Showing posts with label I prefer chocolate chip. Show all posts
Showing posts with label I prefer chocolate chip. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Nobody Doesn't Like Sara Lee...

I don't cook. Most nights I eat Kraft Dinner or a sandwich for supper.
I do make the occasional curry, but on the whole dinner is a pretty simple affair.

But I bake. I'll see photo of something and decide to invent it. Yup- I'm Betty Crocker.

So naturally My Dear Anon requests me to assist when she decides to repay her neighbours for constantly giving her free berries and such.

They gave her blueberries this past weekend. I whole-heartedly support her turning them into muffins and sending them back to the neighbours. I'm not a fan of the blueberry. Not muffins or pancakes. Not pie. Not alone. Not juice. At most I will let them sit in a bowl and I'll acknowledge that they're pretty. Other than that? Evil.

So fine. We go and buy supplies. Then we realized we forgot the muffin cup liners. Out we go again to get those. OK! We're all set.

Muffins first. My Dear Anon reads the recipe and I stir. MDA doesn't like my stirring. Seems to think everything should be blended. Anal.

So the muffins bake and we then move on to the oatmeal cookies she's decided she wants to give to her family. OK!

I read the recipe and she stirs. I show her the art of not measuring and just tossing things in. It's more creative that way. Makes you feel more chef-like. She gets all cranky when I ignore the whole "dry ingredients should be mixed separately from wet ingredients" thing. Uptight.

Then she decides she wants some cookies for herself without raisins. What's that about?

So I pick out the raisins from a few of the cookies, then decide that some raisins would be good for her and stop trying.

So we bake. And watch the Olympics.

20 minutes later she tries a cookie. And makes a face. WTF?! Hello - I just helped you create art! Don'tyoumakethatface!!

I tried a bite. Oh yeah that sucks. What kind of crappy recipe did you use? Let me see that.
Uh MDA? Did we remember to put in sugar? Oh - uh, did I forget to tell you to put in sugar?


So I owe My Dear Anon and her family some cookies.

And I haven't heard the end of it on facebook ever since. Every day she has a new status. " craving cookies." "...likes sugar. Especially in cookies." Yadda yadda.

Don't know why I'm friends with her anyhow.


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