Showing posts with label Orvieto. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Orvieto. Show all posts

Friday, July 12, 2013

From The Chef's Garden

On my last trip to Italy and with the Chef's permission,
I collected a dead head (seed pod) from his garden. 
I don't remember if I even knew what the plant was but that doesn't matter. 
I stashed it among my art supplies labeled and wrapped in this napkin.  
Planted on June 12th.
I didn't have a clue what part was the actual seed so I planted all of it.
On June 23 the first seedling popped up.
I would have never guessed that part to be the seed.
I was so happy that I had at least one plant. 
Then, after ignoring it for a few days I went out July 5th and jumped with joy when I found 11 seeds had germinated.

 Today, July 12th I transplanted six seedlings. I count 21 more left in the pot. Before I thin out more, I'm going to see how these do. 
I'm very excited and holding my breath that I can grow these.
PS:  The photo of the first seedling with the seed cap still attached was taken with my iphone and a Macro Cell Lens Band.
It is pretty cool!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012


Nearly everyone was on their way home and I felt extremely blessed to have a couple of extra days at the convent in Orvieto . I passed this painting in the hallway about a gillion times.  Now it was quiet and I stood with it and sketched in my 2010 journal. 

I don't really know if it is a sketch or print as it is behind glass and unsigned. I really liked the monochromatic tones and so when I took my sketch to the studio, I was inspired to try my best to keep the tones as close to sepia and gold as I could.  This is one of my favorites. 

There is much more that I could share from Orvieto but I will call this my last installment. Probably. Maybe. Will see. 

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Going Back to Orvieto

When I went to Orvieto in 2010, this unsigned print hung straight across from me in the studio. 
I was inspired to paint it in my journal.
Although, it seems that I didn't share that journal page here. 
I will do that now. 

Have I told you I was in conflict about going back to the same place?
 Yes, and I appeased the voices with the notion that a second trip was indeed necessary because I didn't finish my journal. 

I wondered if this painting would still be on the wall in the studio.
I also wondered why I didn't take a photo of it the first time.
Hoping it would still be there on the wall, I had to go back to do that!
My heart sunk the first time we entered the studio.
It wasn't on the wall. 
However, a quick search and I found it in the corner, on the floor, under a cabinet and with a broken glass. 

I stayed some extra days in Orvieto after the class was over and most had departed. 
Then, I pulled out my 2010 Journal and painted another version of her. 

PS:  I may have to go back a third time. I still didn't finish my 2010 journal.
PSS:  I still have one more Orvieto share and then I will get up to date with blogging.......with a new computer and Elements 11 and dealing with all those new learning curves. 

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Mist in the Valley in Orvieto

At breakfast, someone said, "There's mist in the valley today".
instant inspiration
became a part of
this painting which was an exercise using paint and no sketch.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

On the train to Orvieto

 First of all, you know how I love to share my WIPs. Could be because I like to see them here too:)  Anyway, while in Orvieto, I discovered how crazy easy it is to use my iphone for snapping quick shots. 
You may not need to know that I HATE HATE HATE the Termini  train station in Rome. My experience the first time I went almost kept me from going again. Yes, this time is was the "fear of the known" instead of the "fear of the unknown". 

However, as many of you have heard me say, "if I did it once I can do it again".  And that was what I had to hold onto. I won't go into the gory details except to say it was just as traumatic the second time as the first. 
When we heard the assignment to paint a story with two or more characters, I had one to tell. 

Once I finally boarded the train, I saw all these people.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Smiling from the studio in Orvieto

I never stopped smiling while in Orvieto but my favorite time was while in the studio with Misty and all of the beautiful Artist. 
In my little town, I just don't get to share art space like that. 
Here, a study of values and seeing light and dark shapes.
With reference in hand Misty challenged us to start without a sketch, lay in the dark shapes with charcoal and then manipulate the charcoal to get all of the values.
I was satisfied to find Professor Doctor Tad Keys right there in the studio of Orvieto. No need to travel to Pelago.
Dot snapped this one from here side of the studio. Thank you Dot!
 Next up: Do the same thing but with paint and and no sketch.
Me still smiling on the last evening when we showed and shared.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Not your Grannies biscuits

