
Well... I think the time has come for me to say goodbye to blogworld.

I have had an amazing time here and made some really amazing friends... and I love you all.

However, all good things must come to an end.

The reasons are many and I dont want to go into all of them here... but basically I dont have time to post anymore... plus... becky is very protective of herself online and now also of me. I know that if she found my blog she would be very concerned that I had posted so many personal things...

I have had a few too many close calls with my computer being left open, etc... and I just dont want to risk it anymore. Becky and I are moving to our own place at the beginning of July (yes we finally found a one bedroom place) and I have a feeling that things will just become too complicated to keep this a secret... plus I dont want secrets with her.

Truth is... when I came to blogland... I was a confused and pissed off closeted guy who was afraid to tell anyone I was bi... but thanks to being able to say it online... I have come to accept who I am. Come to love who I am. I am a different and changed guy today and I owe that to my blog and to my many friends, readers and followers.

So... this is it... this is goodbye to my blog...

But not goodbye to me. I will still be on MSN ( and still be around by email ( I promise I wont disappear there... I have made to many dear friends to ever say goodbye to...

I am going to take sometime off to live and enjoy my real life... I may be back in some other form... maybe I will open a blog about music or something like that... but I am not sure yet. I will be sure to let you know when I make up my mind.

I think we need to end with a few songs...

I love you all.



naturgesetz said...

AJ, I wish you and Becky all the best.

Your decision to leave the blogosphere makes sense to me. But I hope you will always remember that the cyberfriends you made here would encourage you whenever you're feeling down and congratulate you for everything good.

You're not much for prayer, but I am, and so I'm praying that God will bless you.

I love you.

Planetx_123 said...

Well I was wondering if Becky knew or would ever know. This makes a lot of sense.

I know we never talked on msn or anything, but I do care much about you and have had a lot of fun watching your life the last year and a half (wow that long!). I will really miss this blog.

So best wishes in the future! and id love to hear every once in a while how youre doing.

Much Love,

Bi Like Me said...

good luck and good bye. I'll have a post for you on

cvn70 said...


I'm sorry to see u go after landyn's blog yours was the second I read. You have grown a lot and I wish u and Becky the best. If I can ever be of help let me know

Take care and be safe


Anonymous said...

Take care AJ glad you and your wife to be have found a place to stay

Take care and good luck

letopho said...


I will miss your blog. It was one of the more interesting and entertaining.

Best wishes.

Mirrorboy said...

Good luck. You'll be missed. <3

Seth said...

We'll all miss you AJ

Best wishes, success, happiness. Stay safe!!


Aek said...

I wish you and Becky the best!! I'm sad that you're ending your blog, but I think we all understand.

Take care, and perhaps we'll see you around in some form or another later.

Lach said...

aww sadface :(

Have fun homeslice! <3

Daniel said...

Your blog has always been very interesting to read and now it has a very inspiring end. You'd be missed by a lot of people. I wish you all the best :)

Anonymous said...

All the best in everything, AJ! :)

Anonymous said...

Bye AJ. I'm glad you got what you needed out of your blog and grew with it. That's all any of can hope for. Good luck with Becky and your life,


jnhgjghnghnh said...

Bye AJ. Thanks for your time you put in to that.
I'm very happy for you 2. I wish you 2 all the best.
x x x T

B said...

Goodbye :( I wish you and Becky all the best... Stay strong, happy and healthy... Have a nice life and enjoy it with the partner of your life... I'm so happy for you. I was enjoying reading you...

Seth said...

Hi! It's Sethboyardee here. Sorry to be rude and drop this comment here a bit selfish of me, and completely off subject - but I've recently returned to blog land after being killed by Google and was hoping you could mention me, follow me, and especially link to me.


Also I will be rebuilding my link list so let me know if I can reciproacte. Thanks again!!

Have a good one!