Showing posts with label trec. Show all posts
Showing posts with label trec. Show all posts

Friday, May 29, 2015

Our Episopal Default Future is a Racket We Should Divest

From The Bishop of Texas-

So lets go back and think a bit about our Episcopal Church (or any denomination thinking about how to structure itself, judicatory, or congregation for that matter). This summer our Episcopal Church will meet in convention and ponder how to structure itself for mission.  It will ask the same questions it has been asking for two decades, and they are similar to all denominational churches in our time. In particular our church structure has spent enormous amounts of time and energy pondering what the future looks like - TREC. Now that TREC has returned with their version what structure could be the population of general convention is thinking - "no". There are other groups offering similar ideas as TREC. There are groups trying to amplify the work of all these people to convince the general-convention-going deputies that they need to vote positively to restructure the church.

But the deputies have not spent a lot of time on this. They have not spent three years reading and studying things, listening to consultants, dreaming about mission, and then attempting to build consensus in a wildly diverse group of people around common future scenarios of a mission church. This isn't to place a value on the lack of this work, but it is to point out that the deputy will vote based upon how the church occurs to them. And here is the rub.

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An Appreciation of a Memorial to the Church

From The Episcopal Herald-

In 2012, a group of General Convention Convention deputies, bishops, and others, gathered to reflect on the time in which the Episcopal Church finds itself and to advocate for an unsentimental, forward-looking approach to restructuring the church for mission in the 21st century. This group proclaimed that the Episcopal Church now finds itself in an “Acts 8 Moment”, a moment filled with both potential for renewal and urgency. Since 2012, it has continued to foster a broader conversation about the mission and future of the Church at and the blogs of its organizers.

On Ascension Day, this group published a Memorial, a letter to the Church, and a package of resolutions that share the same spirit of the TREC proposals, but go far beyond TREC’s proposed resolutions. One can find both the Memorial to the Church and the proposed resolutions at

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Wednesday, December 17, 2014


From Tom Ehrich-

I wanted so much to applaud the final report issued yesterday by the Task Force for Reimagining the Episcopal Church.

They are good people, they worked hard, and even though they were given an impossible assignment, they seem to have tried for fresh thinking about decline in the Episcopal Church.

As I read the report, I saw glimpses of fresh ideas. But in their actual recommendations, the task force took the easy road: they recommended structural and procedural changes for what are, essentially, not structural or procedural shortcomings. They have answered the wrong question.

In their call for a unicameral General Convention, for example, they raised an interesting model, and by limiting the bishops' participation to active bishops, they addressed a longstanding sore point.

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Episcopalians, Here’s Your TREC Report Summary

From Church Work-

This week in the Episcopal blogosphere, many posts are being written in response to the TREC report. I’m probably going to write one myself fairly soon. Before I do, it seemed important to figure out exactly what the report recommends. And since I’m a blogger, I thought I’d share. Not everybody is going to wade through 70+ pages. Here are the TREC recommendations in less than 1000 words. NB: This is not an official summary.

First, a review:

The Task Force to Reimagine the Episcopal Church was created by a resolution passed unanimously at the 2012 General Convention. A task force was created

"whose purpose shall be to present the 78th General Convention with a plan for reforming the Church’s structures, governance, and administration"

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Monday, December 15, 2014

TREC presents final report for General Convention 2015 consideration

From ENS-

The Task Force for Reimagining the Episcopal Church (TREC) has presented its final report to the 78th General Convention and to the Church, and for inclusion in Reports to General Convention, commonly referred to as The Blue Book.

The report is available in English and Spanish.

TREC’s work was directed by Resolution C095, which was approved by the 77th General Convention in 2012, with the specific task of preparing recommendations to the 78th General Convention for reimaging and restructuring the church.

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Saturday, October 4, 2014

Reimagining task force hears from the church

From ENS-

After spending the evening of Oct. 2 answering questions and taking comments about its work, the Task Force for Reimagining the Episcopal Church is refining its recommendations to General Convention on structural changes to the church.