...but YUM nevertheless!
I gave this Yogurt Biscuit recipe a trial run the other day but did not have the self-rising flour that it called for. So today, I tried again. The recipe was published in a supplement, Relish, that is included weekly in our newspaper. 
3 ingredients:
self-rising flour
plain Greek yogurt
I adapted the recipe to accommodate the 7oz size of Fage all natural low fat (2% milk fat) Greek strained Yogurt:
1 cup self-rising flour
3/4 teaspoon salt
1 tub (7oz) plain Greek yogurt
Whisk flour and salt in large bowl. Pour yogurt into center and mix with fork to form dough. Turn out on floured surface and sprinkle dough with flour. Fold in half and pat to 1/2 inch thickness. Flour again, fold in half and pat dough to 1/2 inch thickness. My dough yielded 10 biscuits using a 2 ¼" cutter.  Bake at 450°F about 10 minutes.
Of course, there was a method to my madness.  I bought these cute little jars of jam in Orvieto; I really meant to gift them ......sorry my friends. We sampled in Orvieto and I knew they were wonderful but I could not resist. They are from Agriturismo Valle del Tione in the valley just out of Orvieto. 

Wish you were here for breakfast friends.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Orvieto Knockers

 When going back
to where you've been,
 the view is richer
and more focused
on the little things. 
 When last I visited Orvieto,
I saw the doors and portals and alleyways.
 This time, I was totally aware
my focus had narrowed to
smaller details
like door knockers and knobs.

But I still wondered who are the people who cross these thresholds and what brings them here.

Monday, October 15, 2012

A Day in the Studio in Orvieto

This is just a sampling of my pencil exercises that Misty challenged each of us with during the first full day in the stuido. 
A big part of Orvieto is eating. (And I do it well)
Each day we shared a family-style picnic lunch in the courtyard of the Convent. Oh what a wonderful time to relax and enjoy!

 Jenny and Renèe
Mattie, Jeanne-Marie, Dot and Jenny

Friday, October 12, 2012

Inspiration in Orvieto

Our first full day in Oriveto included walking and walking and walking.

Bill and Kristi gave us the full town tour which left me with aching muscles and joints.

We were on a artful mission.

 To observe, sketch, collect visual imagery with camera and rubbings,  and to take inspiration back to the studio.
 For our first studio warm-up we carved a stamp using the found inspiration.  Our packet from Misty included this tiny journal and I used my stamp for the cover. I came home with the assignment to fill the pages of this tiny journal. 
I will.
Our packet also included a page from an art book that we were then  suppose to use as inspiration for a quick sketch. This was on one side of the page. Dear Misty, I had a fleeting thought about using it.  Fleeting! However, The Rucellai Madonna was on the other side and I chose it for the above. I carried a set of chalk pastels and used them for the first time. There was no time to finish as we were off for a wine and olive oil tasting at The Palace of Taste and then a group dinner at LaPalomba.
Dot, Misty, John and Kristi.

More later,

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Going back to Orvieto

After being missing in action, it is always hard to come back and know where to begin again. My Celebration Break took me to Orvieto. My celebration was about 50 years with a DH who didn't blink when I told him I wanted and needed to go back. My celebration was also about beginning and embracing the retirement path that I now find myself on. I could not imagine a better way to really start down this new path.

When I woke on the last Monday of August, my first thoughts were about going to Orvieto. I have known for 2 years that I could go back but on that Monday, I knew my reasoning for not going was flawed. It didn't matter that I was returning to the same place for the same thing with the same people. It only mattered that I was different. And that was the word that echoed from my heart and soul. Different. "This will be different for so many reasons." It was and I plan to share all of it. Slowly and surely. 
To start, I challenged myself to carry a tiny blank journal and Pit Artist Pen to document my journey by capturing moments that I shared with strangers as well as a few moments I shared with new and old friends. None knew that they were becoming a part of my memories. 

I wasn't trying to get a likeness and if I did or did not, no one will ever know. The challenge was to sketch fast my moving targets without being able to erase. 

I regret that on my return trip, I was simply too exhausted to continue the documentation. But I love this little journal and I see my self taking it out to find new memories with the strangers in my life. 

More later,