03 May 2012

So a couple of weeks ago I reserved my room for next year so that I wouldn’t have to bother being in a different dorm room/building and yesterday this guy showed up at my door and said that he had chosen to move into the room and then tried to pull his friend in and it didn’t work because I was already here so he asked if I would mind trying to move so that he can pull his friend in. In my head I was like ‘-.- why don’t you just move seeing as he’s your friend’ but since I’m not usually a horrible person I decided to see if I could move. Turns out housing said that since I’ve already retained my room then in order to move I’ll need someone to switch places with, which is silly seeing as there’s a bunch of doubles still available in this building. I’ll switch with his friend if his friend lives in a double in this building but I’m kind of doubting that that will be the case so now I’m like ‘well.. at least he’s cute :D’


naturgesetz said...

Seems to me he and his friend should just take one of the available doubles.

Aek said...

Cute eh? I want pics!! :-P

Gauss Jordan said...

Heh. If you have real estate that you like, keep it. :-)

naturgesetz said...

How has it turned out?