From National Catholic Register-
Ten years is not a long time in the life of the Church, but in that
time since their founding under Benedict XVI the Ordinariates, three
Catholic dioceses with Anglican traditions situated across the globe,
have worked with dedication to advance the Church’s Gospel mandate.
On Nov. 4, 2009, Benedict XVI issued his apostolic constitution Anglicanorum coetibus,
allowing a wave of Anglican and Episcopal congregations and priests to
become fully Catholic and keep their Anglican traditions. Pope Francis
has also further advanced what Benedict XVI started, unleashing the
Ordinariates for greater Catholic evangelization, witness, and growth.
In this interview with the Register, Bishop Steven Lopes of the
Ordinariate of the Chair of St. Peter, which covers North America,
discusses the jubilee year the Ordinariates are now celebrating. He
shares the reasons behind the Pope’s strong support, the challenges of
the past 10 years, and what lies ahead for the evangelical and
ecumenical mission of the Ordinariate.
More here-
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