Showing posts with label diocese of Bethlehem. Show all posts
Showing posts with label diocese of Bethlehem. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Program helping Lackawanna County inmates coming to Scranton church

From Scranton-

A church in Lackawanna County is looking at starting a re-entry program for inmates.
Its goal is to teach lessons useful for life after prison. St. Luke’s Episcopal Church in Scranton is more than a place of worship. It’s also a place of healing.

“What we’re looking to do is offer a program that will give folks a chance to get back on their feet in society,” Reverend Rebecca Barnes of St. Luke’s Episcopal Church said.

Barnes is working to bring Cypress House Bakery to her church. Using the tools she has now, an industrial kitchen will be a temporary place for current and recently released inmates to make and sell sandwiches for take-out, while earning $15 an hour.

“Because of the level of incarceration in our county, there is a great need for programs when people come out of the prison system,” Barnes said.

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Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Scranton Church Launching Bakery to Help Former Prisoners

From Pennsylvania-

A church in Scranton is getting into the bakery business. It is who the bakery will employ that makes this project unique.

St. Luke's Episcopal Church has been on Wyoming Avenue in downtown Scranton since 1852. Its basement hasn't been occupied for at least the last 15 years of its storied history, but the church has plans to turn the space into a commercial bakery.

It won't be a revenue source for the church. Instead, it will be a nonprofit that hires only former convicts.

"We've got to work through the stereotypes so that we can start welcoming folks back into society that really want to come back and support themselves and their families," said Helen Wolf.
They're modeling the bakery on a similar nonprofit in California. The idea is to provide jobs and training to former convicts who are having trouble getting back into the workforce.

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Monday, February 25, 2019

As the number of organists continues to fall, churches employ technology to keep the hymns playing

From Reading-

It's no secret that church organists have become scarce these days, as fewer young people are interested in studying organ, and older organists are retiring.

An article by Jonathan M. Pitts in the Baltimore Sun on April 7, 2017, tells of a 200-year-old Episcopal church whose organist retired, and a six-month search turned up only one applicant. Pitts also cites a 2015 survey by the American Guild of Organists showing that 60 percent of its 16,000 members were 58-plus, and only 11 percent were younger than 37.

So what are churches in which organs have always been a staple of their worship doing?

The congregation of St. Thomas Episcopal Church, Morgantown, has found one solution that fits its small group perfectly: a Rodgers digital organ that has the technology to store and play, with a simple touch of a button, hymns, preludes and postludes even when there is no organist available.

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Saturday, September 22, 2018

Episcopal bishop drawn by sense of new possibilities

From Reading Pa-

"I would say the diocese did a very bold thing."

That was the response of Bishop Kevin D. Nichols of the Episcopal Diocese of Bethlehem when asked about the lengthy process by which he was elected to the post. Nichols was ordained and consecrated as the ninth bishop of the diocese last week in Allentown.

After the 2013 retirement of the previous bishop, Paul V. Marshall, the diocese elected not to immediately seek a successor. Instead, it named the Rt. Rev. Sean Rowe, already the bishop of Northwestern Pennsylvania, to serve as provisional bishop of the Bethlehem diocese during a period of reorganization.

"They (the diocese) said they were going to pause for a season and re-evaluate and discover where God was calling them, saying in essence, 'We need to go on a pilgrimage,' " Nichols said in a telephone interview a few days before his ordination.

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Saturday, August 18, 2018

Responding to Report on Sexual Abuse in PA Roman Catholic Dioceses

From The Diocese of Bethlehem-

In the last several days, our fellow Christians in the Roman Catholic Church here in Pennsylvania have been shaken by the revelations of widespread child sexual abuse committed over many years by clergy in that church and covered up by bishops and other church leaders. The stories detailed in the grand jury report released on Tuesday are horrific and evil, and have shaken to its core the faith of many good people who have trusted in the church their entire lives.

I ask you, first, to join me in praying for the people whose lives have been ripped apart because they were sexually abused by priests or other church leaders. In the face of the unthinkable betrayal they have suffered, may God enfold them in healing mercy and strengthen their spirits with the knowledge that they are perfectly loved. I ask your prayers especially for those victims who were so broken by the abuse they suffered at the hands of clergy and other church leaders that they have ended their own lives and now rest in God’s loving arms.

