Showing posts with label Lori Anderson Moseman. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lori Anderson Moseman. Show all posts

Friday, March 29, 2024

Jérôme Melançon reviews Lori Anderson Moseman's OKAY? (2022) and too many words (2022) at The Ampersand Review

I'm not sure how I missed posting this, but our pal (and above/ground press author) Jérôme Melançon, poet, translator and critic, provided first reviews for two different Lori Anderson Moseman above/ground press titles--OKAY? (2022) and too many words (2022)--over at The Ampersand Review. Thanks so much! You should go here to see the whole review. Why didn't I post this earlier?

Monday, September 12, 2022

new from above/ground press: too many words, by Lori Anderson Moseman

too many words
Lori Anderson Moseman

today a killing frost has me deadheading marigolds
the only flower whistle pigs won’t eat

the table looks full of tiny porcupine quills:
my cache of see is next summer’s hope

until I find them moldering
if only I’d removed the dead parts to isolate viability


when I ask my partner about ma
he laughs
delighting in her brusque mischievousness
her handiness, her loyalty

her hard to understand syntax puzzles him
but he gets her jokes
he never sees her meanness

I am the only one keeping it alive?

published in Ottawa by above/ground press
September 2022
a/g subscribers receive a complimentary copy

Lori Anderson Moseman’s
chapbook Okay? is recently out from above/ground press. Her poetry collections include DARN (Delete Press, 2021), Y (The Operating System, 2019), Light Each Pause (Spuyten Duyvil, 2017), Flash Mob (Spuyten Duyvil, 2016), All Steel (Flim Forum Press, 2012), Temporary Bunk (Swank Books, 2009), Persona (Swank Books, 2003), and Cultivating Excess (The Eighth Mountain Press, 1992). Her collaboration with book artist Karen Pava Randall, Full Quiver, is available from Propolis Press. A former educator, she ran the press Stockport Flats from 2006-2016.

This is Moseman’s second above/ground press title after Okay? (2022).

To order, send cheques (add $1 for postage; in US, add $2; outside North America, add $5) to: rob mclennan, 2423 Alta Vista Drive, Ottawa ON K1H 7M9. E-transfer or PayPal at rob_mclennan (at) or the PayPal button at

Thursday, April 7, 2022

new from above/ground press: Okay?, by Lori Anderson Moseman

Lori Anderson Moseman


as a teen I lived in California near a mission
in Father Junípero Serra’s chain
when visiting the edifice I’d gawk
at artifacts blatant in their colonialism
my mother would refuse to go inside
she’d stay in their garden stealing seeds

“stay” is a version of “place”
we are taught “stay” without the word “stay”…
“sit” we say     then walk away
if pooch bolts we block that motion with our bodies
if pooch stays immobile until we return
we say “good”     only then do we offer food

when a doe places a fawn, she says “stay” by licking
she leaves her fawn when it is scentless
I first approached an “abandoned” fawn
with an unleash puppy by my side
the chase ends when the fawn forges the river
the puppy refuse to risk water
retrieves a stick and banks it
the same pup—a bit older—stays
nose to nose with another fawn
having learned not to run

off leash, pup’s ma—a shepherd mix—tries
to drown a doe who charges her pup
we do not call “place” or “come”
we stop the kill by calling our dog’s name
published in Ottawa by above/ground press
April 2022
a/g subscribers receive a complimentary copy

Lori Anderson Moseman’s
latest poetry collections include: Darn (Delete Press, 2021), Y (Operating System, 2019), Light Each Pause (Spuyten Duyvil, 2017), Flash Mob (Spuyten Duyvil, 2016) and All Steel (Flim Forum, 2012). Her collaboration with book artist Karen Pava Randall, Full Quiver, is available from Propolis Press. A former educator, she ran Stockport Flats press from 2006 to 2016.  See

A second above/ground title is forthcoming.

To order, send cheques (add $1 for postage; in US, add $2; outside North America, add $5) to: rob mclennan, 2423 Alta Vista Drive, Ottawa ON K1H 7M9. E-transfer or PayPal at rob_mclennan (at) or the PayPal button at