Showing posts with label CIA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label CIA. Show all posts

Sunday, January 07, 2018

Top Secret America

Top secret America has grown beyond control since 9/11: America's secret Army!

                               top secret America has grown beyond control since 9/11                                       

The results of this 2 year investigation is scary stuff! The top secret world the government created in response to the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, has become so large, so unwieldy and so secretive that no one knows how much money it costs, how many people it employs, how many programs exist within it or exactly how many agencies do the same work. They can continue to grow and do what they want even against us and no one is the wiser.

These are some of the findings of a two-year investigation by the Washington Post that discovered what amounts to an alternative geography of the United States, a Top Secret America hidden from public view and lacking in thorough oversight. After nine years of unprecedented spending and growth, the result is that the system put in place to keep the United States safe is so massive that its effectiveness is impossible to determine. Reality is hidden and lost in our cumbersome bureaucracy and those benefiting will never let it shrink.

The investigation's other findings include some 1,271 government organizations and 1,931 private companies working on programs related to counterterrorism, homeland security and intelligence in some 10,000 locations across the United States. There is no way of knowing size or costs because in buildings scope and structure it is growing every day and is multifaceted and hidden from others as the intelligence community can do what they want in the name of America and our security even if it is against our best interest. This is frightening!

An estimated 854,000 people, nearly 1 1/2 times as many people as live in Washington, hold top secret security clearances. This does include the likes of cooks and janitors who work in top secret environments but there is no way to tell who is spying on who or working for who. This is a terrible out of control situation that boggles the mind.

In Washington and the surrounding area, 33 building complexes for top-secret intelligence work are under construction or have been built since September 2001. Together they occupy the equivalent of almost three Pentagons or 22 U.S. Capitol buildings -- about 17 million square feet of space. That is only what we know and we don't even know that as no one has to tell us anything as long as they have the power and say they are doing it for us. I kid you not, this is scary!

Many security and intelligence agencies do the same work, creating redundancy and waste. For example, 51 federal organizations and military commands, operating in 15 U.S. cities, track the flow of money to and from terrorist networks. top secret America continues to grow out of control This was 2 years ago and we get worse and worse every day!

This will never be brought under control! Just how do we bring this under control? Short answer is we don't! The Government bureaucracy and intelligence agency knows they can always justify more redundancy as they did with the fabricated anthrax attacks to pass the Patriot Act facilitating this monster.

Our intelligence has become a mystery in itself purposely to hide numerous hidden agenda's. This is nation wide and in 10,000 US cities. This is crazy but I only see it continuing unabated whoever is President because right or wrong, regardless of the real reason, they can justify it. Damn, damn, damn, this is scary!

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Top secret America has grown beyond control since 9/11: America's secret Army!

Top Secret America

top secret America has grown beyond control since 9/11

The results of this 2 year investigation is scary stuff! The top secret world the government created in response to the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, has become so large, so unwieldy and so secretive that no one knows how much money it costs, how many people it employs, how many programs exist within it or exactly how many agencies do the same work. They can continue to grow and do what they want even against us and no one is the wiser.

These are some of the findings of a two-year investigation by the Washington Post that discovered what amounts to an alternative geography of the United States, a Top Secret America hidden from public view and lacking in thorough oversight. After nine years of unprecedented spending and growth, the result is that the system put in place to keep the United States safe is so massive that its effectiveness is impossible to determine. Reality is hidden and lost in our cumbersome bureaucracy and those benefitting will never let it shrink.

The investigation's other findings include some 1,271 government organizations and 1,931 private companies working on programs related to counterterrorism, homeland security and intelligence in some 10,000 locations across the United States. There is no way of knowing size or costs because in buildings scope and structure it is growing every day and is multifaceted and hidden from others as the intelligence community can do what they want in the name of America and our security even if it is against our best interest. This is frightening!

An estimated 854,000 people, nearly 1 1/2 times as many people as live in Washington, hold top secret security clearances. This does include the likes of cooks and janitors who work in top secret environments but there is no way to tell who is spying on who or working for who. This is a terrible out of control situation that boggles the mind.

In Washington and the surrounding area, 33 building complexes for top-secret intelligence work are under construction or have been built since September 2001. Together they occupy the equivalent of almost three Pentagons or 22 U.S. Capitol buildings -- about 17 million square feet of space. That is only what we know and we don't even know that as no one has to tell us anything as long as they have the power and say they are doing it for us. I kid you not, this is scary!