Please also pray for our friends and neighbors who are faithful Roman Catholics, some of whom are now struggling with the faith they have placed in the church, and for the lay and clergy leaders of the Roman Catholic dioceses in Pennsylvania who have cooperated with this investigation and now must find ways to repent for the abuse and rebuild a more accountable, transparent structure.

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Sunday, April 29, 2018

New bishop elected to lead Bethlehem Episcopal Diocese

From Reading-

Episcopalians in southeastern Pennsylvania have selected a new church leader.

In a vote Saturday, the Episcopal Diocese of Bethlehem chose the Rev. Canon Kevin D. Nichols as its next bishop, its ninth.

“I am thrilled to be joining with the people of the Diocese of Bethlehem to bear witness to the power of the resurrection in their communities,” Nichols said in a news release. “The momentum there is unmistakable and I can’t wait to see what God has in store for us together.”

Nichols was elected on the first ballot at Cathedral Church of the Nativity on Wyandotte Street in Bethlehem. He edged out the other candidate, the Rev. Canon Ruth Woodliff-Stanley, by a vote of 47-45 among lay representatives, and 43-28 among clergy, according to diocese results.

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Saturday, April 28, 2018

The Rev. Canon Kevin D. Nichols has been elected the IX Bishop of the Diocese of Bethlehem

From The Diocese of Bethlehem-

The results of each ballot at the Special Electing Convention for the IX Bishop of Bethlehem

Results of the first ballot: The Rev. Canon Kevin D. Nichols has been elected the IX Bishop of the Diocese of Bethlehem

The Rev. Canon Kevin D. Nichols The Rev. Canon Ruth Woodliff-Stanley
Lay 47 45
Clergy 43 28

In the lay order, 92 ballots were accepted. The number of votes needed to elect in the lay order is 47.   Kevin Nichols received 47 votes.   Ruth Woodliff-Stanley received 45 votes.  

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Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Trusted accountant stole thousands from congregation

From Bethlehem-

Authorities have launched an investigation after a parishioner at a local church admitted to stealing thousands of dollars from the congregation, according to the priest in charge.

Officials at St. Stephen’s Episcopal Pro-Cathedral at 35 S. Franklin St. on Sunday handed out letters to the congregation informing members about the theft, the Rev. Brian Pavlac said Monday.

The parishioner is a certified public accountant who was responsible for handling donations to the church, he said.

“We trusted him to be part of our financial system,” the Rev. Pavlac said.

Instead, the accountant has admitted to church officials that he stole at least $10,000 — and “probably more,” he said. The Rev. Pavlac said the accountant told him why he stole the money but the priest declined to publicly announce the reason.

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Friday, February 9, 2018

The Episcopal Diocese of Bethlehem Transition Committee

From The Diocese of Bethlehem-

The Standing Committee of the Diocese of Bethlehem is pleased to announce the approved slate of nominees received from the Search Committee for the IX Bishop of Bethlehem.

The Rev. Canon Kevin D. Nichols 

We live in a time where religious and other institutions are being dismantled. I see this as a moment for us as the Church to recover our purpose for why we are here - for reconciliation and to offer God’s love and healing where there has been painful damage. The Diocese of Bethlehem, in its diverse landscapes, is rich and fertile ground for God’s planting and pruning (John 15). 

The Rev. Canon Ruth Woodliff-Stanley

Six months ago, I refused to look down as we ascended 415 feet on Zumanjaro, the world’s tall-est drop ride. We paused, then plunged 90 miles per hour to the ground in 6 seconds. They say on a clear day you can see Philadelphia from the top. I wouldn’t know, as I didn’t look out. Now, I am a coaster aficionado, but drop rides terrify me. In line, I said, “I’m not doing this….” My sons responded, “You can do this, Mom.” And George recited his courage mantra, “Do scary things.” 

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Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Our prayerful search for the IX Bishop of Bethlehem

From Bethlehem-

Welcome to this site. We invite you to join us in our search for our next Bishop.

We, the nearly 12,000 baptized persons of the Diocese of Bethlehem, welcome all to share in the bread of God's call to be the Jesus Movement in Northeastern Pennsylvania.

We are 60 congregations, a few larger, many small, and some in between. We are found in urban, suburban, and rural contexts. Wherever we are and however we are resourced, we love God, and all of us set our minds and hearts on mission. That mission has life in the communities God has placed us and reaches as far as South Sudan. 

