding it out in mid-1964 with television's "Blackpool Night Out". Talk about some busy human beings! At the "further info" link, you'll find dates and verifications. More Mything Pieces to come.

Friday, June 29, 2007

As Nature Intended

Though certainly not the Complete Rooftop Sessions, still a very good stereo recording of the tracks listed. Add to that Glyn John's First Mix, and it's one very nice artifact of one of the finest rock and roll acts in the world.
Good info here and here.

Liner notes from the Complete Rooftop Session (a different item than this)
"The Beatles were going to make a documentary film of themselves producing a TV show and writing a bunch of new songs for their next album, which was to be a return to their roots of the rocking days. This was probably inspired by the emergence of The Band, straightforward, downhome and everyone's favourite name to drop at the time.With a working title of "Get Back" rehearsals began at Twickenham studios on January the 2nd, 1969. The project quickly ran into trouble, George Harrison walked out after eight days complaining of continual criticism from Paul McCartney. However, he returned a week later. The TV show idea had to be dumped because they couldn't find a suitable location. They thought about hiring an ocean liner, but somewhere along the line that idea was also shelved, along with a number of other exotic suggestions. But it was John Lennon's suggestion to record a selection of songs in the controlled atmosphere of a studio.At this time, plans were made to turn the roof at No 3 Saville Row, the Apple Corps HQ, into a tranquil roof garden, and so Ringo Starr and Michael Lindsay-Hogg decided to take a look. It seemed ideal for what they had in mind.The Beatles last ever public concert took place around mid-day on Thursday January the 30th and lasted a full 42 minutes, and may well have gone on longer had it not been for the complaints of the neighbour, Stanley Davis. The wool merchant next door was not a Beatles fan so it seemed. He was quoted as saying "I want this bloody noise stopped. It's an absolute disgrace". But the banker, Alan Pulverness, at the end of the street was kinder, he said "Some people just can't appreciate good music".The film won an Oscar for best musical score and it was presented to Paul McCartney by non-other than John Wayne, Big Leggy. But by the time it was premiered on May the 13th, 1970, The Beatles had split. The dream was over..."

Thursday, June 21, 2007

John Barrett Vol. 4 - How Do You Do It?

Tracklist and Infos here and here

Well, I goofed, but only a little:) Turns out that as I was preparing tracks for the Vol. 1 upload, I inadvertently dropped some of the George Harrison in here(part 2). Please forgive.

This is the last of the Barrett I own. There appears to be a Vol. 8 listed on BLZ and is labelled "Sessions", being the precursor to Anthology that Barrett compiled back in 82.

Contained herein are some more Barrett treatments of Get Back Sessions and odds and ends, some culled for the Abbey Road Video Show. Very nice to the ear holes.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

John Barrett Vol. 1

Tracklisting and infos here and here
Different edits of the George Harrison tracks from Odds and Ends(including "Nashville Freakout", not on the previous), a visit to "That Means A Lot", various pieces from 62-3, and a nice take of Ringo's Stormy Weather.

Saturday, June 16, 2007

John Barrett Vol.3 She Loves You

Tracklist and info here and here
Suffice it to say these tracks, while repetitive, at least show some insight to the process of finalisation and the ability to ditch a song when not up to par. Most of these appear on other collections, but Barrett manages to make the most fit audio selection.

Thursday, June 14, 2007


From BLZ:
"Assembled from the finest quality master tapes available, "From Kinfauns To Chaos" documents an ending and a beginning, the end of the Beatles as a cohesive assemblage, and the beginning of John and Yoko as a collective unit. This two - CD set features the most complete, best sounding version to date of the May, 1968 "White Album" demos recorded at George's "Kinfauns" Bungalow on disc one."
From maccafan:
"Disc 1: The Beatles gathered at George's house ("Kinfauns", in Esher, Surrey) around the third week of May 1968 to record demos for the forthcoming "White Album" on George's four track equipment. The tracks were mixed to mono by George. John, Paul and Ringo each received copies of this reduction tape. This first disc comes from John's copy and, actually, it is the best sounding version to date of these demos. "

Tracklisting can be found at either of the above links. I do not currently have Disc 2, but if anyone out there has it for DL, please advise.

