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How 'Leaning In' To Nature Can Be Good For Your Health


  • 16 November 2017
  • Author: AThompson
  • Number of views: 4256
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How 'Leaning In' To Nature Can Be Good For Your Health

Humans have a natural connection to nature and, when that connection is embraced, there are a number of health effects that come along with it.

The Environmental Impact of Lawns


  • 25 August 2017
  • Author: AThompson
  • Number of views: 53702
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The Environmental Impact of Lawns

The lawn has become part of the American way of life. But there's more to this little patch of grass than meets the eye...

10 Ways Nature Benefits Your Mental Health


  • 18 August 2017
  • Author: AThompson
  • Number of views: 11340
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10 Ways Nature Benefits Your Mental Health

There are tons of physical benefits for surrounding yourself with nature but not a lot of people know just how much it can actually help your mind. 

It’s Time to Re-Wild Green Spaces with Hedgehogs


  • 16 August 2017
  • Author: AThompson
  • Number of views: 2029
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It’s Time to Re-Wild Green Spaces with Hedgehogs

We always hear about how the populations of larger animals are dwindling. But what about the smaller ones in our own backyards?

Tiny Houses the Answer to Our Environmental Problems?


  • 4 August 2017
  • Author: AThompson
  • Number of views: 6649
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Tiny Houses the Answer to Our Environmental Problems?

The Tiny House trend is growing at a rapid pace. And when you take a look at all the benefits these dwellings have to offer, it isn't hard to see why.

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