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Ciel Nuageux

Portefolio de l'auteur

Vous trouverez ci-dessous quelques photographies de nuages et autres phénomènes météos apparentés photographiés au Luxembourg ou en Belgique.

Cloudy Sky

The author's Portfolio

You will find below some pictures of clouds (see also the French page), and other weather associated phenomena pictured in Luxembourg or Belgium.

Visitez également les pages Les Quatre Saisons, Microcosmos, Sunset boulevard, Voyages et tourisme et Infrared World pour d'autres images.

Voyez cette page pour ajuster la luminosité et le contraste de votre écran.

Vous désirez acheter ces photographies ? Je vous propose ces images au format électronique ou sur papier jusqu'au format 50 x 70 cm.

Consultez la FAQ pour les questions commerciales.

Ces images sont protégées par le droit d'auteur.

Visit also The Four Seasons, Microcosmos, Sunset boulevard, Voyages and tourism and Infrared World for other images.

See this French page to adjust your screen luminosity and contrast.

You want to purchase these pictures ? I offer you these images in electronic format or on paper up to 50 x 70 cm (20 x 27").

Check the FAQ for commercial issues.

These images are protected by copyright.


Ciels enflammés - Fiery Skies

Sunset near Arlon after a Thunderstorm in July

Sunset near Assesse in September

Sunset near Arlon after a Thunderstorm in July

Sunset at Wépion in November with Pillar

End of a Wintry Day at Livange

Sunset at Wépion in November

Cumulus humilis at Eve

Sunset near Bekerich in September

Sunset at Wépion in September

Sc & Ac at Sunset

Cirrus fibratus at Sunset

Sunrise through Stratiform Clouds

Stratocumulus at Sunset

Stratocumulus at Sunset

Sunset After a Thundery Eve

Sunset After the Thunderstorm

Dissipating Thunderstorm at Sunset

Sunset After the Thunderstorm

Showers & Rainbows

Virga at Sunset after a Thunderstrom

Cb cap pra

Sun Rays Behind the Shower

Showers (Cb pra)

Showers (Cb pra)

Showers with Virga (Cb pra vir)

Showers (Cb pra)

Stratocumulus opacus mamma

Sun Rays at Sunset

Rainbow Wheel & Crepuscular Rays

Rainbow with Cu con pra, Cb pra

Shower and Rainbow (Cu con pra, Cb pra)

Ciel Nuageux - Cloudy Sky


Altostratus undulatus asperitas


Altostratus undulatus asperitas


Invading and Persisting Contrails (Cirrus homogenitus)

Cirrus fibratus vertebratus

Cirrus fib ver homomutatus

Ac len over Cu

Cirrus spissatus & floccus

Cirrus spissatus & floccus

Cirrus fibratus ver & spi

Cirrus floccus

Cirrus fib & circumzenithal arc

Cirrostratus nebulosus & Parhelion

Cirrostratus neb & 22° partial halo

Altostratus translucidus

Altocumulus floccus (25 min. apart)

Altocumulus floccus lacunosus

Altocumulus perlucidus

Ac un pe and Ac lacunosus

Altocumulus undulatus stratiformis

Fog in Meuse Valley

Stratocumulus translucidus perlucidus

Sc tr pe with a Cavum

Cirrostratus & Fractocumulus

Cirrus & Fractocumulus

Cumulonimbus incus


Cumulonimbus capillatus incus


Sun Rays (Cu med or Sc)

Shadow and Light on Cumulus

Cumulus mediocris

Cumulus humilis & mediocris

Streets of Cumulus hum & med


Cu con, Fc, Ac

Large Cu con behind a Trowal

Fc, Cu con, Ac behind a Trowal (Trough Of Warm Air Aloft) in Front of a Depression


Behind an Unstable Cold Front (Fc, Cu hum, Cu con)


Flight over Europe

Clouds and Glints Against the Light over the Mediterranean (Offshore Barcelona)

Stratocumulus with Embedded Cumulus Congestus

Banks of Stratocumulus with Embedded Cumulus Congestus

Airplane at 5000'

Stratocumulus with Embedded Cumulus, Altostratus

Low Stratus (Fog) Around Hills

Pyrocumulus and Low Stratus

Low Stratus (Fog) at Ground Level

Low Stratus (Fog) at Ground Level

Droits de reproductions réservés - Reproduction rights reserved.

Some pictures have been published on Flickr,, Weather Picture of the Day, Earth Science Picture of the Day, Quel temps! (RTBF), and the former Panoramio websites (Google Maps) among others.

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