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Biology & Prehistory

Je vous présente ci-dessous quelques illustrations virtuelles dans les domaines de la biologie et de la préhistoire. De nouvelles images sont régulièrement ajoutées à cette collection.

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I present you below some renderings in the fields of biology and prehistory. New illustrations are regularly added to this collection.

See also the galleries Astronomy, Solar System, Earth, Alien Worlds, TerragenAnimals, Portraits, Jesus and Co., Sciences & Technologies, Astronauts, Space Tourism & Spaceships, UFO & UAP, Aliens, and Computer Graphics.

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These images are protected by copyright.


Biology - Prehistory




A Blue Human Eye

The DNA Molecule


The DNA Molecule



The DNA Molecule



Grass of a Pond at Sunset



Young Shoot (Sustainable Development)



Young Shoot (Sustainable Development)


Virions of Influenzavirus, H1N1

Infection by Covid-19

Covid-19 in Raindrops

Microbes on ISS

Genetic manipulations


Neolithic Warrior Living in the Jungle

Homo sapiens Skull

Human Skull in the Desert

  Neolithic Warriors Living in the Jungle  


Neolithic Warriors Living in the Jungle  

Neolithic Homo sapiens Hunting with a Bow and Arrows (< 10 Ka)

Neolithic Homo sapiens Hunting with a Bow and Arrows (< 10 ka)

Homo sapiens Returning from Fishing (50-10 ka)

Cave Painting by Homo sapiens

Cro-Magnon Returning from Hunting

Female Homo sapiens Making a Cave Painting

Cave Painting by Homo sapiens

Homo sapiens Making a Cave Painting (45-10 ka)

Homo sapiens Hunters (300-50 ka)

Cro-Magnon in a Cave (20 Ka)


Homo sapiens on the Lookout (430-100 ka)


Bone Used as Hammer Percussor

Notched Arrowhead/Spear Tip Made by Neolitic Homo sapiens (<10 ka)


Biface Stone Made by H.Sapiens (100 ka)


Homo sapiens Looking at his Reflection in the Water

Homo sapiens Looking at his Reflection in the Water


Cro-Magnon in a Cave (20 Ka)



Cro-Magnon in a Cave (20 Ka)



Cro-Magnon in Cave Around a Fire



Homo sapiens Around a Fire



Homo sapiens Around a Fire


South Asian Homo sapiens Woman

Caucasian Homo sapiens Woman

North America Homo sapiens (30-10 ka)

Homo sapiens (< 10 ka)

Homo sapiens from Europe, South-East Asia and Oceania (75-10 ka)


Homo sapiens from Central Asia (100-10 ka)



Homo sapiens from Siberian Altai (100-10 ka)


Homo sapiens Woman from South-East Asia - Pacific (75-10 Ka)

Homo neanderthalensis Man

Homo neanderthalensis Woman

Homo floresiensis Female (95-12 ka)

Homo neanderthalensis Looking at his Reflection in the Water

Homo neanderthalensis

(50-26 ka, the last generation who borrowed ideas from Homo sapiens)


Homo neanderthalensis (430-100 ka)


Homo neanderthalensis (430-100 ka)


Homo neanderthalensis Around a Fire

Homo neanderthalensis (430-100 ka)


Biface (Handaxe Stone) Made by Neandertal


Homo erectus (1.9-0.1 Ma)

Acheulian Handaxe Made by H. erectus

Australopithecus africanus (2-3 Ma)

Australopithecus afarensis (3 Ma)

Ardipithecus ramidus (4.4 Ma)

Australopithecus sediba (1.9 Ma)


Ardipithecus ramidus (4.4 Ma)


Orrorin tugenensis (6 Ma)

Ardipithecus ramidus (4.4 Ma)


Toumai, Sahelanthropus Tchadensis (7 Ma)


Toumai, Sahelanthropus Tchadensis (7 Ma)


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