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Showing posts with the label Bella

I like Bella because......

When I think of Bella, I think of the time I had to get some boiled peanuts at the convenience store in Florida. Bella had written a post about the peanut festival in her home town. I was told by my wife and her parents that I wouldn't like them. when I tried them, I found out they were okay, that they tasted like chick peas. Bella is an ob-gyn nurse in Alabama. As such many children come into the world and the first thing they may see is her face. After this, they are in for a major disappointment when they start seeing other people. But Bella is more than just another pretty face, she is a very interesting person. She posted that her first job was at Hardees . I'm still trying to picture her wearing one of those polyester uniforms, complete with the ugly hat over all that hair. Also, I can now see why she made the decision to join PETA. And she went from Hardees to health care. Go figure. Bella is also green, meaning she drives a hybrid and eats organic food. One of the first