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Published on Sunday, February 21, 2016

17 Kangaroos Purposely Run Over


17 Kangaroos Purposely Run Over

17 kangaroos were deliberately run down and murdered by a savage mindless driver. The incident took place on the suburbia of Brisbane, leaving several locals astonished at the cold actions. The RSPCA (Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) is outraged by the incident that has left a 100 meter stretch of kangaroo carcasses littered on the road at Wacol, close to Brisbane.

The dead animals were found Monday morning, between the women’s and men’s Brisbane Correctional Centre and Brisbane Women’s Correctional Centre in the area. Michael Beatty, RSPCA spokesman reported that most of the run down kangaroos were young; hence they never stood a chance.

“One of them had to be euthanized, while the remaining 16 were already deceased,” reported Mr. Beatty.

It was evident that they were intentionally run over. To top it up, the tire tracks were clearly visible where they went off the road to knock them down. This is yet another act of animal cruelty, putting an ugly start to the year.

Two men were charged for abusing a possum while another for masticating off the head of a live rat. However, 5 dogs have passed on from stress from heat.

The kangaroos were discovered on Grindle Road, next to the prisons. Mr. Beatty has urged any witnesses to come forward.

Animal cruelty is taken as an offence by most states.

Cruelty to animals is also referred to as animal abuse of animal neglect. It is the exaction of harm or suffering on any animal or non-human creature, for reasons other than survival or self-defense. Nowadays, you’ll find most states have put laws in place to safeguard the welfare of animals as well. However, opinions on the extent of cruelty imposed on animals vary from one state to another.

Sometimes, cruelty to animals surrounds causing suffering or harm for personal amusement, also termed as zoosadism. Laws regarding animal cruelty are outlined to avert unnecessary cruelty. Different processes to such laws take place in various jurisdictions all over the world, for example, some laws control methods of taking an animal’s life for clothing, food, or other products, whereas other laws scrutinize the keeping of animals for research, entertainment, education, pets or research.

In the case of the deranged driver who ran down the 16 kangaroos for no apparent reason, if he is caught, the state will take action against him and may have to serve jail term. Recently, the FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigations) announced, “Animal abuse will be prosecuted as a crime against society, and under the new classification, they will start tracking and gathering information on incidents of animal cruelty and the perpetrators.”

According to the FBI, the official animal cruelty definition will be:

·         Knowingly, intentionally or recklessly partaking in an action that kills or mistreats any animal without a just cause, for example, mutilation, torturing, poisoning, tormenting, abandonment or maiming.

·         Failure to provide care, such as food, shelter, water and care if inured or sick.

·         Confining or transporting an animal in a way that is likely to cause injury or worse yet, death.

·         Causing animals to fight each other for sport.

·         Inflicting repeated or excessive unnecessary pain for example using objects to beat the animal.


If you didn’t know, animals have basic rights too and they have a right to live as well.

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Author: Vrountas

Categories: Blogs, Animals & Wildlife, Photo blog



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