Showing posts with label litho ink. Show all posts
Showing posts with label litho ink. Show all posts

October 01, 2009

Landscape Nr. 38

This is the twelfth in the series "zooming into my drawings", and I think I'll stop here.
Or maybe not.

Dies ist die zwölfte Zeichnung in der Serie "Ich zoome in meine eigene Zeichnung hinein", und ich denke, es ist auch die letzte.
Aber vielleicht auch nicht.

Ceci est le douzième dessin dans la série "Je zoome dans mes propres dessins", et je pense que c'en est aussi le dernier.
Mais ... peut-être pas.

27,9 x 42 cm
11.7 x 16.5 in.

September 24, 2009

Paysage no. 37

Aujourd'hui, j'ai même utilisé un peu de peinture acrylique blanche.

Today I've even added some white acrylic paint.

Heute habe ich zusätzlich sogar noch weisse Acrylfarbe eingesetzt.

27,9 x 42 cm
11.7 x 16.5 in.

September 21, 2009

Landschaft Nr. 36

Zu dieser Zeichnung gibt es nicht viel zu sagen ausser dem, was man auch so sieht: Ich habe hier mal so richtig die Farben explodieren lassen... und es ist immer noch derselbe Ort, noch etwas näher rangezoomt.

Il n'y a pas grand chose à dire sur ce dessin à part ce que l'on voit de toute façon: Pour une fois j'ai vraiment fait exploser les couleurs! Et c'est toujours au même endroit les mes dessins précédents.

There's not much to say about this drawing, except what you see anyway: The colors are really exploding in this one... and it's still the same place as in the previous drawings, just zoomed a little closer again.

November 12, 2008

La Médiathèque de Valbonne

Valbonne Media Center
La Médiathèque de Valbonne Sophia Antipolis

32 x 24 cm / 12.6 x 9.4 in. / SOLD

October 07, 2008

La Ferme Bermond

La ferme Bermond à Garbejaire (Sophia- Antipolis). En bas, un détail.
The Bermond Farm (below: a detail) / Der Bermond-Hof (unten: Detail)

32 x 24 cm / Sold

September 09, 2008

July 04, 2008


A view on the Theleme building in Sophia Antipolis.
It's an interesting architecture and my drawing doesn't really show a lot of it, but after a few discarded drawings (again), this one suddenly seemed to know better than myself what I was looking for...
(Anyone interested in architecture? I just found this link where the building is presented.)
29 x 21 cm

June 26, 2008


The Athena building in Sophia Antipolis ... I struggled quite a bit with this view, couldn't get anything satisfying on paper for several days - probably due to the complex geometrical forms being interrupted by the trees, but that's just what is so interesting in this place.
This solution here works fine for me, and I think it's because I rather 'painted' with a long arm, instead of drawing meticulously with the hand directly on the paper as I tried the other days.
I also set the contours of the building only once the large forms were already there, this method often seems to work better than the other way round.

29 x 21 cm

May 28, 2008

Free drawing #17

This drawing shows the photograph Suzanne McDermott has taken of free drawing #16, which was the drawing of the photograph Edward B. Gordon has taken of free drawing #15, the drawing of the photograph Anthony Gripon has taken of free drawing #11, which was the drawing that I've made of the photograph Sarah Wimperis has taken of free drawing #8, which showed the photograph Ed Lisieski took of my drawing "Building #1".

Ce dessin montre la photo que m'a envoyée Suzanne McDermott après avoir reçu dessin gratuit no. 16, qui était le dessin de la photo prise par Edward B. Gordon, qui montre le dessin gratuit no. 15, qui était un dessin de la photo qu'Anthony Gripon a prise de mon dessin gratuit no. 11 - le dessin que j'ai fait de la photo que Sarah Wimperis a prise du dessin gratuit no. 8, qui montrait la photo prise par Ed Lisieski de mon dessin Building #1.

Pencil, Indian ink and litho ink on paper, 10 x 15 cm (3.9 x 5.9 in.), currently available / Actuellement disponible

To learn more about "free drawings", please visit this blog.

Pour plus d'information sur les dessins gratuits, suivre ce lien.

Same Sky, Next Day

Litho ink & pencil, 22 x 16 cm

February 20, 2008

Awaiting the Spring

En attendant le printemps
Warten auf den Frühling
Indian ink and litho ink, 16 x 24 cm

February 18, 2008

Parked Cars #2

Bon, par rapport à mon dernier dessin on peut se demander pourquoi je dessine des voitures garées, il n'y a rien de moins intéressant. Eh bien je trouvais intéressant comment les surfaces brillantes des voitures réflétaient la lumière, en entrant dans un dialogue avec les contours illuminés des arbres et avec la route qui, en principe plutôt noire, était, elle aussi, brillante - comme la mer - alors qu'elle n'était point mouillée aujourd'hui. Voilà pourquoi.

I agree that after my last drawing, you can wonder why I draw parked cars - nothing's less interesting than parked cars. Well, I found it interesting how the brilliant surfaces of the cars reflected the light, in some sort of dialogue with the illuminated contours of the trees, and with the street which, though its local colour is usually rather black, was also reflecting the light - like the Sea - although it wasn't even wet today. That's why.

Indian ink and litho ink, 16 x 24 cm

February 15, 2008

Saint Paul de Vence

I went to Saint Paul de Vence this evening to see a vernissage at Catherine Issert, but it didn't take place - the announced date was wrong (but at least the gallery was open and I liked the current exhibition). Afterwards I made this drawing in the village.

Indian ink and litho ink, 16 x 24 cm

January 27, 2008