Many security and intelligence agencies do the same work, creating redundancy and waste. For example, 51 federal organizations and military commands, operating in 15 U.S. cities, track the flow of money to and from terrorist networks. top secret America continues to grow out of control

This will never be brought under control! Just how do we bring this under control? Short answer is we don't! The Government bureaucracy and intelligence agency knows they can always justify more redundancy as they did with the fabricated anthrax attacks to pass the Patriot Act facilitating this monster.

Our intelligence has become a mystery in itself purposely to hide numerous hidden agenda's. This is nation wide and in 10,000 US cities. This is crazy but I only see it continuing unabated whoever is President because right or wrong, regardless of the real reason, they can justify it. Damn, damn, damn, this is scary!

James Joiner

Gardner, Ma

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Musharraf indicted in Bhutto killing: Finally Justice

 Musharraf indicted in Bhutto killing: Bhutto, Pakistan's first female prime minister, was assassinated in a gun-suicide attack in December 2007, shortly after she came back to Pakistan from self-imposed exile to take part in the 2008 general elections. Musharraf was president at the time.

First some history! The U.S. complicity is well documented but as usual, denied! They (the CIA)  can't really think they have any credibility?The 911 movie, press for truth has got to be the very best movie exposing the 9/11 cover up. Bush, Rice, Cheney, the FBI, CIA, everyone of them said over and over that there was no forewarning that terrorists were going to strike and that planes could be used as missiles to bring down buildings. They all lied about Pakistan's involvement. Why should we believe the CIA? Especially in light of what they are continuing to do against us.

The movie documents factually that we heard in 1995 that planes may be used but never concerned ourselves about it. We received multiple warnings prior to 9/11 that terrorists were around, planes would be used, and the towers were coming down. Surprising to me was that prior to 9/11 one of the hijackers backed out and turned himself in, telling authorities what was going to happen. He was given 2 lie detector tests that he passed with ease. I don't recall who in the Administration said it. But they were told to let him go and send him back to London.

9/11 was allowed to happen for a reason! Once it did occur we attacked Afghanistan of course. As you remember, Bin laden and many of the leadership were trapped in Tora Bora. In the past I have said Bin Laden was allowed to escape so bush could use him to keep fervor up and Afghani's were credited with being responsible for his escape. We knew there were four ways out and only guarded three. We gave them a way out. The CIA and others knew this and let him escape to Pakistan, how are we supposed to believe them?

Not only that but I vaguely remember hearing about a 1,000 car caravan but it was never mentioned that we were bombing the area around it but allowed the 1,000 car caravan carrying the Bin Laden entourage to escape into Pakistan and at night, come on. Now this part really irks me and I for one never heard anything about it and still don't. As far as I am concerned Pakistan is no friend of America's and will partner with India and turn on us when the time comes. We also heard over and over how Bush would track down any Al Qaeda finances and try anyone involved. He made a big deal out of the fact that someone outed the fact that we were checking out electronic transfers etc. Something he himself announced.

Then I watched the movie and find out that the head of the Pakistani ISI transferred $100,000 to Muhammad Atta just prior to the 9/11 attacks. This gets worse. Primarily because not only do we have records of this financing as well as pictures but we ignored it and supposedly are in cahoots with them. What happened to anyone caught aiding, abetting, or financing terrorism being hunted down? To make it worse, the joke of a sideshow they called the 9/11 commission hearings was an obvious farce. Again I ask, how are we suppose to trust the FBI,CIA, and especially Bush's Government which took total control of us through lies and secret laws?

We knew Rice and others were lying and Bush and Cheney were allowed to hold hands and lie together (take that any way you want). I think I vaguely remember hearing this but like everything else it was dismissed as insignificant. Anyway, the guy who ran Bush's election campaign if I remember correctly, is the one running the commission hearings. He was the one who decided what was significant and what wasn't as well as what questions could be asked. What the hell is that. This entire thing was stacked against the truth and the facts getting out. It is our duty as Americans to hold these liars accountable. We owe it to the victims. We owe it to our children. We owe it to our history and we owe it to ourselves and this underhanded crap just continues! How? Why?

To reiterate, 9/11 was allowed to happen. As you may remember, Bush was looking for something to happen that would put the country and the world behind what he already had plans to do. 9/11 gave him that something.He had plans right from the beginning to establish a new societal, middle east, and world order. That is why it was important to him to whip up a media and public fury which of course, he has done. Bush and the CIA have been complicit with Pakistan from the beginning. They can't seriously think we or the Pakistani's believe them when they come to Musharraf’s aid again?

