Bimalleolar and Trimalleolar Fractures


Bimalleolar fractures Trimalleolar fractures

Fibular + medial malleolus

Fibular + posterior malleolus

Fibular + Medial malleolus + Posterior malleolus

Bimall Trimall

Bimalleolar fractures


Medial malleolus + Weber B lateral malleolus


Weber BWeber B


Fibula Medial Malleolus Syndesmosis

1. Interfragmentary lag screw + neutralisation plate


2. Locking plate

2 partially threaded lag screws

Tension band wire


Should be stable with Weber B

Cotton test

Clamp on fibula and attempt to open syndesmosis under II)


Ankle Fracture Bimalleolar ORIFAnkle Fracture Bimalleolar ORIF


Medial malleolus + Weber C lateral malleolus


Ankle Fracture BimalleolarAnkle Fracture Clear Syndesmotic Injury


Fibula Medial Malleolus Syndesmosis

1. Interfragmentary lag screw + neutralisation plate


2. Locking plate

2 partially threaded lag screws

Tension band wire


Open reduction of syndesmosis

Stabilized with screws / tightrope


Fibular fracture


Fibular fracture + posterior malleolus




Postero-lateral approach

Fibula Posterior Malleolus Syndesmosis

1. Interfragmentary lag screw + neutralisation plate


2. Locking plate

Buttress plate +/- screws

Usually stable with fixation of posterior malleolus

Screen +/- stabilize




Tri-Malleolar Fracture




Lateral malleolus + medial malleolus + posterior malleolus


Posterolateral approach

- prone or lateral

- ORIF fibula + posterior malleolus

- move patient to supine to ORIF medial malleolus



