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Guide to Green Degrees and Careers

Guide to Green Degrees and Careers

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

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Green careers and jobs are opening throughout the country. Solar panel and renewable energy related jobs, hydroponics stores and energy conservation careers are hiring continuously. There are also options of opening your own green business. With all of these options, the question of how to obtain training or a degree in green living and related career fields is a common one. This guide will discuss green degrees and careers and give you an idea of what type of jobs and education is available to you.

Top 5 Green Career Options

If you want to save the environment from its total destruction, you might want to apply to top green career options in the market. These career options are not some so-so that you can immediately apply and get fit in a day. These range from biology-related jobs in energy conservation related jobs. Of course, as expected, you need to be knowledgeable in any green career field that you choose before you can actually get hired. Here are the top five green career options that you can look into.


This career is best for those who love to save the forests and the urban trees from total destruction and at the same time, with knowledge in calculations, analysis, conservation and development. This career is aimed to help people in the logging industry understand the ill effects of illegal logging and other illegal practices of cutting off trees, which can deplete the growth of trees in the long run and bring woes to people in lowlands. Landslides and floods are just some of the results of these illegal activities.

Solar Power Installer

When you know how to install a solar power, then you are one of the greatest conservators of solar energy. The need for solar power installers is rising and its current number of job opening is about 700,000 and rising for the next few years. Salaries for this job are based on an hourly pay scale and can range from $15-$35 per hour. The US has currently opened more than 2000 companies focused on solar energy ventures.

Biology and Environmental Science Teacher

Teachers are the second parents in everybody’s lives. They guide, impart knowledge and tell you to do good not only to humanity but also to the environment and the natural resources. This is what science teachers do and they should be praised for getting this particular career, in which the salary ranges from $41,000-$45,000 annually. They are the ones who fuel the minds of the young to stay in love and to protect the environment in their humble means.

Conservation Biologist

Dubbed as the most sustainable college career in the world, conservation biology is typically not everybody’s dream since you need to primarily have the love of nature in order to do well in this field. The career focuses on maintaining the diversity of the ecosystem and its sustainability. This career will mostly land you private and government jobs and in fields of research and development.

Urban Planner

This is the career for those who are into creating layout, planning and building resolutions on how to stop the increasing cases of the emission of carbon dioxide in the US and in other parts of the world. In this job, the use of bicycles is greatly encouraged and the prompt creation of emergency resolutions to floods and garbage disposals are some of its main tasks. The annual salary can range from $45,000-$47,000.

Green Living Related Degree Programs

Green living related degree programs are a boon to the society and to the person getting the program. With the rise and fall status of the economy, people are now finding more and more ways on how they can get degree programs without having to sacrifice life and paycheck after the study. Getting law, education, and other related courses might be some of the ways to get fat paychecks, but a lot of graduates from such courses are still jobless due to the lack of job opportunities in such fields. With green living careers, you do not only guarantee yourself a brighter future, but you also guarantee healing of the planet.

Environmental Engineering Degree

Environmental engineers are not only welcome to making designs and structuring and implementing environmental issues and activities, but are also essential in creating structures, centers, edifices and buildings that are made of eco-friendly materials. They are responsible for restructuring a lot of our current systems to gain improvements sans the toxins and the wastes around us. They also study the depletion of the ozone layer, global warming and other environmental issues. Environmental engineers work in federal, local and governments and the job vacancy is expected to rise in the next year.

Bachelor of Science in General Agriculture

The degree helps you have more in depth analysis of the farms, soils, certain land preservation methods and the likes. The degree covers information about soil and how to utilize agriculture resources properly. It also discusses how to improve and protect agriculture from degradation in the future. The curriculum will also deal with organic farming and hydroponic gardening. You can work in local and government offices after obtaining the program. Meanwhile, you can also work in educational institutions as teachers in subjects or courses related to agriculture.

Environmental Health Science

This degree focuses on the land use and implementation of land planning in order to preserve its full potential. This also covers the protection of natural resources that rely on lands like trees and the forests. Such course also digs deeper into the water and air energy and the sustainability of these resources. Meanwhile, if you can earn master’s degree in environmental health science, you will most likely obtain higher positions in government and federal offices, which can land you regular fat paychecks.

