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Holding Their Feet to the Fire: Cities Across the Nation Sue Fossil Fuel...


  • 23 January 2018
  • Author: AThompson
  • Number of views: 2959
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Holding Their Feet to the Fire: Cities Across the Nation Sue Fossil Fuel...
Cities across the nation are banning together in a fight against the industry responsible - big oil - for a slew of destructive natural disasters and climate...

The Future of Power: Solar Windows


  • 14 January 2018
  • Author: AThompson
  • Number of views: 10747
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The Future of Power: Solar Windows
While solar technology is advancing at a breakneck pace, one innovation in the industry is set to change the way we collect power forever - solar...

Who Is Responsible for Oil Spills?


  • 14 December 2017
  • Author: AThompson
  • Number of views: 15321
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Who Is Responsible for Oil Spills?

How destructive have oil spills been in the past and, most importantly, who is responsible for the massive environmental destruction they've caused?

The Effects of Pesticides and Climate Change On Bees


  • 17 October 2017
  • Author: AThompson
  • Number of views: 2070
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The Effects of Pesticides and Climate Change On Bees

Bees are some of the most instrumental species for our planet (and for us).

Industrial Waste is to Blame for the Blue Dogs of India


  • 29 August 2017
  • Author: AThompson
  • Number of views: 4014
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Industrial Waste is to Blame for the Blue Dogs of India

The blue dogs of Mumbai have been spotted for a several months now and the cause has been traced back to local manufacturing pollution. 

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