Specimen tsu-3

$ 60.00
Dims:2.2x1.5x1.4" (5.6x3.8x3.6 cm)
Wt: 2.5oz. (70g)
Mex-Tex Mine, Hansonburg Mining Dist., Socorro cty., New Mexico
A large vug in this specimen is host to a layer of drusy quartz. On this drusy quartz is a thin layer of tsumebite crystals. These also occur on the top of the specimen as well. These crystals are tiny, and no details of the crystal form may be seen. There is only very minor damage to this specimen.

Amethyst Galleries'
Mineral Gallery


By Name
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Fluorescent Minerals




TSUMEBITE specimens:
(hover for more info)
TSUMEBITE specimen tsu-1
$ 39.00
Dims:2.2x1.4x0.9" (5.6x3.6x2.3 cm)
Wt: 1.7oz. (48g)
Mex-Tex Mine, Hansonburg Mining District, Socorro cty., New Mexico
Ose side of this specimen has a thin crust of silvery-green tsumebite crystals. These crystals are tiny-even with a loupe, one cannot distinguish the crystal form. Associated with the tsumebite are quartz, fluorite, and an unknown mineral that fluoresces bright yellow-green. The fluorite fluoresces blue. There is no damage to this specimen.
no photo
tsu-1 ($ 39.00)
Mex-Tex Mine, Hansonburg Mining District, Socorro cty., New Mexico
TSUMEBITE specimen tsu-2
$ 110.00
Dims:3.0x2.4x0.9" (7.6x6.1x2.3 cm)
Wt: 3.8oz. (109g)
Mex-Tex Mine, Bingham, Socorro cty., New Mexico
The matrix rock of this specimen is host to several tiny, but excellent crystals of tsumebite. They are a little too small to identify the monoclinic form, but they exhibit perfect faces when viewed under a loupe. Small vugs on either side of the specimen contain druses of quartz crystals, one heavily stained with iron, and one not. This is really a pleasure to view with a loupe. There is no damage to this specimen.
no photo
tsu-2 ($110.00)
Mex-Tex Mine, Bingham, Socorro cty., New Mexico
TSUMEBITE specimen tsu-3
$ 60.00
Dims:2.2x1.5x1.4" (5.6x3.8x3.6 cm)
Wt: 2.5oz. (70g)
Mex-Tex Mine, Hansonburg Mining Dist., Socorro cty., New Mexico
A large vug in this specimen is host to a layer of drusy quartz. On this drusy quartz is a thin layer of tsumebite crystals. These also occur on the top of the specimen as well. These crystals are tiny, and no details of the crystal form may be seen. There is only very minor damage to this specimen.
no photo
tsu-3 ($ 60.00)
Mex-Tex Mine, Hansonburg Mining Dist., Socorro cty., New Mexico
TSUMEBITE specimen tsu-4
$ 39.00
Dims:1.6x1.1x0.7" (4.1x2.8x1.8 cm)
Wt: 0.6oz. (18g)
Mex-Tex Mine, Socorro cty., New Mexico
Two sides of this specimen are coated with a thin crust of green tsumebite crystals. Accessory minerals are calcite and quartz. The tsumebite is crystalline-thousands of tiny crystal faces reflect the light. However, a 10-power loupe is insufficient to effectively study them. There is no apparent damage to this specimen.
no photo
tsu-4 ($ 39.00)
Mex-Tex Mine, Socorro cty., New Mexico


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