Environmental Law

If you love to fight for other people, you might also want to fight for our Mother Nature by getting a degree in environmental law after. You can actually obtain a primary law degree before you proceed to environmental law if you want this as a hobby. You can work in local and national scenes with environmental law careers. You can even work in educational premises if you think that private or government work is not enough for you.

Green Living Degrees and Certifications Online

One of the best things about having the internet is the possibility of learning online. There are now a lot of courses being offered online whether it is in law, math or science. Some are even getting their certifications or degrees online even in the field of green living program. This is some good news to those who want to earn a degree in green career, but does not have sufficient time to go schools to study. Meanwhile, the main difference between an online education and a traditional education is the setting and the interaction level in the learning process. Nevertheless, by focusing on your course and taking time to learn it, you can certainly bag it in a few months or so. Here are some green degrees and green course certifications offered online you might want to consider.

Global Post Disaster Studies Reconstruction with Vulnerable Populations Certificate

This is an online green living certification course offered by UMass Online University of Massachusetts. Its aim is to give great consideration, planning and resolutions on the ongoing disasters that the US is currently facing. These disasters include technological catastrophes, wars, earthquakes and tidal waves, AIDS, attacks on civilians, and many others. Profit and non-profit organizations, groups and agencies are looking for trained personnel in such field and having a certification on such field can qualify you for the job.

Certificate in Sustainable Food and Farming

This is a five-lesson certificate program offered by the University of Massachusetts Online University. The cortication aims to improve sustainable farming methods and to look into the current projects designed in the field of farming. This is to check on its adverse effects to the land and to the environment. The certification study is focused on sustainable farming systems, education and public policy and advocacy. With these areas of study, students are prepared to work directly with groups, agencies, institutions and organizations to fight for anti-hunger campaigns and to spread learning about sustainable farming to the youth, education sectors, media and the likes.

Urban Landscape and Garden Development Certificate

If you love to do gardening and you love to go green right after you have made your home, opting for this course is a way to go to. This is offered to students; professionals, landscapers and other individuals who love to beautify and maintain the green look in an environment with the use of eco-friendly tools and systems. Subjects generally cover plants and soils, design and planning and community interaction. This certification can be obtained online thru UMass Online University of Massachusetts.

Graduate Certificate in Sustainable Development

This is another online program that aims to reach out to all individuals and teach them the importance and techniques to obtain sustainable development. The courses include the proper use of energy, carbon, renewable energy, and corporate social responsibility. Careers in local and national offices are available immediately because a lot of awareness around the world is needed.

Finding a Green Career Internship

Having a green career or a career that is focused on helping the environment is something that you should be proud of. For one, you do not only give yourself a pat on the back as you strive hard to help save Mother Nature from total destruction, but you also got a career that is extremely exciting and groundbreaking in terms of activities and salary. Green careers might not be at all comfy and easy even if you are into your favorite world of environment conservation. An internship will allow to see if green living is truly the right career for you or if you would like to work for yourself, particular company, or non-profit organization.

Online Resources

You can find an array of lists of green career internship programs online. Listings from the different environmental organizations and green departments can be found online. These institutions have a wide variety of programs to choose from. Whether you are into solar, water or wind energy conservation, you can certainly find one on the web. Make sure to check the factors about the internship like hours of work, legal requirements especially on you education background, and the location for the internship. You can also take note of the address and visit the office personally for more information. This way, you can be guaranteed of certain entrance to the program and avoid looking for some other else.

Local Forestry Offices

Forestry Departments in every locality sometimes hold internship programs for students during summer season. They usually give priority to those enrolled with green courses or courses related to forestry. The hours of work are typically minimal ranging from 5-8 hours daily and a weekly wage is given as well. Basic jobs include tree planting in local and municipal forests, data recording, researching and surveying, and green cleanup activities. In this particular option, these offices only hire limited number of interns, so better hurry and check in your local department if they offer such program.

Department of Environment and Natural Resources

This particular division in the local government might help you obtain a green career internship, which is oftentimes offered during the summer season. The scenario is pretty the same with your local Forestry offices, but the jobs can differ. Most tasks done in this institution are related to planning and scheduling of green programs, reinforcement of natural resources and wildlife and the many others. However, you are not left solo on such jobs since you are still an intern, but at least you will get a glimpse on what has to come when you work in this institution.

