Al's Photography Blog

Al's Photography Blog
Pikes Peak As Seen From Our House

Monday, February 17, 2014

Fullerton Arberetum Paths

Continuing our tour of the Fullerton Arboretum, here's a lovely path that winds around the plants - if I remember correctly through a bamboo stand.
And some tropical-looking vegetation.
There were some enormous cacti next to another path.
 And other exotic (to me) plants.
This is my entry for Our World Tuesday - I have one more set of photos to post from this place.

Friday, February 14, 2014

Fullerton Arboretum Flowers

Going back to May of last year, here are some flower photos from the Fullerton Arboretum, taken on a mostly cloudy day.
Don't ask me what they are, I have no idea!
But I liked the variety, and they seem appropriate for Valentines Day.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Dusty Contrails

I snapped this photo when I was in Red Rock Canyon recently. After I saw it on the computer, I cleaned my camera's sensor - the annoying dust spots showed up clearly against that large expanse of sky.
We've had quite the weather roller-coaster at our house this week, with temperatures ranging from -17 °F (-27 °C) to 50 °F (10 °C) - a 67 °F (37 °C) swing in a couple of days! And that's my Skywatch Friday post for this week.

Monday, February 10, 2014

Old Artworks (Getty Museum)

The Getty Museum in Los Angeles has an extensive collection of old artworks. Here's Portrait of a Woman with a Book of Music by Francesco d'Ubertino Verdi (1494–1557).
They have several by Rembrandt (1606-1669) - here's The Abduction of Europa.
Here's another Rembrandt, An Old Man in Military Costume.
In fact, I sometimes thought they'd be better of displaying fewer paintings to better effect, and changing them out periodically.

They also have wonderful sculptures - this one is Allegorical Portrait of the Van Risamburgh Family  by Joseph Chinard (1756-1813).
If you have any interest in this sort of thing, I highly recommend a trip here if you're in the Los Angeles area. Photographs don't begin to do justice to this sort of art. But they're my historical entry for Our World Tuesday.

Friday, February 7, 2014

Pfalzgrafenstein Castle

The only notes I have on this 1976 slide from Germany say "De Pfalz." But a quick internet search turns up an article about what turns out to be Pfalzgrafenstein Castle, which was started in 1326!
I'm posting it to welcome Vintage Weekly back.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Sun, Snow, & Pulpit Rock

For my weekly Skywatch Friday post, here's a post from a hike near Pulpit Rock looking right into the sun.
I always find it a challenge getting something worthwhile shooting directly into the sun, but it can make for some fun.

Sunday, February 2, 2014

So Many Roads

So many roads to ease my soul...
All I want is one to take me home...
Photos from Garden of the Gods on Tuesday morning. Lyrics from So Many Roads by the Grateful Dead, my favorite band. Post for Blue Monday and Our World Tuesday.
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