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Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Rt. Rev. Sean W. Rowe: Reconciliation after Trump's election still allows for dissent

From Bethlehem (Allentown)-

In the days after a presidential election, the news is full of public figures talking about reconciliation. Leaders of all kinds are pledging to put a divisive campaign behind them and work together for the common good. Church leaders like myself are particularly given to these sort of sentiments. They appeal to our pastoral instincts and allow us to imagine that we are what the prophet Isaiah called "repairers of the breach."

It is difficult to oppose reconciliation. Jesus said peacemakers were blessed, and as a Christian, I certainly want to be on his good side, but before we strike up a rousing chorus of "Kumbaya," I hope we will pause to make sure we understand that real reconciliation requires deep self-examination, an ability to acknowledge both when one has been wronged and when one has done wrong, and the willingness to behave and communicate in new ways. Reconciliation is not a synonym for the silencing of dissent.

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Sunday, September 4, 2016

Pottstown church helps another in time of need

From Reading-

Christ Episcopal Church in Pottstown has stepped up to help another local church in a time of need.

Since April, First Baptist Church at 301 King St. has been seeking money to demolish a leaning steeple that was deemed a safety hazard.

Worried the stone steeple might fall, Pottstown officials closed off a portion of Charlotte Street between Lesher Alley and King Street.

The church was looking to raise about $600,000, which is a large sum for a small church. But thanks to generosity and good timing, Christ Episcopal at 316 E. High St. was able to put forth about $90,000 for the demolition.

"We're the farthest apart as far as religion, but there are times when that doesn't matter," said Susan Furman of Christ Episcopal's rector search committee.

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Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Episcopal priest pleads guilty, avoids jail for video incident with woman

From Albany-

An Episcopal priest from Bethlehem will be sentenced to probation for three years after pleading guilty Monday to attempted unlawful surveillance for trying to film a woman getting dressed in a Salvation Army Thrift store last year.

The plea deal on the misdemeanor that the Rev. Adam Egan agreed to in Colonie Town Court with his attorney, Steve Coffey, by his side also includes a stay away-order of protection for the victim. After his arrest, Egan was placed on administrative leave as pastor at St. Stephen's Episcopal Church in Delmar

Outside court, Coffey said he doesn't believe Egan is still affiliated with the church in Delmar and is receiving professional help.

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Friday, December 11, 2015

St. Thomas Episcopal Church, Morgantown, celebrates 275th Anniversary

From Bethlehem-

St. Thomas Episcopal Church, Morgantown, celebrated its 275th Anniversary with a special service.

On Sunday, Dec. 6 the faithful gathered as they have for centuries to the call of God in the village of Morgantown at 6251 Morgantown Road. It was a reverent and joyous day as congregation and friends gathered to celebrate the 275th Anniversary of St. Thomas Episcopal Church.

The Church was aglow with candles on this the 2nd Sunday of the Advent Season, their light reflecting in the stained glass windows that line the church. An Advent wreath of greens with three purple and the one lone pink candle was suspended from the ceiling in the front of the church. The greens cast a shadow amidst the purple and gold of the Advent Vestments.

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Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Kingston church ransacked during burglary

From The Diocese of Bethlehem-

Police are investigating a burglary at Grace Episcopal Church that was ransacked with communion wafers thrown on the floor and vulgar graffiti painted on walls.

The Rev. John Franklin Hartman said the church administrator discovered the burglary and vandalism when she arrived at the church on Butler Street just before 8 a.m.

“When she arrived for work, she went through the front door and she noticed immediately some pictures that were on the wall were on the floor,” Hartman said. “When she went to her office, her office had totally been ransacked. The doors had been taken off the frames.”

Police Det. Thomas Paratore was at the church for most of Tuesday speaking with Hartman and other congregation members. Paratore was seen walking into the church with a forensic kit to dust for fingerprints.

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Sunday, June 1, 2014

Female priests a hard-won fight in Episcopal church

From Scranton-

Thirty-seven years ago, a Bear Creek woman made history at St. Luke’s Episcopal Church in Scranton.

At a ceremony on May 21, 1977, presided over by the Rev. Lloyd E. Gressle, the bishop of the Diocese of Bethlehem,

The graduate of Epsicopal Divinity School in Cambridge, Massachusetts, knew she wanted to be an Episcopal priest since her college days at Middlebury College in Vermont, according to a Scranton Times article published the day before her ordination.

