I would like to thank Rika of Vegan Miam for this award! I am now passing it on, and these are the rules:
- Link back to the blogger who nominated you.
- Paste the award image on your blog, anywhere.
- Tell them 7 facts about yourself.
- Nominate 15 other blogs you like for this award.
- Contact the bloggers that you have chosen to let them know that they have been nominated.
- Resume blogging your regular posts.
Seven facts about me:
- I’m Italian and I live in New Zealand
- My favourite vegetables are porcini mushrooms... but technically they aren't vegetables :-).
- My favorite fruit is mango.
- My favorite ingredient is olive oil, I often travel with a small bottle to add to my salads.
- I love cooking, reading and traveling.
- I like to eat colorful food.
- I am a keen forager ;-).
My nominations for 11 wonderful (Vegan) bloggers (I put 11, running out of time to find 15...):
Correndomi Incontro
il cucchiaio di legno
Blessed Vegan Life
Vegan Flower
Dandelion Vegan Blog
Addicted to Veggies
The Shenandoah Vegan
Animal Friendly Eating
Bread without Butter
Food Feud