Schools and Universities

If you are currently enrolled in a green course or if your school only green courses available, you might want to ask your registrar or any school administrator regarding green career internships. You can also check these topics on your bulletin boards and school boards.

Accreditation for Green Living Certification Schools

Getting a green degree might not be easy at all times. After choosing the best green degree to take, you will then need to review other factors. You will also need to check the requirements and the accreditation of the school before enrollment. These are needed to ensure that you will qualify for the program and that the school that you will be enrolling at is accredited and recognized. Having obtained degrees and certification from accredited can help you become competitive applicants when you try to get a job in the future since employees would necessarily check this factor upon application. Here are some of the major companies that provide accreditations to qualified educational institutions.

Distance Education and Training Council

Given the popularity of online education these days, choosing an institution that is accredited by Distance Education and Training Council is a plus. The DETC is a nonprofit organization that aims to promote, provide and maintain excellence in education despite distance. Its visions include quality education to students, excellent outcome and experience of both educators and students and consumer protection. It has been in the field for more than 80 years, so you can be confident that it can provide the best accreditation services in the USA since it is based in Washington. If you are choosing a green degree program that is offered online, make sure to check that the institution is accredited by DETC, so you will not waste your time, effort and money.

Higher Learning Commission

The Higher Learning Commission is one of the six regional institutional accreditors in the United States and is one of the two interdependent members of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools. It was founded in 1895 and you can see that with such length of operation, it has been one of the most trusted accreditors in the regional area. The commission is always updating its programs and policies to ensure that educational institutions ran under it provide quality education to its consumers.

Better Business Bureau

You have probably heard of Better Business Bureau because this also works in online companies and businesses. Better Business Bureau has actually been considered as one of the main factors that determine the competency, credibility and efficiency of an establishment. Better Business Bureau is another accreditation company that you should also considering checking prior to enrollment.

Green Living Degree Grants and Scholarships

When you want to choose a green living career in the future, you should not fuss too much on your financial issues because green living degree grants and scholarships are in the market. Just like in any common schools and universities, getting grants and scholarships in green living might not be easy at all times. You need to apply and provide requirements and you will then have to wait for the approval of your application. Meanwhile, these programs are only designed to assist students taking environment-related courses and agriculture related courses. If you are planning to apply for one, here is a list of common green living degree grants and scholarships that you might to avail of.

SCA Conservation Internships/ Corps

This not mainly a scholarship or a grant, but a move in helping the world become green by preserving and protecting public lands and natural resources. Most of the tasks involve are active participation in civic activities and in other activities that make people aware of the pros and cons of green living. On the one hand, students or corps settled in this field is given weekly travel allowance and all other expenses are paid including the tuition fee. The courses included for such internship are Archeology, Background and Wilderness Management, Forestry, Engineering and Surveying, Hydrology and Water Resources and many others.

Midwest Renewable Energy Association Scholarship

The institution mainly promotes energy conservation and energy utilization awareness through proper education and activities like workshops, renewable energy businesses, energy systems and the likes. The MREA Steve Hansen scholarship primarily provides $500 worth of funding to certain students residing in Michigan, Wisconsin, Indiana and Ohio, who go to colleges and universities to study renewable energy, energy efficiency and sustainable living.

Australian Institute of Energy Scholarship

The scholarship is designed to help promote energy issues and awareness of its importance and conservation methods. The amount can be as high as $6,000 AUD to those who will be granted. This is made for the student to be capable of paying his tuition and study tours. However, the scholar is only covered for 6 months and within such time frame, he is expected to deliver an important paper for the AIE.

Dabney S. Lancaster Community College Wind Energy Scholarship

The scholarship is only given to those who pursue careers in wind and turbine certification, which trains students in wind energy technology. It is the US Department of Labor Employment and Training Administration that funds this particular scholarship. This is to ensure that there will be more additions to wind turbine service technicians who know how to set up, analyze and repair small-scale utility wind turbines in the country. You might want to check online for more information about this particular scholarship.


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