Showing posts with label Jewelry. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jewelry. Show all posts

Thursday, January 19, 2012

What do you want from me?

I can't get this question out of my head where it popped into several days ago.  Furthermore, it has absolutely nothing to do with the below photos that I started to share several days ago.  You see, the correlation of the two is only that it happened the same day. 
I've been to Arizona to celebrate the Golden Birthday
of this child who was 12 on the 12th of January 2012.
she likes to make faces to the camera.....she is only 12!
Here are close ups of the project I shared several post ago.
We celebrated with more than one jewelry making party. I made the charms for incorporation in their memory wire bracelets ahead of time.
Here is a little pictorial with a tip or two about pouring Ice Resin.

Here is the simple lesson I learned.  I knew when they pooled over that the first side would be ruined if I let it set.  Nothing ventured, nothing gained.  I just picked them up and with a paper napkin rubbed off the resin.  I was able to polish off the wet resin and lay it back down and pour again.  It didn't even leave any napkin fuzz.  
Then there was Lizzy!  I tend to want to add one-too-many drops of resin. Can't help it. Fearless.  But Lizzy's must have been just ever so...not level.  It didn't pool over until it sat for a while.  So, it was good that I used the glass cake dome because I could walk by and take a look.  I really doubted the last time would work because the resin had been mixed for at least 1½ hours and was really stiff.  However, I think the stiffness is what kept it from going over again.  I'm very pleased with how they turned out.  They were all so near perfect.  And they were a huge hit with all the girls. 

So, I don't know who the question, "what do you want from me", is far, but if you would like to address it.  Please feel to share in the comments. Perhaps it will help me get this off my mind. 

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Project Updates

I ate four more boxes of Laughing Cow!
(not really)
This project is a secret so that is why you can't see it so good.
(to the mother of the golden birthday daughter...please don't show. Keep the secret)

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Of Towers & Turrets Session 3

another alteration!
I'm working on a little tutorial for you.
But I have run out of morning art time for today.
What I really want to tell you about is:

Of Towers and Turrets
Session Three
is now open for registration!
This is the wonderfully successful class that Deryn Mentock and I created.  And it is back by popular demand. 
The class will begin on December 15th and all of the videos will be posted the first three days of class.  
You might want to gift someone this wonderful online class that is full of mixed media
mixed metal
Or you might want to gift yourself. 
Class example

Remember these pendants?

You will learn all the skills to create one for yourself in 

For more information, and a paypal  button, visit my class site on Ning,  All Norah'S ART.
I'll be watching for you,

Monday, October 17, 2011

Do you have one of these?

I woke in the night remembering that I had this Jeep Collins hammered brass necklace. I had a piece that dangled from it and I don't even remember what that was.  

But look look look how perfectly it holds my pendant!

I'm not a big jewelry wearer, but I can do this. 
So perfect!

I still have several pendants available in my shop. 

And here is a site that has some variations of this necklace.
And here is an Etsy that has one.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Angel Pendants

Last year, when I was so willingly sucked into making jewelry, with my friend Deryn, my greatest desire was just to be able to make bezels to showcase snips and fragments from my own art.

Last weekend, "my plan" was to construct 12 pendants, all one of a kind and yet using the same angel bezel design.

Yesterday, I added the finishing touch and have them ready for listing today.  

I feel the rotation back into my painting now and may not make more of these for quiet some time. There is great satisfaction in finishing a plan.  I'm thrilled with the result. 

Sunday, September 04, 2011

About Summer Break and Making The Plan

My summer break is over.  And I didn't even realize I was on one until last week after my friend Zorana was gone.

I have accomplished a lot this summer but in reflection, I realized I have sort of been on an ART summer break.

I have stayed in-the-moment through this summer just doing exactly what I wanted to do and not doing anything I didn't want to do, in-the-moment.  For example, my bedroom got a makeover and that has been on my to do list since....forever.  Also, I made huge progress on Tim's Cloth and even set up a separate blog to document the process.  I renewed my passion for the Garden Palace while getting ready for Zorana's visit.  I revived my love of gardening somewhat.  And best of all, I had summer company.  One of the two sweetest brothers ever, as well as, one of the sweetest bloggers ever came for a visit. I've also enjoyed Sunday evening dinners with my kids.  AND I did in fact paint a beautiful canvas, The Tree of Life, that is intended for an Etsy listing.

