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Published on Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Four Steps to Creating a Green Homeschool Plan –

Four Steps to Creating a Green Homeschool Plan –

Creating lesson plans can be a difficult task for many homeschool educators. You want to make sure that your children receive the best possible education and the education you are providing them is well rounded. There are hundreds of homeschool books, guides and pamphlets on the market but how to you incorporate those ideas with green and sustainable living to create a green homeschool plan? Here are four steps that may help you create the perfect plan for your GoGreen students.

Label the Subjects

We all know that a well rounded education should have math, science, history, English, writing, spelling, grammar and possibly a foreign languge. The first step for any homeschool educator should be to map out the subjects they want to offer their children, determine what falls under those subject headings and then make additions that will fit into those subject headings. For example, you may want to do our sample project utilizing a weather station kit. The ideal option would be to create a lesson that uses an aspect of the kit in each subject.

Incorporate the Topic

Children learn best when a topic is incorporated into all of their subjects. Try to create lessons for each subject that incorporate the green and sustainable project. If you are using a terrarium to teach children about the environment and ecology then create lessons that use the project to its full advantage. Spelling and vocabulary words related to the project alongside a journal entry and a book related to the topic will cover several English and grammar subjects. Math problems can be created for all age groups and math levels that relate to green and sustainable subjects. Use the vocabulary words in a foreign language lesson. Read about the scientific history and discovery related to the topics to cover two subjects at once.

Sustainable Projects

The best thing about incorporating green and sustainable topics into a homeschool plan is the projects created for the lessons can be used as part of a sustainable lifestyle. A tterrarium can be used for years and the idea can expand to create a sustainable terrarium for herb gardening. A weather station project kit can be used on a small patio and can develop into a larger weather vane station. A gardening project can create sustainable options of vegetables, greens and fruits for the family. You are not creating a toss away project when you teach green and sustainable lessons.

Develop the Project and Lessons

The benefit of creating green and sustainable lessons for homeschool education is found in the development of those projects and lessons. A third grader can use a small weather station kit to understand how weather effects the world environment on a local level. When they are in fourth grade that same kit can be used to teach a global lesson. As the child advances in grade levels the project can develop with them to offer age appropriate lessons and create larger sustainable projects. Think of it this way. A solar robot kit can advance into a solar panel project that will sustain one or more rooms in a home. The possibilities are endless.

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Author: Organic Jeff

Categories: Degrees & Education



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