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The Earth's Spin


  • 26 February 2018
  • Author: AThompson
  • Number of views: 10497
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The Earth's Spin
We may not think about it much but the Earth's spin is integral to life on this planet. But what would life look like if that spin were to stop? This video...

The Sun: An Introduction


  • 22 January 2018
  • Author: AThompson
  • Number of views: 6536
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The Sun: An Introduction

The Sun is literally the source of life for everything on the planet earth. But what is that giant ball of light in the sky really? How does it work?

What Is A Supermoon?


  • 11 December 2017
  • Author: AThompson
  • Number of views: 1246
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What Is A Supermoon?

We've all heard of a Supermoon before and many of us have even seen how amazing they look firsthand. But what exactly is a Supermoon anyway? 

Flyover Video Gives An Up Close and Personal View of Pluto


  • 27 July 2017
  • Author: AThompson
  • Number of views: 4191
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Flyover Video Gives An Up Close and Personal View of Pluto

Check out this amazing footage of Pluto's surface captured by the New Horizon satellite. This is one view that's truly out of this world. 

The Ill Effects of Greenhouse Gas Emissions


  • 20 March 2017
  • Author: AThompson
  • Number of views: 3961
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The Ill Effects of Greenhouse Gas Emissions
This informative video details just how the greenhouse gases we create every day are contributing to the destructive heating of our planet. Great...

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