As you know, I am convinced that the ISI and musharraf sympathizers murdered Benazir Bhutto.  For some reason the CIA thinks they have credibility. They were and are complicit and as dirty as Bush and Musharraf. they stupidly think they can make Musharraf’s lies believable, wrong!
Anyway what a surprise, the complicit CIA agrees with Musharraf’s lies. The CIA believes extremists associated with a Pakistani tribal leader are responsible for the assassination of former Pakistani Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto, according to a U.S. intelligence official.

 The official, who spoke under condition of anonymity, said the agency concluded that Baitullah Mehsud -- the leader of the Pakistani Taliban who has ties to al Qaeda -- was behind the attack. The Pakistani government was quick to blame Mehsud's organization for Bhutto's death in December 2007, producing an intercepted audio communication in which Mehsud confirmed his men were responsible for the attack.

 The U.S. intelligence community was first cautious about drawing the same conclusion as the Pakistanis. But after reviewing various other intelligence, the CIA agreed Mehsud played a role in Bhutto's killing, the U.S. official said.

* The CIA viewpoint was first made known in a Washington Post interview with then CIA Director Gen. Michael Hayden. "This was done by that network around Baitullah Mehsud. We have no reason to question that," Hayden told the newspaper. Mehsud operated out of the tribal areas of northwestern Pakistan.

Pakistani officials have blamed Mehsud's forces for a number of attacks directed against the government, U.S. officials and terrorism experts are increasingly worried about the stability of Pakistan. The Pakistani Taliban and al Qaeda have drawn closer ideologically over the past couple of years and see themselves at war with the Pakistani state, CNN terrorism analyst Peter Bergen said at a conference at a Washington think tank .

He pointed to the growing number of attacks against Pakistani government officials and the ISI, the country's intelligence service. CIA agreed with Musharraf
** what a surprise. There is no doubt that many Pakistani's in general want to kill Musharraf and his complicit ISI. That I am sure is true but I do not believe Al Qaeda killed Benazir Bhutto. Musharraf had her killed and we knew it from the get go. It has been 6 years but lets see if justice is finally served at least in one instance.

James Joiner
Gardner Ma

Friday, February 10, 2012

US drone strike kills 10 more ‘Haqqani’s and one Monsoor militant leader in Waziristan

US drone strike kills 10 ‘Haqqani’ militants in Waziristan :A US drone attack targeting a militant compound killed 10 insurgents in a troubled Pakistani tribal region on Wednesday, security officials said. Moreover, a BBCUrdu report quoted local authorities as saying that those killed in the strike were militants from the Haqqani network.

Two missiles hit the compound located in Tappi, 10 kilometres southeast of Miramshah, the main town in volatile North Waziristan near the Afghan border, a military official in Peshawar said.

US Drone Kills Top Militant in NW Pakistan: Pakistani intelligence sources say a U.S. drone strike in northwest Pakistan has killed a senior militant with links to al-Qaida. Badar Mansoor was killed in the attack early Thursday at a house in Miran Shah, the main town in Pakistan's North Waziristan tribal agency. His death was confirmed by members of the Pakistani Taliban.

I reiterate: Despite what you think or hear we are winning, at least my idea of winning! Yes they are sick of war. We have been at this for 10 years but Afghanistan has been at war for 30 years. Hell they have been at war since inception. That is what they do they fight and kill each other for tribal and leadership rights. That is what they do and it will continue when we are gone.However I want to say something about us first.

We keep hearing from tribal and terrorism leaders that the US is suffering from war fatigue. Nothing can be further from the truth. There is a reason for it besides are refusal to say die. We hear it as a negative that these wars are being fought by only one percent of our population. I agree in some instances but I think it is a plus because most of society does not even think about the fact that we are at war.

Whether most realize it or not they are insulated and the Afghans on every level are not and suffer to one degree or the other every day. I want my sons and all soldiers to come home from there but we have to keep hurting them to make them realize peace is the best option for now, at least until we leave.

In fact as discussed We may have Check, check, mate

I think it is right to keep squeezing them until they are convinced that talking to us is the best and quickest way to see us gone. We must convince the Taliban to at least stay peaceful long enough to let us leave. The Taliban are indigenous to Afghanistan and when all is said and done they will be governing like it or not and who cares how as long as they are not harboring efforts against the west.

