Showing posts with label Contract. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Contract. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 08, 2010


Been busy with work and then another Rovaniemi trip today, so I'll cut this short 'coz I still have lots of things to do...

1. We went to the place where they said they could fix Panasonic stuff, but turned out he said they'd made a deal with all the other stores that the one in charge to fix Panasonic cameras is located in Helsinki, so we have to contact them later (either by phone or email first).

2. After asking about the job contract thingie, my area manager called me while we were on the way back from Rovaniemi, stating that they'd like to prolong my contract until the end of this year. We're going to draft a new contract next week, so we'll see about that. *fingers crossed* ;-D

3. Bought 3 tops in the flea market in Rovaniemi for only €6.50. WOOHOOOOOO!!! What a bargain!!!

4. Found 2 cheap Finnish novels in GREAT conditions (one is new) from different places. YAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYY!!! ---> so I guess this action redeemed the fact that I had bought such an expensive novel the other day when we went to Rovaniemi HA HA HA HA...

5. Been feeling out of the weather still. Yesterday when I had my evening shift, I felt light-headed after a few hours and a light headache started kicking in. Uh oh...I hope I'm not going to be the one who's sick next, 'coz two coworkers have been sick for at least a week. I've tried taking lots of sleep, though, 'coz my eyes just feel weirdly heavy even after so much sleep. Oh well...

P.S. Been busy with work and 'coz I've tried to sleep much more than usual in order to avoid getting sick, I haven't had time to blog-hop. I'll do it later when I have more time and energy, OK? Take care, people!!!

Sunday, September 05, 2010


Yeah, been quiet here in my blog ha ha...dunno why I feel like I've been so busy lately. Anyway, yesterday my in-laws did a test trial by spending the night in their new apartment. They're going to do some more trials bit by bit before winter comes and then they're going to move there for sure. They hope that next summer they can still go back to their present house, though we'll see how it goes.

So yesterday three cars went to that new apartment he he...Our car, my MIL's car, and my BIL's car. We brought more stuff there with us and we helped MIL prepare the apartment for the night. We rearranged the position of some furniture and stuff like that. I was a bit worried 'coz after being there for about half an hour, my MIL asked FIL how he liked the place. He said he wanted to go back home...ohhhh I hope that they could sleep tightly that night and that FIL didn't feel too confused with all that.

This morning I went to work and my MIL dropped by to buy some food. I had a chance to ask her how the night went and she said they slept well. That's GREAT to hear!!! ;-D

Anyway, yesterday I also had time to have a long talk with MIL about different topics. Apparently this apartment will be the first home she lives in where she can decorate it with whatever she wants to use, 'coz she got married young and then she had never lived in a house where there were only her hubby and kids. There were always somebody else there, such as the in-laws. Only after the kids moved out did they begin to live just the two of them. Even so, the house was filled with the in-laws' stuff still. So moving to this new apartment feels like a brand new life for her.

I can relate to her feelings 'coz prior to my marriage, I had always lived with my parents. And even when I first moved to Finland, R2 had everything ready already, so I didn't decorate the apartment at all. Only when we moved to our second apartment (before moving to this house) did I manage to buy some stuff to decorate the house with (some curtains and we bought a sofa-bed).

On the work front, my job contract ends at the end of this month, but when I went to work today, I noticed that they had written down the work shift for last week of this month and on that list, they still gave me work shift for the 1st and 2nd of October. Uh...hello?!?!?! What's going on here???

I told my coworker about this and she told me to ask the area manager later on. I can't continue working before I get a new contract and I don't know yet if they do want to keep hiring me or not, so we'll see about that. I sure can use the money (who doesn't need money?) to buy the plane ticket to Indo next year and to buy stuff for my family and friends. I'll keep you updated about this.

OK, now time to relax 'coz I have to work tomorrow but then I'll have Tuesday off. YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYY!!!! ;-D Quality time with R2, who still has the rest of his summer holiday he he...

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Today I went to the unemployment office to get the contract paper and then I had to bring it to the library manager to sign. I just found out that this type of training can only be done for 3 months in a row. Well, I'll try doing it for a month first and then we'll see how it goes.

I'll start on November 24th and it's gonna be 6 hours per day, 5 days a week. Not too bad. I start at 8 am every day, which is GREAT since it's the same time R2 starts his work, so he can drop me off at the library first HUE HE HE HE HE HE HE HE...

Anyhow, last Sunday was the PERFECT weather to make a snowman, so I made this short video clip to show you how to make a big snowball which you can use to make a snowman. Maybe this video isn't interesting for people who've tried making a snowman before, but for those of you who have never even touched snow, it may be interesting enough he he he...Turn up your volume, guys and girls, if you decide on viewing my video clip!!!

To watch the video clip in high quality, click here:

Thursday, March 27, 2008


Today after the course I went back to the store, hoping that I'd meet the boss so that I could ask for the training contract. The boss was there, but there were 2 customers, so I waited a while. However, not long after that, the woman I talked to the first time (who said I could do the training there) came into the store and she recognized me right away HE HE HE HE HE HE HE...So I talked to her about the papers I needed from them and I told her that they didn't have to hurry since I could always go back there later. She asked me to come back tomorrow, so I guess tomorrow I'll get the contract from them. YIPPPPIIIEEE!!!

My task isn't done yet, though. I still need to ask the signature of the boss of the firm who organizes this course and then sign the contract myself, then make some copies for me, the boss of the store, and the boss of the firm who organizes the course. But still it feels great to know I've secured a place there, since today my teacher helped another student ask a store manager (a different store) whether he could do the training there, but the store manager said that the place was booked already.

Now I also want to explain something about my previous post: about my not being as chatty as (some) other people.

Well, basically speaking, it depends on the other person, as well. With some people I tend to be able to be MORE chatty, but some people draw my silence out he he he...I can be chatty when I've known someone, but I'm not someone who'll chat people up in bars or any means of transportation. My MOM is someone who was born chatty. She will chat up with ANYONE she meets, such as public transport drivers or passengers or whomever she meets.

I can be especially chatty when I've known someone and we're talking one-on-one. BUT if I'm in a big group of MANY CHATTY PEOPLE, I can't seem to bring myself to be the chattier (chattiest) one. Those chatty people drown my voice out. I've found this to be particularly true when I'm among my ex university friends. Most of them are REALLY chatty he he he he he he he he...

And why did I say I'm not chatty? Because I'm no good at breaking the ice. If someone else does it, then I'll be SO HAPPY HA HA HA HA HA...but if I'm with a very shy and quiet person, then I'll be as confused as that other person on how to break the ice hi hi hi hi...

OK, this post is winding enough. I need to boil some potatoes now!!! I'll blog-hop again a bit tomorrow. Sorry I haven't been able to visit many people every day, since I need to focus more on my upcoming exam. After the exam, I'll be able to spend more time blog-hopping (I think).

Take care, everybody!!!