As more of a querie, tacked onto part two I have added what I believe to be a segment of the legendary 27 minute version of Helter Skelter. At 11:59, when I pulled it a few years ago there was the promise of part two, which didn't surface. I can't remember who or where from whence I got it (I've since gotten better about documentation and archiving:), but if someone out there can verify, produce part 2, or something in-between, please advise. Until otherwise proven, I'm going on good faith that this music is what I was told.

"The doctors here at the asylum wanted to do a little research on this ferocious ditty. While we were hitting the books we came across a great Beatles reference book by Mark Lewisohn, The Beatles: Recording Sessions. According to Recording Sessions the Beatles recorded three different takes of Helter Skelter at Abbey Road on July 18, 1968. The first take clocked in at 10 minutes & 40 seconds, take two at 12 minutes & 35 minutes, and take three…the holy grail of all un-bootlegged Beatles tracks, a soul stoppin’ 27 minutes & 11 seconds. They came back to HS on September 9 to record takes four through twenty-one. It was after take 21 that Ringo screamed his famous lines, "I’ve got blisters on my fingers!"" That being said, this collection of demos is phenomenal, particularly to the fan. Some unused bits, either at the time or forever; John would rework Child Of Nature and George wouldn't release Circles for another 14 years.


Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Cassette Dubs Vol. 7: Get Back (Glyn John's 2nd mix 5 Jan 1970)

Tracklist and Info

Long before the "naked" version came out and certainly before Spector got his filthy (though full-sounding) hands on the tapes, Glyn John's culled an album from hours of only somewhat productive studio time. Don't know why they didn't go with this version, but at least someone kept a copy. "For You Blue" has the original vocals. "Across The Universe" here is the version I love best.
Good rock and roll.

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

John Barrett Cassette Dubs Vol. 2

The first two tracks made me fall in love with the Beatles all over again. A few mates hanging out and goofing around. Prowess is shown, though. In honor of the new Macca album.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

John Barrett Cassette Dubs Vol. 6 1983 Abbey Road Video Show

Infos and tracklist

"Prior to the early 1980's, it was pure hearsay amongst Beatles aficionados as to what was inside the EMI vaults pertaining to the group's residency at Abbey Road and other studios from 1962 until 1970. Also, very little was known about actual recording dates of their album and singles. Most of the information that was available to fans came from contemporary reports in UK music magazines such as "New Musical Express" or "Melody Maker", or fan mags like "Beatles Monthly". This info, some correct, some not, was then regurgitated in many of the earlier Beatles books, such as Roy Carr and Tony Tyler's "An Illustrated Record" or Harry Castleman and Wally Podrazik's "All Together Now".

All of this uncertainty was to change beginning in 1981. That year, an engineer at Abbey Road named John Barrett found he had cancer, and was looking for a way to occupy his time while undergoing treatment. Ken Townsend, the manager of the studios at the time, thought that finally going through the vaults and seeing exactly was and was not there with regards to the Beatles' many recording sessions would be an excellent task for the ailing engineer.

Throughout 1982, Barrett was also compiling audio material for a Beatles multi-media show that would take place in the famed Abbey Road Studio 2 while it was being refurbished in the summer of 1983. While this cataloging and assemblage for "The Beatles At Abbey Road" (as the show was to be imaginatively titled) was occurring, Barrett was running cassette dubs of some of the more interesting material for his own use. Some of the material was mixed as he was running his tapes, while some tracks where the original mixes done at the time of the recording sessions. Barrett knew what he was doing; he dubbed off lengendary tracks such as "Leave My Kitten Alone", which had never been issued, as well as the more interesting alternate takes in the vaults like "Norwegian Wood" take one. Also, many of the tracks he dubbed where stereo mixes of titles that at the time hadn't seen the light of day in stereo, or had seen limited release, such as "This Boy"."

Shown at Abbey Road Video Show between July 18, 1983-September 11, 1983

Part 1 Part 2