Showing posts with label Matt Man. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Matt Man. Show all posts

Monday, March 30, 2009

Walking In Your Footsteps

Or running if you are talking about mine. Auction week is in full swing. The event takes place Wednesday. So far we are around 13k raised. It's gonna be less this year than previous but not to shabby all in all. There are some super sweet packages this year. LOTS of get aways. I know it is too much to ask to win the round trip plane tickets and 2 hotel nights to 3...THREE...cities U2 is playing in. But oh Lordy if I did win it I can assure you all that you would hear my scream on the East Coast.

Kidlet is home and had a blast in San Fran. It was sunny and warm for her there. Sucked ass here in Oregon - Big Shocker. Suckage in Oregon for Spring Break. Story of my childhood. She got some great pictures and I will be posting a few of them. They went to this toy museum place that had some early animatronics that are SO VERY DISTURBING. Like creepy crittery like Jig Saw in Saw.

Let's see, on the pop culture front. Green Day's new album hits the stores on May 15th and their new video premieres on MTV on the 24th of April. Say HALLELUJAH! Cause they are right after U2 for me. Now I just need them to gives us the frickin tour dates. Oh and if they open any shows for U2 and I can not go, I am officially taking up prostitution...and I will have the complete backing of Kidlet.

I am finishing up Duma Key and then I have a series on the Saxons and Danes in pre-single King England. Looking forward to that. Just watched Zack and Miri Make a Porno. It was hysterical and actually very sweet. Really! Even if it does have Traci Lords blowing bubbles with an alternate part of her anatomy.

Oh and Matt? I had bacon and eggs tonight and I thought of you. You film that fast of yours :P

And just for Southern, some Police we can agree on!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

There's A Ringing In My Ear From When I Called You

I have shot my wad creatively speaking rather than semenally that is, over at MattMan's House of Bagwine.Good discussion going on in comments on the nature of God.

Let's see. Got a gloating phone call from Kidlet with a review of their fun filled day including food and Gerard Depardo's chauffer. Got my pasta on last night courtesy of a recipe ala Mama San. Watched Lost In Austen and loved it. Well the end annoyed me but we got a Hot Darcy and an even Hotter Bingley so that was fun. Then watched Castle cause I am fully hooked on that show.

Today I have more data entry, I am HOPING I finally get a meeting with marketing, I have a charity auction meeting this afternoon and then home where to laundry. I live the high life, I am tellin ya.

Speaking of Castle, this band had their song as the opening scene last night and I LOVE IT. I am pissy though cause much like Cage the Elephant I can't buy them in the States. Grr. Check them out, Two Hours Traffic with Jezebel.

Edit to add you can listen to this entire album at their website here and you can find the album Little Jabs at CD Baby.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Congratulations to Matt Man and Schmoop!

I am all misty eyed over here. Matt done proposed to Schmoop and she said yes. It's a lovely day in Bagwine Land! Plus I get to be the Best Man. That's right, boys. Step off cause I getta wear the pant at the wedding. Although one does hope that Matt Man wears some as well.

Seriously though, congrats to both of them. They make me smile =)

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

I'm A Trouble Maker Never Been A Faker

Quick post light on content. Busy week. Today was kidlets first day back to school. Whoo Hoo 8th grade. I have two dr appointments today and I was going to try to work 2 hours in the morning and 2 in the afternoon but I have labs as well. Too much in one day. I promise to write something with more substance tonight. I have my Thursday Thirteen idea and I like it (music related, big shock) but I will have to hit YouTube.

Tomorrow night kidlet and I are going to a volunteer training session at Cascade AIDS Project so that we can help volunteer in the annual Walk for Life AIDS walk in October. I walked it once, many years ago back when it was called From All Walks Of Life. Must have been around 1990. I know it was when I was working at Good Sam because it was dedicated to a patient I took care of who died right before it. The walk is Oct 12th. I think Kidlet and I will either work the Kids/Teens booth or registration. Either way it will be fun. The weekend before that is the Greek Festival. I will need to steal miss Kidlet for a morning and take her to the Festival for pastries. Mmmm...Loukoumadis!

