Al's Photography Blog

Al's Photography Blog
Pikes Peak As Seen From Our House
Showing posts with label Ouray. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ouray. Show all posts

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Ouray Waterfalls

Ouray includes a couple of great waterfalls. On one side of town is Cascade falls, a fairly tall but relatively thin waterfall in a very pretty setting.

On the other end of town is Box Canyon. A thundering stream falls through the rock, reappearing in a crack at the end of a steep box canyon. The canyon is so steep that the only way in is over a metal walkway. It's hard to get a good picture because so little of the fall is visible, but it's an incredibly impressive feeling to be there. The first picture is of the bottom section, just as the water is coming out of the crack.
The second picture is a long exposure (8 seconds) taken with a tripod (using a neutral density filter to get the extended exposure in daylight), to try and capture the roiling water after it comes out of the fall.

Sunday, September 14, 2008


The next day we went on to Ouray, a town in a beautiful valley.
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