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Je vous présente ci-dessous quelques photos virtuelles d'OVNI et autres UAP. De nouvelles illustrations sont régulièrement ajoutées à cette collection.

Consultez également les galeries Aliens, Astronomy, Solar System, Earth, Alien Worlds, Terragen, Portraits, Jesus and Co., Astronauts, Space Tourism & Spaceships, Sciences & Technologies, Biology & Prehistory, Animals et Infographies pour d'autres illustrations.

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I present you below some virtual pictures of UFO and other UAP. New renderings are regularly added to this collection.

See also the galleries Aliens, Astronomy, Solar System, Earth, Alien Worlds, Terragen, Portraits, Jesus and Co., Astronauts, Space Tourism & Spaceships, Sciences & Technologies, Biology & Prehistory, Animals, and Computer Graphics for additional renderings.

Check this scale to adjust your screen luminosity and contrast.

You can purchase these illustrations. Check the FAQ for commercial issues.

These images are protected by copyright.


Historical Cases - In the Atmosphere - Involving Military Aircrafts

Involving Civilian Aircrafts - Near the Ground - At Sea - At Night

Somewhere on a Secret Base - Vintage

Crashes - Beaming - Abduction - Other

Historical Cases



Terauchi's JALcargo Case, 1986


Coyne's Helicopter Case, 1973

The Levelland Lights, 1957

The Levelland Lights, 1957

Kenneth Arnold's Case, 1947

Duane Adams' B-25 Case, c.1946

Beaufighter near Strasbourg Case, 1945

Taylor's B-24 Case, 1944

Spitfire X of the 541th RAF Squadron Case, 1945

B-29s of the 21th Bomber Command Case, 1945

B-29s of the 21th Bomber Command Case, 1945

B-17 of the 384th Bomber Group Case, 1943

Lumsden's Hurricane Case, 1942

P-43 with Foo Fighters during WWII

In the Atmosphere


UAP in the Atmosphere


UAP in the Atmosphere


UAP in the Atmosphere


UAP in the Atmosphere



UAP in the Atmosphere



UAP Emerging from the Clouds


Involving Military Aircrafts

F-18s Chasing an UAP

F-18 and F-16 Chasing an UAP

F-16s Chasing a UAP

F-35s Chasing a UAP

F-22s Chasing a UAP

F-22 Avoiding a UAP (Air Miss)

F-16s Chasing a UAP

UAP Approaching a Jet

UAP Locked by a F-18 Radar

UAP in a F-18 HUD

UAP Releasing Gas Near a Jet

Jet Chasing a UAP

F-22 Chasing a UAP

Jets Chasing a UAP

Jets Approaching a UAP

UAP Approaching a Jet

Jet, Run After Me!

Contact with a UAP above the City

Involving Civilian Aircrafts

UAP Approaching a B-737

UAP Approaching a B-737

UAP Approaching a B-737

UAP Approaching a B-737

Liner Avoiding a UAP

UAP Approaching a A350

UAP Approaching a B-737

B-747 Facing a UAP

UAP Approaching a A320

UAP seen from a B-737 Porthole

A Torus UAP Approaching a B-737

Notched Disks UAP near a DC-3

UAP Approaching a DC-3

Near the Ground


Near Roswell (vintage)


Near Roswell (vintage)


Witnesses of a UFO

UAP in a Clearing

Witness of a UFO


Witness of a UFO



Witness of a UFO



UAP above a Crop Field at DayTime



UAP above a Crop Field



UAP above a Crop Circle



UAP above a Crop Circle


At Sea



Contact at Sea Level



Contact at Sea Level



Contact at Sea Level


At Night


Night Lights


Luminous UAP at Dusk


The Yakima Lights

Mount Adams Lights

Night Light

V-Shape Night Lights

V-Shape UAP


Luminous UAP


UAP Beaming


UAP Beaming



UAP Stopping a Car


UAP Stopping a Car


UAP Stopping a Car


Triangular UAP


Triangular UAP


Rendezvous Between High-Tech Gears

Triangular UAP above a Road

Triangular UAP above a Road

Triangular UAP under the Moonlight


UAP at Night with Witnesses



UAP above a Road



UAP above a Road



UAP above a Road



UAP above a Road



UAP above a Village



UAP above a Crop Field



UAP above a Crop Field


UAP above a Crop Field

UAP above a Village


Black & Luminous Flying Saucer



Black & Luminous Flying Saucer


Somewhere on a Secret Base


Black Program


Black Program

Black Program

Black Program

Black Program


Black Program


Black Program

Black Program


Black Program


Black Program


Black Program




Vintage pictures of UFO


Vintage pictures of UFO


Vintage Pictures of UFO


UFO Hovering near Witnesses


UFO Hovering near Witnesses


Avron Anson and Notched Disks UAP Flying near Mt.Rainier

Encounter of the First Kind




Crashed UAP


Crashed UAP


Crashed UAP


Crashed UAP


Crashed UAP


Crashed UAP


Crashed UAP


Crashed UAP


Crashed UAP


Crashed UAP


Crashed UAP


Crashed UAP


Crashed UAP


Crashed UAP


Crashed UAP


Crashed UAP


Crashed UAP


Crashed UAP




UAP Beaming



UAP Beaming


UAP Beaming


UAP Beaming












Some  Shapes of Silvery Flying Saucers


UFO - The Phoenix Lights (1997)

Dr Hynek Viewing a Radar Recording

Les Cinq Observables des UAP

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