Saturday I am working, Sunday we have a family dinner at the parentals. My uncle is in town and it is his birthday. Cake!

I leave you now with Weezer and a song I am dedicating to Matt Man ;)

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

TT 41 - I Wanna Sleep With Common People

So this weeks TT has no theme. It's utterly and totally themeless and I ain't even gonna try to work a common thread. This is 13 totally random shat's to be exact. Starting with...

1. The Shat! The Shat Singing! Seriously...I bring you William Shatner singing Pulp's Common People. With Joe Jackson. And Ben Folds! WTF?!!!?

2. Rachel "Yum-No!" Rey and her fallen souffle boobie. This is for you Matty! And thanks to Perez for the commentary.

3. I LOVE this commercial. The Loaf and Tiffany?! Hell to the yes.

4.Bret Michael scares the living shit out of me. Found this write up on The Phoenix. Bret made the unsexy list. Allow me to quote

Oh, for the love of Christ, someone put this guy out of his misery. After two seasons of Rock of Love, the end (of Bret’s pecker) can’t be far off, given the parade of freakish plastic-surgery disasters and Hazmat porn stars who’ve lap-danced their way on set for a chance to tongue the toad and maybe land a croaky, personalized rendition of “Every Rose Has Its Thorn.” Once accustomed to sloppy seconds, Michaels is now just sloppy: lumpy and oily, headband wound tight to cloak oddly shaped ears and rat’s-nest hair extensions. He resembles Goldie Hawn on steroids, or maybe a swollen bear cub tangled up in a camper’s leftover potty bandana.

That made me laugh :P

5. Speaking of retread "star" penis, there is not enough money on the entire planet to get me to tongue Flavor Flav. Sorry Flav but apparently hygiene is a joke as well. Mercy.

6. I made pancakes and bacon tonight for dinner. It was the yum.

7. I adore Talladega Nights. Fucking adore it. I don't care what people say I love that movie. Shake and Bake! We just watched.

8. First off, I am Trekkie over a Ewok dweeb. But...and I know I am bad...I think I like TNG better. Don't hate me!

9. Before Sir Bob was saving Africa one Live event at a time, he was wearing bolo ties and singing this.

10. Hey Neutrogena. I know what ages our skin. It's age you fucking retards.

11. Kidlet is cute. A smartass, but cute. She does give good back rubs and makes a mean pot of coffee so she gets to live.

12. We have renamed our cat Gabriel "hole butt" because he is too ass backwards to be a butt hole.

13. And last but not least I bring you Achmed the Dead Terrorist. You heard it here first, bitches. Props to the Kidlet! Word Up YO! (seriously, watch this, I bet you pee yourselves laughing)

And finally an extra for you all. Tonight is Idol gives back. Great cause and donating is easy. Go here

Monday, March 31, 2008

Gettin My Sexy On!

Slap my ass and call me sexy!

So I fessed up a few posts down in the comments to having both Backstreet Boys and NSYNC in my itunes library. As sweet reward for my proud proclamation of Boy Band lovin, Cajunvegan has slapped a pair of bootie shorts on my blog. That's right, stand back and bask in my sexay-ness!

I shall be passing the sexorz onto the following (all male!!) bloggers. I like to share the love with my broken Y chromosomal brothers ;0

Sparky Duck for his geographical hotness series that brings joy to boobie lovers everywhere.

Bond. Vinny Bond. He's funny, Italian, and has great taste in tunes. Forget about it!

Matt Man. Half Naked Ukulele. Need I say more?

RWA For his passion for all things Klum (read -boobies) and his steadfast support of Hooters. They do have good food, dammit. And I'd rather be served by a perky big titted chick than a freaky emo boi.
