Showing posts with label sexual violence. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sexual violence. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Bishops give first glance of their response to #MeToo

From Episcopal Cafe-

At the most recent meeting of the House of Bishops in March, the bishops announced their intention to offer a listening session in response to issues of sexual harassment and misconduct in the church brought to light as part of the #MeToo movement.  In their statement they wrote;

“Many of us have experienced sexual harassment and perhaps sexual violence. Bishops who are women know the “me-too” experience. Some bishops who are men know it as well. We live with different experiences of the cultural endowment of power. We know the Church has fallen short of our responsibility to listen and respond. In this time of heightened awareness it is with greater intention that we now invite the church to a deeper examination of what God intends for our relationships.”

Today, the chair of the planning team tasked with planning and offering that session for listening, Bishop DeDe Duncan-Probe (Central New York), offers some insight into the hopes and intentions of the bishops.  Their intent is to engage liturgically with the hurt and brokenness in the church in hopes of making first steps towards healing. Bishop Duncan Probe said that they wanted the church to know that the planning team is “working to ensure integrity in the way people’s sacred stories are heard.”  A more detailed outline of the service should be available soon.

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Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Pope Francis begs forgiveness of sex abuse victims

From The LA Times-

Pope Francis met for the first time with victims of clerical sexual abuse on Monday and pledged that bishops who covered up such abuse of minors would be held accountable.

Likening the abuse to a “sacrilegious cult” that drove its victims to drug addiction and suicide, Francis told six victims that the church should “weep” and “make reparation” for their suffering.

“Before God and his people, I express my sorrow for the sins and grave crimes of clerical sexual abuse committed against you, and I humbly ask forgiveness,” he said during a homily at a Mass that the victims attended at his Vatican residence.

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Thursday, June 12, 2014

Abp Welby's message to global summit to end sexual violence in war

From ACNS (with video)-

The Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby gave this video message today to the Global Summit to End Sexual Violence in Conflict, hosted in London by the UK government.

The message was played at a panel discussion on the role of faith leaders in preventing and responding to sexual violence in conflict.

The panel, chaired by Nicky Morgan, Financial Secretary to the Treasury and Minister for Women, discussed examples from across the faiths where religious leaders and communities have played a distinctive role in addressing the root causes and consequences of sexual violence. They also considered how barriers to their effective participation can be transformed.

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