Showing posts with label fun. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fun. Show all posts

Friday, March 17, 2023

Art Inspired by Relics of Ruin

 Hey everyone! I drew this last month, but I got to read a snippet of the upcoming Relics of Ruin, a sequel to Empire of Exiles by Erin M. Evans! I came up with this illustration of one of the best moments in the passage, which shows best boy, Tunuk, pondering on the events leading up to this current moment. This was also to congratulate Erin as the Relics cover and release date were announced! I'm excited to read this book, and to make more art inspired by the series!

This is probably one of my first full on digital illustrations. I got myself an iPad Pro with Procreate, and I've been having a lot of fun finding ways to make art in a different way. I'm not giving up my pens and paper, but this is a cool new adventure that I hope to grow from. You can also check out my process video on Tiktok here:

Friday, September 10, 2021

I'm joining the anthology "Jump Tales" for a one shot!

Hey everyone, it's been a busy month and just as one Kickstarter I worked on has finished, another one is coming up in a few days! This KS is for a black and white comics anthology inspired by Shonen manga magazines like Shonen Jump, called Jump Tales! The Kickstarter is coming up, and you can pledge to receive 3 issues of this magazine, with 4 ongoing stories and a single one shot per issue. My one shot will be in issue 3, and it's called Illarys! I'll be joining a group of very talented comic artists and writers, so I hope you'll support the Kickstarter! 

Illarys is my first real attempt at a high fantasy story! I've been neck deep in fantasy novels, Dungeons and Dragons, Elder Scrolls, the Witcher, and more since the pandemic, and I'm excited to share my own fantasy world that should be fun for people who are fans of the aforementioned properties!

Illarys is a young half-elven girl in a cold land with an even colder regime. Her father attempts to flee their home nation to reunite with his elven wife, but their trip does not go as planned. It is up to Illarys to safely escort her younger brother across the lands as they are pursued by bounty hunters and other magical dangers!

Here is the promo image for Illarys, both in color and in black and white!

Thursday, May 13, 2021

Roxy Rewind pages 1-4

 Super late on taking advantage of this when it was online, but last year I worked David Pepose and Jim Campbell on a short story for Project Big Hype,  a comic anthology on Kickstarter! The funding was successful and I hope everyone enjoyed the comic! These pages were shared on Twitter and other places, so I'm sharing the first 4 of our story here! This is a different kind of book than I usually do, but it was a fun change of pace! I've never really drawn superheroes comics before, so this was fun!

These pages were drawn on Deleter B4 manga paper, which I haven't used in years! I used mostly G-pens and the Nihonji pen and used Photoshop to create the digital halftones. I'll include some pencils down below the inks!

 Story & Script: David Pepose

Lettering: Jim Campbell


Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Curse of the Eel Volume 2

Hello all, I hope you're all doing well despite the quarantine and all the other craziness going on in the world. Unfortunately a number of the shows I was planning to attend this year have been postponed, which is the safe thing to do of course, it's just a bit of a bummer. However, I did get my restock of Curse of the Eel Volume 1 as well as my brand spanking new Volume 2! This book collects chapters 7-11 of the comic that began as my thesis and has become the flagship title that shows people how I write and draw my own stories!

Curse of the Eel is about a goth girl named Connie whom, in volume 1, accidentally summons an Eldritch creature known as the Eel to earth. In volume 2, things have taken a turn for the worse as the cult responsible for all of the madness in Connie's life is making big strides in their dark plan. The question is, will Connie be able to do anything about it, especially now that it looks like she and the Eel are turning into one being?

You can pick up the volumes from my store HERE! I'll still be shipping despite the quarantine, but I'll only be shipping at the end of each week, just to stay safe myself. Also, because this is a crazy time and I appreciate your support, each order with an Eel book will get a free bonus illustration of Eel eating a different food! I'll include some of the ones I've already done here to show what they look like!

Thank you for reading and take care! I'll have more art to post soon!

Volume 2 Cover!

Chapter 7 that I love!

Chapter 8 page of horror!

Chapter 9 page that I'm quite proud of! Environmental storytelling!!

Chapter 10 page of the cult person showing their power and fury!

Chapter 11 page that summarizes Eel and Connie's relationship

Eel Bonus Art: Dippin' Dots!

Eel Bonus Art: Okonomiyaki!

Eel Bonus Art: Buffalo Wings!

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Curse of the Eel Ch12 Art and CONVENTION UPDATES

Hey ya'll, making a quick update to my schedule so far! I'll be attending two conventions for sure this year:

SC Comic Con in March in Greenville, South Carolina
MomoCon in May in Atlanta, Georgia

Check my social media for my table numbers! And now, here's some art because I'm trying to get as much done between freelance work and my new teaching gig. I'm also teaching now, that's a new development!

This is a pretty important moment for Frank, who has been questioning his sexuality since chapter 3. Holy crap, that was 8 chapters ago... Love is the most powerful feeling ever, and it conquers all. Take care and I hope you'll enjoy the next update when it comes up!

Friday, July 12, 2019

Spencer and Locke vol 2 complete!

Hey all, time sure flies! This is a quick look at some of the art from Spencer and Locke volume 2 which finished its 4 issue run a few weeks ago. The book is really well received, so thank you all for reading! Also, below in the pages, there will be spoilers, so maybe don't look until you read the issues!

Materials: Deleter G-pen, Sakura Sumi Ink, Pentel Color Brush
Paper: Stillman and Birn Alpha and Zeta paper

The snowmen of this issue were a blast to draw. Monsters are a lot of fun!

Issue 4 was a great end to this arc, but also a good way for us to really make some things pay off that we started in volume 1.

Friday, April 6, 2018

Still alive! And some Rare Drops pages

Hello, I'm finally updating my blog! I've been working on Spencer and Locke 2 which I'm still plugging away at and unfortunately there's not much I can share right at this moment, so most of my work has been not blog worthy. I do want to post more though, so here's a good chunk of pages that i was drawing on my lunch break for Rare Drops 4, introducing a new character!

Monday, August 14, 2017

Spencer and Locke Vol 1 cover inks

This is one of my favorite images of the run, just showing the two mains and the oppressive city behind them. Thank you for reading! Pick up the first volume on Amazon HERE!

Tools: Raphael 8404 #3 brush and FW Ink, Pentel Hybrid Technica 04 and 03
Paper: Stillman and Birn beta paper

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Spencer and Locke Movie Option

So this is really cool news which is unlike all my other posts so far. The comic I co-created with David Pepose has been optioned for a film! There's a lot of speculation right now and it's still very early, but I wanted to share this news to my page as a time capsule moment of "We did it!" Here is a link to the press release and a few Spencer and Locke pages to look at!

I want to use this chance to thank everyone who has supported me throughout the years, I could make comics comfortably because of you all! Let's all cross our fingers that this movie gets made!

Spencer & Locke' Getting Movie Treatment From 'Hitman' Producer (Exclusive)