Al's Photography Blog

Al's Photography Blog
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Showing posts with label Japan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Japan. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Tokyo At Night (2)

This is the last of my photos from last year's trip to Japan, a dizzying night-time perspective taken with my ultra-wide fisheye lens.

Monday, June 3, 2019

Hakone Komagatake Ropeway

The Hakone Komagatake Ropeway (箱根駒ヶ岳ロープウェー) climbs from Lake Ashi to  Mount Komagatake.
It opened in 1963, and the top station looks like it. But it's in Japan so I'm sure it's safe.
The views from the top are wonderful.
Despite the growing clouds, Lake Ashi is clear.
There's a small temple near the top.
This is definitely worth doing if you're in that part of Japan.

Monday, May 27, 2019

Lake Ashi

After visiting Mount Fuji, our tour took us to Lake Ashi.
The setting was gorgeous and there were some interesting ships on the lake.
We took a cruise, but on a smaller boat.
The beauty was uniquely Japanese.
Next week I'll show you the final sights from this tour, when we went up a mountain.

Monday, May 6, 2019

Mount Fuji (2)

At the fifth station where the road ended we found the Fujisan Komitake Shrine.
As you'd expect it was beautiful and well-kept.
There were also some lovely views from this area.
As you can see the clouds were moving in. From here it was off to another scenic area, Lake Ashi.

Monday, April 29, 2019

Mount Fuji

The one package trip we did in Japan was to Mount Fuji and the nearby Lake Ashi, as these aren't easy to get to without driving.
At 12,389 feet (3,776 meters) high it's an impressive sight even from a distance.
But as you get closer you realize how big it really is.
The road ends at the Fifth Station, where there are some tourist facilities and a small shrine which I'll show you next week.
Here's a final shot from later in the day just before the clouds moved in, near Lake Ashi.

Monday, April 22, 2019

Tokyo Streets

For Our World Tuesday, here are a few random Tokyo street scenes.

Monday, April 15, 2019

Meiji Shrine

Here are a few shots of Meiji Shrine (明治神宮) on a very rainy afternoon last summer. I can't believe I'm still posting photos from that vacation, but there was so much to see!
Hopefully they can figure out how to get Our World Tuesday to work without requiring a login, as I don't do Facebook and don't want to sign up for another random website.

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Rainy Shrine

Here's a Skywatch Friday photo of a very rainy sky at Meiji Shrine.
And here's a screen shot of the forecast from yesterday - I won't be able to update it today but I thought it was amusing. A high of 72 °F (22 °C) on Tuesday with wildfire warnings (there was a small one near town Monday), to a low of 15 °F (-9.5 °C) on Wednesday night with an expected blizzard. Welcome to Colorado!

Monday, April 8, 2019

Meiji Shrine Approach

After visiting the Skytree we headed over to the Meiji Shrine (明治神宮).
This shinto shrine is dedicated to Emperor Meiji, who lived from 1852 to 1912, and his wife, Empress Shōken.
It was raining the whole time we were there.
All these photos are of the approach to the shrine. Next week I'll continue the series.

Monday, April 1, 2019

Tokyo Skytree

After visiting the  Sensō-ji shrine, we walked across a bridge to the Tokyo Skytree (東京スカイツリ).
This 2,080-foot (634-meter) high structure is the world's tallest tower, and world's second-tallest building.
There are observatories at 1,150 feet (350 meters) and 1,480 feet (450 meters). From the lower one you can stand on glass and look straight down.
The views are spectacular.
On the day we were there, it was cloudy.
It started to rain once we left the tower, and our next exploration was very wet.
Hopefully the folks who manage the wonderful Our World Tuesday meme can figure out how to get the linking tool to stop asking for a signup.

Monday, March 25, 2019

Sensō-ji (2)

The landscaping in Sensō-ji (金龍山浅草寺) in Tokyo is exquisite.
And the famous five-story pagoda is incredible.
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