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Industrial Waste is to Blame for the Blue Dogs of India


  • 29 August 2017
  • Author: AThompson
  • Number of views: 4016
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Industrial Waste is to Blame for the Blue Dogs of India

The blue dogs of Mumbai have been spotted for a several months now and the cause has been traced back to local manufacturing pollution. 

Could Edible Water Blobs - Wasteful Plastic Bottles?


  • 4 May 2017
  • Author: AThompson
  • Number of views: 4489
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Could Edible Water Blobs - Wasteful Plastic Bottles?
Water bottles are some of the most common contributors to our planet's pollution problem and this spectacular, environmentally friendly invention may just be...

Bottle Recycling Bin Helps Feed Stray Dogs in Istanbul


  • 20 April 2017
  • Author: AThompson
  • Number of views: 4809
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Bottle Recycling Bin Helps Feed Stray Dogs in Istanbul
A Turkish company is putting a new spin on an old problem, two problems in fact. This recycle bin not only curbs waste, it also feeds Istanbul's starving...

Shell Has Known About Risk of Climate Change Since 1991


  • 16 March 2017
  • Author: AThompson
  • Number of views: 1578
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Shell Has Known About Risk of Climate Change Since 1991
This footage dating from over 25 years ago shows that oil giant Shell was well informed about the potential dangers of relying on and exploiting fossil...

How Humans Have Changed The Landscape


  • 7 December 2016
  • Author: Ccarrell
  • Number of views: 343129
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How Humans Have Changed The Landscape
Google has recently updated its Google Earth Engine to include clearer images for its time lapse feature. They’ve added petabytes of new data and four...

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