In 2015 General Convention created a Task Force on the Episcopacy. Some of the Task Force’s ideas were presented at the recently concluded House of Bishops meeting. Among ideas offered were the creation of a list of pre-vetted candidates for election to bishop. Frederick Schmidt offered an opinion piece, A Nursery for Ambition, outlining ways he thought such a list was a bad idea. The overwhelming response here at the Cafe and elsewhere has been a loud rejection of the idea. In this essay, Andrew Gerns offers another way of looking at how we select bishops that might be improved with a potential for discernment prior to entering into the election process.
by Andrew Gerns
Do we want a formed and prepared episcopate?
Dr. Frederick Schmidt’s reaction to the interim report of the Task Force on the Episcopate at this week’s House of Bishops meeting seems be to that only people previously vetted by a select group would be considered for the episcopate—giving way to the sin of excess ambition; and that this process might both diminish the role of the laity in the councils of the church thereby hindering the work of the Holy Spirit.
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