From ENS-
The dispute over Albany Bishop William Love’s prohibition of same-sex
marriage in his diocese took a major step forward at a hearing on June
12, when The Episcopal Church laid out its charges of canonical
violations against Love, whose counsel defended his actions as not
conflicting with existing church canon law.
The hearing, conducted under the church’s Title IV disciplinary process,
was originally scheduled to take place on April 21 in Colonie, New
York, but was changed to a Zoom meeting due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Title IV hearings are held when a member of clergy is accused of
breaking their vows, or violating the church’s constitution and canons.
In this case, the church argued
that, by prohibiting clergy in his diocese from using the same-sex
marriage rites approved for churchwide use by General Convention,
Love broke the vows he took when he was ordained a bishop to “conform to
the doctrine, discipline, and worship of The Episcopal Church.”
More here-
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3 hours ago