I've had a great summer break.  One of the things Zorana and I talked about was the fact that if you want to accomplish something, you really really must have a plan.  The Plan should be written.  Otherwise, it is not a plan and will most likely not occur the way you have day dreamed it.

So while she was here, we talked about my plan.  The end of my summer break coincides with the start date on my plan which is this 3 day holiday weekend.  The first thing on my plan is to make twelve pendants for an Etsy listing, similar to the ones she and I made.

I'm on-target with my plan and presenting you yesterdays progression shots.  Now, I'm off to continue working on The Plan.
♥ Sharon

Thursday, August 25, 2011

We Played Hard

She came. She's gone and we played hard.  I love this is like she is "flying".

Well actually, she did.  But she is already back home now.

What a grand visit we had ....
bird watching
jewelry making
bird watching

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Playing Dolls with my Sister-in-law

You can only ask a really really REALLY good friend or Sister-in-law to help with a project of this magnitude.  And so, I admit that I took full and unashamed advantage of a really really REALLY sweet Sister-in-law last Friday.  I'm so excited with the results that you know, I must share. 

The underlying purpose of the project was to combined all the original dolls, reproduction dolls, finished dolls, naked dolls, arms, legs, heads and parts into one of my two glass front cabinets that face each other. Therefore, creating space for all of my jewelry making paraphernalia.

And did I tell you that nothing had been dusted or polished in years?  Kristin removed everything out and onto the studio work table.  She dusted everything.  She polished the glass shelves and mirrors.  And then I did the easy part.  I put them all back and their new spots.  And I ended up with plenty space for all my jewelry stuff.

All of the above pictures are from one side and the below pictures are from the other side. 

notice the doll reflections in the bead bottles and in the boxes!

Two of the three sections of this side is for my jewelry making stuff.  I haven't rounded it all up yet.  This is just the tools and supplies that were on the studio work table.  I will continue to gather the jewelry stuff this weekend and I sure am missing my really really REALLY sweet Sister-in-law.   

Monday, June 20, 2011

BoHo Peek BoHo Bliss

My friend Deryn's new class is just about to start.  She offers this little BoHo Peek for your viewing pleasure.
Go here to read all about the class. 
Here is a little sample:
Or how about this......
Casbah hoops sunstone1
Can you believe it?
BoHo Bliss!!!!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

 Miss Ashley Kay came to watch a movie with her Nana this past weekend and of course they, the grand kids, always have to endure their Nana's show and tell.

Well well, when Miss Ashley saw the chunky pink plastic beads in the bead box, she knew immediately that she wanted a piece made with them.  She doesn't have any problem expressing what she wants.  Loud and clear she said, "Oh Nana, I want one made with these".

That was so perfect because I bought the package not knowing they were plastic.  I hoped they were big chunky hunks of glass.  I ♥ glass beads.

So, Morning ART this week has be the making of this necklace which she also specified the length of.  I decided to use some of my practice "S" links and the hook and eye latch.  I love the big hook and eye and I put it on the side so it would show from the front.

I'm pretty sure she is going to like it.
♥ Sharon

Saturday, April 09, 2011

Lazy Saturday

 I'm having a lazy Saturday just chillin mostly.
 But I did finish this birthday piece of jewelry.
I took it outside with a great big coffee table book of Gustav Klimt.
Sat in the grass and had a little photo shoot.
Now I'm itchy and inspired.
Hope your are having a wonderful lazy Saturday too.
♥ Sharon

Friday, April 08, 2011

Beads Birds and Hands

Here's a Friday update.
The morning went beautifully.
I managed to get all the pdfs loaded to the Apron Class. 
(I was sweating that)
Walked a mile on my path.
Worked on a Birthday Present.
It's Friday!!!!! 
There were four.
I just wanted to share this close up of the hand.
You can watch the hand happen in MorningART Video
(#10)March 31 and (#11)April 1
I can't predict the weekend happenings. 
Maybe a trip to the son's for a DIL Birthday dinner.
Wishing you all a wonderful relaxing couple of days. 
♥ Sharon 

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

My First Design

And I'm wearing it today.  I think I did pretty good for my first.  My teacher will be so proud of me.  Did you notice that I started a jewelry journal.  I'm adding all my notes from my teacher's class videos in this journal along with my design sketches and who knows what else.  The pages are 6" x 17" which is really cool and a little awkward at the same time. But sure is fun.
♥ Sharon

pS...yES, i'M stretchING mYselF a little thin.  But if my neck showed thinness, I would have shown you my face.