Showing posts with label Chatty. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Chatty. Show all posts

Thursday, March 27, 2008


Today after the course I went back to the store, hoping that I'd meet the boss so that I could ask for the training contract. The boss was there, but there were 2 customers, so I waited a while. However, not long after that, the woman I talked to the first time (who said I could do the training there) came into the store and she recognized me right away HE HE HE HE HE HE HE...So I talked to her about the papers I needed from them and I told her that they didn't have to hurry since I could always go back there later. She asked me to come back tomorrow, so I guess tomorrow I'll get the contract from them. YIPPPPIIIEEE!!!

My task isn't done yet, though. I still need to ask the signature of the boss of the firm who organizes this course and then sign the contract myself, then make some copies for me, the boss of the store, and the boss of the firm who organizes the course. But still it feels great to know I've secured a place there, since today my teacher helped another student ask a store manager (a different store) whether he could do the training there, but the store manager said that the place was booked already.

Now I also want to explain something about my previous post: about my not being as chatty as (some) other people.

Well, basically speaking, it depends on the other person, as well. With some people I tend to be able to be MORE chatty, but some people draw my silence out he he he...I can be chatty when I've known someone, but I'm not someone who'll chat people up in bars or any means of transportation. My MOM is someone who was born chatty. She will chat up with ANYONE she meets, such as public transport drivers or passengers or whomever she meets.

I can be especially chatty when I've known someone and we're talking one-on-one. BUT if I'm in a big group of MANY CHATTY PEOPLE, I can't seem to bring myself to be the chattier (chattiest) one. Those chatty people drown my voice out. I've found this to be particularly true when I'm among my ex university friends. Most of them are REALLY chatty he he he he he he he he...

And why did I say I'm not chatty? Because I'm no good at breaking the ice. If someone else does it, then I'll be SO HAPPY HA HA HA HA HA...but if I'm with a very shy and quiet person, then I'll be as confused as that other person on how to break the ice hi hi hi hi...

OK, this post is winding enough. I need to boil some potatoes now!!! I'll blog-hop again a bit tomorrow. Sorry I haven't been able to visit many people every day, since I need to focus more on my upcoming exam. After the exam, I'll be able to spend more time blog-hopping (I think).

Take care, everybody!!!