NATO: Raids To Go On With Afghan Participation: NATO will carry out nighttime kill-and-capture raids against suspected insurgents with increased participation from Afghan special forces, the alliance said Monday, after repeated protests by President Hamid Karzai.

The raids have become a flash point for anger over foreign meddling in Afghanistan and whether detention operations will be run by the Afghans or Americans. Karzai has demanded that foreign troops stop entering homes, saying Afghan citizens cannot feel secure if they think armed soldiers might burst into their houses in the middle of the night.

We know you are much better off when talking from a position of strength and having decimated the Taliban on both sides of the border I believe we are.

I think this is great, decimate them a little further and send them back to their roots of inter tribal warfare. Let them concentrate on being fractured and fighting and killing themselves and not us. Give us a chance to hold Obama accountable, get him reelected, and get us out of Afghanistan,

Supposedly since 2004, the US has been conducting a covert program to target and kill al Qaeda and Taliban commanders based in Pakistan's lawless northwest. The program has targeted top Al Qaeda leaders, Al Qaeda's external operations network, and Taliban leaders and fighters that threaten both the Afghan and Pakistani states.

I disagree with that since with President Bush the project was in name only to make it look like he cared while he spent all his time and effort in Iraq. That is why of the 67 some odd top Al Qaeda and Taliban leaders killed since 2004 all but 4 were killed on President Obama's watch. Since 2004, the US has been conducting a covert program to target and kill al Qaeda and Taliban commanders based in Pakistan's lawless northwest. The program has targeted top al Qaeda leaders, al Qaeda's external operations network, and Taliban leaders and fighters that threaten both the Afghan and Pakistani states.

Anyway now we have killed 80 more in one encounter at a so called "secret camp" Bad days and bad times for the Taliban, they are being decimated There is a reason for this success as I said!

The Taliban think they are getting away with something and we are just getting lucky but they are being watched closely by JSOC ready to pounce and take them out when given the command. I say give it now and save lives. My guess is the command has been given because the Haqqani's have been going down en-masse. The network is important but I think "they" should take out the Haqqani's first.

I wish we would quickly kill the Haqqani's, both Jalaluddin and Sirajuddin and leave the rest to Pakistan and Afghanistan. I believe the are being squeezed from all sides and feeling intense pressure on their lifestyle and that is a big reason why the talks are progressing.

Anyway you look at it we are viewed as temporary and the violent convoluted backstabbing tribal relationships will always be a way of life in the border area especially. We can only be very concerned how this is going to turn out between NATO, Afghanistan, and Pakistan. It won't be translucent or good!

The Haqqani's seem true to Mullah Omar who want us out of Afghanistan and want their independent Afghanistan. Pakistan has proven they do not want a free and independent Afghanistan but want to control it. At this point I want to say our soldiers have done their job let them come home as scheduled if not sooner. Let Mullah Omar the Haqqani's and other Taliban interests fight for Afghanistan it is theirs not ours or Pakistan's. Good luck Hamid Karzai that's all I say!

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

Wednesday, February 08, 2012

UN's new Afghan envoy heartened by prospect of peace as am I

UN's new Afghan envoy heartened by talk of peace: The U.N.'s new representative to war-torn Afghanistan said Wednesday that he was encouraged by widespread discussion about prospects for making peace with the Taliban.

Jan Kubis, the new special representative of the U.N. Secretary-General, said that he thinks the Afghan people are tired of the 10-year war and are interested in supporting steps that would bring more stability and eventually peace to Afghanistan. "Political forces are discussing it. The parliament is discussing it. Civil society is discussing it at all levels - not only at the top level, but in the provinces,"

Yes they are sick of war. We have been at this for 10 years but Afghanistan has been at war for 30 years. Hell they have been at war since inception. That is what they do they fight and kill each other for tribal and leadership rights. That is what they do and it will continue when we are gone.However I want to say something about us first.

We keep hearing from tribal and terrorism leaders that the US is suffering from war fatigue. Nothing can be further from the truth. There is a reason for it besides are refusal to say die. We hear it as a negative that these wars are being fought by only one percent of our population. I agree in some instances but I think it is a plus because most of society does not even think about the fact that we are at war.

Whether most realize it or not they are insulated and the Afghans on every level are not and suffer to one degree or the other every day. I want my sons and all soldiers to come home from there but we have to keep hurting them to make them realize peace is the best option for now, at least until we leave.

