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Published on Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Speaker For Your Vagina To Play Music to Fetus


Speaker For Your Vagina To Play Music to Fetus

Everyone loves playing music to their baby even when they are just in the fetus stage. One would typically either sing to their fetus or put earphones around your glowing stomach. That is the old way providing music to your fetus, with this new year we have a new method of delivering music to your baby. The Babypod works like a tampon where one end has microphone set to 54 decibels which equals to a human speaking in a low hush voice so it is safe for your baby.

Making sure they hear it.

Studies conducted by gynecologists show that fetus as young as 16 weeks old can both hear and respond to music. After taking this into account a Spanish gynecological clinic realized that most of the sounds were muffled by the abdominal wall and that the only way for the baby to clearly hear would be through the uterus. You might be asking yourself what is the benefit of this, the claim is that it helps promote neural development and stimulate vocalization of the unborn. Another benefit is that your child will be raised early one with great music provided by their parents and the parents will be able to skip the awkward child songs. Doctors also hope that it will help them and parents to make prenatal diagnosis of some diseases. A concern that most mothers have is that they want to hear what their child is listening to and this is something the people at Babypod took into consideration. Mothers can also hear their favorite songs with their child since the Babypod also lets mothers listen with a pair of earphones that connect to any listening device.  

Rock your baby’s womb.

Let’s go over all the benefits of the Babypod

·         Best way to provide music to your child

·         Helps promote neural development

·         Stimulates vocalization

·         Doctors hope it will help diagnose diseases

·         Development by a gynecological clinic

·         Volume will not increase 54 decibels making it safe for the baby

·         You can listen in to the music with your child at the same time.

The Babypod shows how technology keeps advancing every day for the best with professionals looking into the creating of items in their field. Babypod is backed up by a gynecological clinic which is the best group of people to look into this type of research. Now with the Babypod mothers can start showing their young amazing bands while they are still in the womb and not worry about the music volume being too high. Not only is the Babypod a new method for your child to listen to music but with the possibility of it helping diagnose disease at such an early time in a child’s life is a huge step in helping control or even prevent said disease. There are many benefits for the Babypod and it seems the benefits will keep coming as this item advances with time, the Babypod is a must have item if you plan on giving quality music to your child in the womb.

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Author: Vrountas

Categories: Blogs, Consumer Products, Health & Beauty, Baby



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