Showing posts with label poems. Show all posts
Showing posts with label poems. Show all posts

Ten Little Gartien Pineapple Cakes

Posted by : foongpc | Friday, January 3, 2014 | Published in


Ten little Gartien pineapple cakes in a box,
One was eaten by Panda and then there were nine.

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Nine little Gartien pineapple cakes on display,
One was munched furiously by Panda's brother and then there were eight.

Eight little Gartien pineapple cakes tempting everyone,
One was stolen and then there were seven.

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Seven little Gartien pineapple cakes crying out "Eat me!",
One had his wish fulfilled and then there were six.

Six little Gartien pineapple cakes looking pretty,
One found her admirer and then there were five.

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Five little Gartien pineapple cakes having a party,
One got drunk and then there were four.

Four little Gartien pineapple cakes dancing the night away,
One fell out of the box and then there were three.

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Three little Gartien pineapple cakes looking at each other,
One killed himself out of boredom and then there were two.

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Two little Gartien pineapple cakes feeling lovey dovey,
One was snatched away and then there was one.

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One little Gartien pineapple cake left all alone,
He was eaten by who else, but Panda! …. and then there were none.

*Based on the famous nursery rhyme "Ten Little Indians" and the book "And Then There Were None" by my favorite detective novelist Agatha Christie. If you have not read the book, it's about 10 people stranded on a remote island and they got killed off one by one. It's pretty obvious that one of them is the murderer but guessing who is the one proved to be the ultimate challenge.

**The Gartien pineapple cake is from Penang. It's priced at RM45 per box of 10. Details on

Memories Of 2013

Posted by : foongpc | Tuesday, December 31, 2013 | Published in


Today is the last day of 2013. Tomorrow is a brand new year. A brand new beginning.

2013 had given me many memories and if there's any good time to reminisce the past 12 months, the time is now. However, they are mostly private memories so I won't be sharing them here.

Thinking about the past 12 months have somehow triggered the musical sense in me and once again, I had composed a new piano song which I shall call "Memories Of 2013". Have a listen yes? : )

Meantime, here's a short poem just for you….

To all my readers and blogger friends from far and near,
There will be no more Santa and no more reindeer,
It's a bit sad as I bid farewell to the Christmas cheer,
But as the year draws to a close I want to make this clear,
Thank you for reading my blog all these years,
Although my travel stories may not be as entertaining as Britney Spears,
And my ghost stories may not make you shiver in fear,
I do appreciate all your comments that appear here,
And so as the sun sets and the end of the year draws near,
I would like to wish every single one of you a Very Happy New Year!

Happy 2014 everyone!! : )