In fact as discussed We may have Check, check, mate

I think it is right to keep squeezing them until they are convinced that talking to us is the best and quickest way to see us gone. We must convince the Taliban to at least stay peaceful long enough to let us leave. The Taliban are indigenous to Afghanistan and when all is said and done they will be governing like it or not and who cares how as long as they are not harboring efforts against the west.

NATO: Raids To Go On With Afghan Participation: NATO will carry out nighttime kill-and-capture raids against suspected insurgents with increased participation from Afghan special forces, the alliance said Monday, after repeated protests by President Hamid Karzai.

The raids have become a flash point for anger over foreign meddling in Afghanistan and whether detention operations will be run by the Afghans or Americans. Karzai has demanded that foreign troops stop entering homes, saying Afghan citizens cannot feel secure if they think armed soldiers might burst into their houses in the middle of the night.

We know you are much better off when talking from a position of strength and having decimated the Taliban on both sides of the border I believe we are.

I think this is great, decimate them a little further and send them back to their roots of inter tribal warfare. Let them concentrate on being fractured and fighting and killing themselves and not us. Give us a chance to hold Obama accountable, get him reelected, and get us out of Afghanistan,

Supposedly since 2004, the US has been conducting a covert program to target and kill al Qaeda and Taliban commanders based in Pakistan's lawless northwest. The program has targeted top Al Qaeda leaders, Al Qaeda's external operations network, and Taliban leaders and fighters that threaten both the Afghan and Pakistani states.

I disagree with that since with President Bush the project was in name only to make it look like he cared while he spent all his time and effort in Iraq. That is why of the 67 some odd top Al Qaeda and Taliban leaders killed since 2004 all but 4 were killed on President Obama's watch. Since 2004, the US has been conducting a covert program to target and kill al Qaeda and Taliban commanders based in Pakistan's lawless northwest. The program has targeted top al Qaeda leaders, al Qaeda's external operations network, and Taliban leaders and fighters that threaten both the Afghan and Pakistani states.

Anyway now we have killed 80 more in one encounter at a so called "secret camp" Bad days and bad times for the Taliban, they are being decimated There is a reason for this success as I said!

The Taliban think they are getting away with something and we are just getting lucky but they are being watched closely by JSOC ready to pounce and take them out when given the command. I say give it now and save lives. My guess is the command has been given because the Haqqani's have been going down en-masse. The network is important but I think "they" should take out the Haqqani's first.

I wish we would quickly kill the Haqqani's, both Jalaluddin and Sirajuddin and leave the rest to Pakistan and Afghanistan. I believe the are being squeezed from all sides and feeling intense pressure on their lifestyle and that is a big reason why the talks are progressing.

Anyway you look at it we are viewed as temporary and the violent convoluted backstabbing tribal relationships will always be a way of life in the border area especially. We can only be very concerned how this is going to turn out between NATO, Afghanistan, and Pakistan. It won't be translucent or good!

The Haqqani's seem true to Mullah Omar who want us out of Afghanistan and want their independent Afghanistan. Pakistan has proven they do not want a free and independent Afghanistan but want to control it. At this point I want to say our soldiers have done their job let them come home as scheduled if not sooner. Let Mullah Omar the Haqqani's and other Taliban interests fight for Afghanistan it is theirs not ours or Pakistan's. Good luck Hamid Karzai that's all I say!

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

Friday, January 27, 2012

16 insurgents killed, "make that 20" 10 detained in Afghanistan: Keep em coming victory is near, cheat the graveyard of Nations

16 insurgents killed, 10 detained in Afghanistan: They also discovered and confiscated seven AK-47 assault rifles, five rocket launchers, 18 pistols, 1,900 light bullets, 200 kg of opium and one vehicle, it added.Afghan forces and NATO-led coalition troops have intensified cleanup operations throughout the country recently. Over 65 insurgents have been killed and 320 others detained since the beginning of this year.

The Taliban insurgents, who stepped up their attacks on Afghan and NATO-led troops since a rebel offensive was launched in May 2011 in the war-ravaged country, have yet to make comments.

U.S. drone aircraft fired missiles in Pakistan's North Waziristan tribal region on Monday, killing at least four militants, intelligence officials and tribesmen said, the latest strikes in a resumption of the air campaign.The unacknowledged Central Intelligence Agency drone program, a key element in President Barack Obama's counter-terrorism strategy, was seemingly paused after a November 26 NATO cross-border air attack killed 24 Pakistani soldiers, triggering fury.