TREC’s last face-to-face meeting before its report to General Convention is due began with the 2.5-hour gathering Oct. 2. The event was webcast live from Washington National Cathedral. It is also due to be available on demand for later viewing here and here. The agenda included 10-minute presentations from some TREC members each followed by 15-minute question-and-comment periods. A 40-minute question-and-comment period rounded out the meeting. Questions, concerns and comments were taken from the audience in the cathedral as well as from people sending in questions via e-mail and Twitter.

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Friday, September 12, 2014

Further responses to the letter from TREC: one pro-ish, one con

From The Cafe-

The Rev. Keith Voets, who blogs at The Young Curmudgeon Priest has read the recent open letter from the Task Force to Reimagine the Episcopal Church and is hopeful about TREC's direction:

The task force imagines a Church built on networks and areas of practice, a stream-lined General Convention, the elimination of Standing Commissions and clarification around the roles of the Presiding Bishop, President of the House of Deputies and Executive Council. TREC did not help its cause by releasing such a confusing letter and I hope that future communications will be a bit more clear, however I believe what they are proposing is worth a try.
I don't mind a Presiding Bishop with authority. Someone has to mind the shop. While the DMFS should not be in the business of micromanaging the work of dioceses and parishes, there are certain functions of a central office that needs to be managed and the PB is the logical one to be doing this work. I would say however, that we will need to revisit the election process of the PB if that office is to take on extra responsibility. ….

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Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Denominational restructuring won’t work; local churches must innovate

From Religion News Service-

After 50 years of decline, mainline denominations are reinventing themselves, or at least “re-imagining” what the church might look like, as an Episcopal Church task force calls it.

What can the “central office” do to stem the ebbing tide? What can national conventions and agencies do?

The answer is: precious little.

In an earnest 3,000-word letter to the church, the Episcopal task force acknowledged that “innovation and adaptation” are already under way at local levels, where the church’s fortunes actually are shaped. “With or without” action by churchwide bodies, the new is breaking in.

The report is well-written, cogently argued, filled with fresh language and insights formed in wide-open discussion. This isn’t an old guard restating its longtime purpose.

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Thursday, September 4, 2014

TREC issues A Letter to The Episcopal Church

From The Episcopal Church-

The Taskforce for Reimagining The Episcopal Church (TREC) has issued A Word To The Episcopal Church.

TREC Letter to the Church: September, 2014

Jesus cried with a loud voice, “Lazarus, come out!”  The dead man came out, his hands and feet bound with bandages, and his face wrapped with a cloth. Jesus said to them, “Unbind him, and let him go.”  (John 11:43–44)

As the Taskforce for Reimagining The Episcopal Church (TREC) has progressed in our work, we have come to see the raising and unbinding of Lazarus as a helpful way of understanding this moment in the life of The Episcopal Church. We believe Jesus is calling our church to new life and vitality, but the church is held back by its bindings—old ways of working that no longer serve us well.

We write this as we begin the final months of our work, to give you an update about our thinking and emerging recommendations for your prayerful consideration and feedback. We will publish our final report and specific legislative proposals in December 2014.

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Thursday, December 12, 2013

TREC issues letter to the Episcopal Church

From ENS-

 The Taskforce for Re-Imagining the Episcopal Church (TREC) has issued a letter to the Episcopal Church.

TREC Letter to the Church: December 10, 2013

In the last several months, the members of the Taskforce for Reimagining The Episcopal Church have been on a listening tour – in person and virtually. We have spoken with youth groups and bishops, the Executive Council and councils of local leaders; at provinces, at dioceses, parishes, and religious communities. We have asked people what their hopes and dreams are for our Church; what aspects of the Church they hope we cherish and strengthen; and what they wish we could be brave enough to let go of in order to make our Church more vibrant and mission-focused.

Our listening to the Church is an ongoing process. What we have heard is a deep, abiding love for our Church and its unique way of creating Christ-centered community and mission. The Book of Common Prayer and the beauty and mystery of our liturgy bind us together across ages, geographies and politics. We deeply love the intellectual as well as the spiritual life that is cultivated in our members (“you don’t need to leave your mind at the door”).

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