Showing posts with label Birthdays. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Birthdays. Show all posts

Monday, February 08, 2010

Happy Birthday To Me

So like woot and shit, it's my birthday :P

I got a big day of work and a vet visit. And hopefully a beer on my couch when I get home. We did my birthday dinner last week. Mom made friend chicken, mash potatoes, gravy, salad and the most amazing Kale and Chard sauteed with bacon and shallots. I would have happily swam in an olympic sized pool of that. Followed up by cherry pie. I ate enough to keep me going for two days. Literally. Mom also gave me my grandfathers baptismal cross which made me go look for one of our more colorful relatives online. Found a great picture which I will be using for Wordless this week and another of my grandmother and several of her sisters as well. Pretty cool.

And with that, I am off to finish watching Red Dawn. Birthday shmirthday :P

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Castrati Cat

Everyone bow their heads and think good thoughts for my kitteh. He is having urethra repair surgery today. Basically he is saying good bye to the remainder of his dangly bits. 2 week recovery time. I feel badly he has to go through this but hopefully this and the new special diet will keep him from having recurrent bladder obstructions and infections. That was not fun.

At work. It is workish. Would dearly love a day with sun. This shit is gettin so old. It's like wearing a hat with the brim pulled down to about eyebrow level ALL THE TIME in this state in the winter time. Such a joy.

Vinny Bond has asked me to join a round table discussion on his BlogTalk radio show coming up on March 29th. Y'all better listen to me live or I will have to get medieval on your asses. I am quite excited. We are going chat about the state of music today and I am going to be serving as New Music Wench, a subject that is near and dear to my heart. We are going to be looking at how this thang we call the internet and place such as MySpace and Internet radio have impacted the way music is found these day. I think it's going to be a pretty dynamic little chat. Mark those calendars!! And let's all pray I bring it :P

What else is happening in Starr Land. My birthday is coming up. On a Monday. Joy. Mom is doing a special present and my child will give me no clues. Cause she sucks. I am volunteering at CAP for Art Intake on the 31st of Jan to get ready for the Auction in May. Which Miranda and I will both be volunteering at again. I like the intake day though. I get to peruse the art works at my leisure!

Charity Auction is ramping up as well. And we are doing a department potluck next week. I might have to make a Pastichio. Cause it is hella yummy.

Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Teenagers Scare The Living Shit Out Of Me

Oh my. I have to write a blog post for Wednesday. Uh.....shit!

Well first off, today is Kidlet's birthday. The old bat is now 15 years old. (Just kidding, chile!) I am dropping off a card and chocolate covered cherries with her breakfast on Wednesday. We are going to do dinner at my parents Friday night for her birthday party and presents. I think she wants a giant pan chocolate chip cookie instead of a cake. The girl does things in her own weird little way. Wonder where that comes from ....

Prodigy on So You Think You Can Dance. Oh my. Russell, Legacy and Ellenore are leading my list of Me Likey this season.

Oh Lord, Idol commercials. How are they gonna top The Glambert?

Let's see. Saw Mozza last night. Mozza is no where near the douche you might imagine him to be. He is really pretty freakin cool. And the opening band kicked ASS. Like Major Freakin I Am Gonna Buy Them Ass.

They are called Doll & The Kicks. They are from England and they were worth the price of admission. Doll is frickin adorable and the girl can sing her fringe covered ass off. Doll & The Kicks

Full review of said Concert coming up next week over at Music Savvy Mom. This weekend is Blog Weekend. I have to do the Morrissey write up for MSM, start on my decade in review and come up with my end of the year favorites. Although I might cheat and do that one as the post for 2009. Yeah...oh yeah, I am gonna cheat.

I have no idea what's up with my appetite these days. I just don't have one. I eat because I have to. The only thing that sounds really good is soup. And apples. The Honey Crisps and Pink Ladies are out now and they are damn good. Get this...I did not finish my pecan pie on Turkey Day. I didn't have room. WTF is up with that?!

Tonight I had Pho. 5 bucks for a huge bowl. And Jasmine tea. It was awesome.

Oh fuck me running, the weather dweeb just started talking about "very cold weather" on our horizon. I swear to god if it snows like last year I am gonna burn the building down.

I am not amused by the upcoming Glee hiatus. Not. At. All.

This has gone hell random as far as posts go :P

With this semi coherent and truly pointless post I leave you all with the Hella Random playlist. First up on the list I am sending out a wink and nudge dedication to the Kidlet for her Birthday.

j00 don't scare me, Widget!

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