Showing posts with label lee seung gi. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lee seung gi. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Wordless Wednesday..T___T

bapak jauh seat. bayar mahal2. nangesla aku xleh tgk lobang idung dia dekat2..huk3.. T___T

Friday, June 15, 2012

Sengih sampai telinga

Hehe..sori,kawan2.stop jap update trip Beijing.sbb aku tgh seronok..nak tau seronok pasal apa?

Tonight With Lee Seung Gi in Singapore
Date:                           Saturday, 25 August 2012
Time:                           7pm
Duration:                     Approximately 2 hours
Venue:                         Kallang Theater
serius sengih sampai telinga.bukan senang bf i ni nk keluar Seoul. aku xkesah walaupun tiket mahal.terpaksa la aku puasa walaupun raya.kikikiki. tercapailah hasrat nk tgk dia secara live.yay!!

 Sebelum ni snap gmbr dgn patung je.haha

p/s: malam ni tido tersengih la.haha. *kronik dah budak ni.kekekeke*

Friday, November 11, 2011

but tonight..but tonight... episod 2.

ada 10 track dlm album ni...

"the song that will make u smile"..antara lagu peberet aku dlm album ni..

the cd...

isi perut cd..

just you-lyrics

Singer : Lee Seung Gi
Album : Tonight, 5th Album
Title : Tonight
Release : Oct. 28, 2011

Track List

01. 친구잖아 / I’m Your Friend

02. Tonight

03. 어디라도 / Anywhere
04. 연애시대 / Love Time
05. 친구잖아 /The Song Will Make You Smile

06. 그냥 너야 / Just You
07. 나는 나쁜 남자다 / I Am A Bad Guy
08. Slave
09. 친구잖아 (Rock Ver.) / I’m Your Friend
10. 어디라도 (Ra.D Ver.) / Anywhere

hahahaha..gedik tak aku???saje nk tempek gmbr lagi baru dpt satu cd.nnti dtg lg dua cd,aku tempek gmbr lagi.tolong!!tolong!!!aku sudah gila!!hahahahaha

p/s: aku dh lama xbuat kerja2 beli cd original ni.agak2 cd retis malaysia meriah mcm ni jugak ke??hu hu. (nnti kena try beli cd anuar zain la plak...dulu rajin gak buat koleksi..)

Tuesday, November 08, 2011

but tonight..but tonight...

ahaks...sgt gumbira.sbb sudah terima..ok.saya mmg sudah buang tebiat.buang tebiat membeli cd lagu.dh lama rasanya xbuat kerja membeli cd original sejak kenal apa itu download lagu.haha.thanks pada "kwn maya" yg sudi tolong belikan nun trus dari korea.thanks a lot, my friends!!!!!

to be honest, aku dh dengar semua track dlm album ni..komen: puas hati la dgn lagu2nya..berbaloi la beli cd ni walaupun dh selamat download lagu2nya(opss..terkantoi di situ..haha)

td kena ke kl sentral untuk ambil sendiri cd ni drpd member. rasa mcm dh lama tak ke kl sentral.member lak suruh jumpa kat sooka sentral..err..belah manakah sooka sentral itu??(nmpk sgt dh lama tak ke kl sentral)..agak sesat jugakla nk mencari jln ke sooka sentral walaupun hakikatnya kat sblh tu je.hahaha.adoi.kantoi lagi.

baiklah,masa utk dengar lagi lagu2 ni sampai lebam..meh aku bg can korg lyn gak lagu dlm album ni.

p/s: minggu dpn nk dpt lg dua cd.hahahaha..mmg gilo la aku.patutla duit gaji aku mcm cpt je hbs bln ni..(opsss..terkantoi lg.haha)

Thursday, May 26, 2011

anyeong haseyo!!!

i'm backkk eberibadi!!!hahahaha..seronoknya bercuti panjang. rasa xnk blk pun ada. best2!!!! harus kah aku wat travel log trip aku kali ni??hehe.

Friday, April 22, 2011

**mode: nyanyi-nyanyi-walaupun-xpaham**

Ye..saya tau..saya agak ketinggalan zaman. Lagu ni dah lama. back in 2009. tp nak buat camne. baru sekarang saya discover (thanks to google search..ngeh3)

lagu ini sangat comel okeh. penyanyinya comel, gerak tarinya comel, dan liriknya sangat sweet.

Saya sertakan sekali liriknya. telah ditranslate ke English. lyrics credit to-->


translated version:

will you marry me
do you want to live together forever
we can sweetly love each other,
have a baby that looks like me, a baby that looks like you,
not be sick forever.. i want to live like that

honestly, i love you more
in a relationship between man and woman
they say it's better like that

i'll love you more
i'll care for you more
when tears fall and it's hard
when it hurts, we'll hurt together
i'll love you forever
i'll protect you forever
i'm thankful that i met someone as great as you
i want to love only you everyday

will you marry me

[rap] everyday, i feel so happy that
for no reason, i look forward to the next day
why why am i trembling so much
no matter how i think of it, you're my number one person
until our black hair turns white as snow
until our lives end
even if you suffer physically, i won't ever make you suffer emotionally

you're the other half of my heart
i'll become the other half of your heart
every moment that you breathe
i'll love you
even as time passes and our wrinkles grow
you and me, we'll be together forever like now

i'll love you more
i'll care for you more
when tears fall and it's hard
when it hurts, we'll hurt together
i'll love you forever
i'll protect you forever
i'm thankful that i met someone as great as you
i want to love only you everyday

you're like a light that brightened up my dark life
a house that welcomes me with the sound of stew boiling
a rain that watered my dry heart
a seed that contains the real fruit of love
a string of fate that the heavens decided
our meeting was destined by the heavens
i wouldn't trade you for the world
in my life, there's only you, forever

i'll love you more
i'll care for you more
when tears fall and it's hard
when it hurts, we'll hurt together
i'll love you forever
i'll protect you forever
i'm thankful that i met someone as great as you
i want to love only you everyday

will you marry me

p/s:this man makes my heart melting.muahaha.yo yo o..

:: pengikut2 setia ::

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