But it took a close, contentious vote by church leaders from around the nation before she could realize her dream.

In September 1976, delegates attending an Episcopalian legislative convention in Minneapolis approved the ordination of women to the priesthood. Four months later, Jacqueline Means of Indianapolis became the first woman priest ordained in the Episcopal church.

Margaret Lee Ferry became the first female Episcopal priest ordained in Scranton.

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Sunday, March 2, 2014

New bishop to head Episcopal Diocese of Bethlehem

From Bethlehem (PA)-

A special convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Bethlehem elected the Rt. Rev. Sean Rowe as the provisional bishop of Bethlehem, according to a diocese news release.

Rowe, 39, has been bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Northwestern Pennsylvania for seven years and will continue in that role. His position in the Bethlehem diocese will be for three years.
"It's a great day in the kingdom," said Rowe, in the release. "I am humbled and count it a privilege to stand before you today as your bishop. I am excited about this opportunity to serve you."

All 64 of the clergy present and 99 of the 100 laypeople voted in favor of Rowe's election, which required a two-thirds vote. The diocese comprises 14 counties in northeastern Pennsylvania and includes the cities of Allentown, Bethlehem, Easton, Hazleton, Reading, Scranton and Wilkes-Barre.

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Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Erie's Episcopal bishop facing new role

From Erie-

The Right Rev. Sean Rowe realizes he's using the word a lot these days. But it's an approach he's committed to, and he thinks his interest in working with others is one of the reasons his life is about to change. He is poised to take on the role of bishop of a second Pennsylvania diocese, at least for a while.

Rowe, bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Northwestern Pennsylvania, is the nominee for provisional bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Bethlehem. If approved, as expected, by the Bethlehem diocese's clergy and lay representatives in a March 1 vote, Rowe will continue to head the Erie-based diocese he has led since 2007 and will also oversee the Bethlehem-based diocese for three years until a new bishop is selected.

"It certainly was not that I don't have enough to do here," Rowe said. "I have more than a full-time job as bishop of this diocese."

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Thursday, January 16, 2014

Bishop Sean Rowe is Provisional Bishop Nominee

From Bethlehem PA-

The Standing Committee of the Episcopal Diocese of Bethlehem, a group of elected clergy and lay leaders, announced today that the Rt. Rev. Sean Rowe, bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Northwestern Pennsylvania, is the nominee for provisional bishop of Bethlehem. The convention at which the diocese’s clergy and lay representatives will vote on Bishop Rowe’s nomination is set for March 1.

Rowe would continue as bishop of Northwestern Pennsylvania under the proposed arrangement, which would continue for three years. “The Standing Committee chose Bishop Sean as our nominee for provisional bishop because of his stable, forward-thinking leadership in Northwestern Pennsylvania,” said the Rev. Canon Andrew T. Gerns, president of the Standing Committee in Bethlehem and rector of Trinity Episcopal Church in Easton. “He has a strong track record of building relationships with clergy and lay leaders and proven skill at resolving conflict directly and effectively. We’re pleased that the Standing Committee of the Episcopal Diocese of Northwestern Pennsylvania has so readily agreed to undertake this innovative arrangement with us.”

“I am honored to be nominated as provisional bishop of the Diocese of Bethlehem,” said Rowe. “Across the Episcopal Church, dioceses are seeking innovative ways to pursue 21st century mission and ministry. I am pleased to have this opportunity to help transform the church by fostering collaboration and developing new models for mission that will strengthen the witness of the Episcopal Church in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and the work of God’s people in our communities.”

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Saturday, September 14, 2013

Reading church makes commitment to healing ministry

From Reading PA-

There has been a rise in interest in spirituality across the nation.

Responding to that, Christ Episcopal Church in the city has made a commitment to a healing ministry, a so-called one-on-one spiritual direction practice and an upcoming workshop that will tackle the journey toward forgiveness.

"This is a very ecumenical movement and outreach to all people," said the Rev. John Francis, 57, of Christ Episcopal, 435 Court St., which boasts about 400 members and an average weekly Sunday attendance of 170.

He cited today's changing and more ethnically diverse human landscape as reasons for embracing a spiritual ministry, noting that many people come from many different religious and ethnic backgrounds as well as no particular faith background at all.

In the case of Christ Episcopal, he said, about half of the congregation is longtime traditional English, but the other half represents a newer influx of people whose heritage stems from Latino, African and Caribbean countries.

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