The United States resumed the program on January 10. In Monday's attacks, two missiles hit a vehicle in the village of Degan, and another two struck a house in nearby Mohammedkhel village.

At the urging of the Afghan Taliban, four major Pakistani insurgent factions have joined the Afghan guerrilla group known as the Haqqani network in a council aimed at resolving infighting and ending militant violence against civilians in Pakistan. Good now execute the coup de grace. Kill them all and bring the rest to the table!

Enter the year of the Taliban: No matter what the Chinese may say about 2012 being the year of the dragon, this is going to be the year of the Taliban so far as the United States is concerned.

The New Year began with an exciting media "leak" by senior United States officials in Washington that the Barack Obama administration was considering the transfer to Afghan custody of a senior Taliban official, Mullah Mohammed Fazl, who has been in Guantanamo, In a geopolitical coup, the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) summit in Moscow on December 20 took a momentous decision that for the setting up of foreign military bases on CSTO territory Top it off with the Haqqani's the new leader's since the capture of mullah omar's trusted day one Commander and we may have Check, check, mate.

I think it is right to keep squeezing them until they are convinced that talking to us is the best and quickest way to see us gone. We must convince the Taliban to at least stay peaceful long enough to let us leave. The Taliban are indigenous to Afghanistan and when all is said and done they will be governing like it or not and who cares how as long as they are not harboring efforts against the west.

NATO: Raids To Go On With Afghan Participation: NATO will carry out nighttime kill-and-capture raids against suspected insurgents with increased participation from Afghan special forces, the alliance said Monday, after repeated protests by President Hamid Karzai.

The raids have become a flash point for anger over foreign meddling in Afghanistan and whether detention operations will be run by the Afghans or Americans. Karzai has demanded that foreign troops stop entering homes, saying Afghan citizens cannot feel secure if they think armed soldiers might burst into their houses in the middle of the night.

We know you are much better off when talking from a position of strength and having decimated the Taliban on both sides of the border I believe we are.

I think this is great, decimate them a little further and send them back to their roots of inter tribal warfare. Let them concentrate on being fractured and fighting and killing themselves and not us. Give us a chance to hold Obama accountable, get him reelected, and get us out of Afghanistan,

Supposedly since 2004, the US has been conducting a covert program to target and kill al Qaeda and Taliban commanders based in Pakistan's lawless northwest. The program has targeted top Al Qaeda leaders, Al Qaeda's external operations network, and Taliban leaders and fighters that threaten both the Afghan and Pakistani states.

I disagree with that since with President Bush the project was in name only to make it look like he cared while he spent all his time and effort in Iraq. That is why of the 67 some odd top Al Qaeda and Taliban leaders killed since 2004 all but 4 were killed on President Obama's watch. Since 2004, the US has been conducting a covert program to target and kill al Qaeda and Taliban commanders based in Pakistan's lawless northwest. The program has targeted top al Qaeda leaders, al Qaeda's external operations network, and Taliban leaders and fighters that threaten both the Afghan and Pakistani states.

Anyway now we have killed 80 more in one encounter at a so called "secret camp" Bad days and bad times for the Taliban, they are being decimated There is a reason for this success as I said!

The Taliban think they are getting away with something and we are just getting lucky but they are being watched closely by JSOC ready to pounce and take them out when given the command. I say give it now and save lives. My guess is the command has been given because the Haqqani's have been going down en-masse. The network is important but I think "they" should take out the Haqqani's first.

I wish we would quickly kill the Haqqani's, both Jalaluddin and Sirajuddin and leave the rest to Pakistan and Afghanistan. I believe the are being squeezed from all sides and feeling intense pressure on their lifestyle and that is a big reason why the talks are progressing.

Anyway you look at it we are viewed as temporary and the violent convoluted backstabbing tribal relationships will always be a way of life in the border area especially. We can only be very concerned how this is going to turn out between NATO, Afghanistan, and Pakistan. It won't be translucent or good!

The Haqqani's seem true to Mullah Omar who want us out of Afghanistan and want their independent Afghanistan. Pakistan has proven they do not want a free and independent Afghanistan but want to control it. At this point I want to say our soldiers have done their job let them come home as scheduled if not sooner. Let Mullah Omar the Haqqani's and other Taliban interests fight for Afghanistan it is theirs not ours or Pakistan's. Good luck Hamid Karzai that's all I say!

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

Sunday, January 15, 2012

We may have Check, check, mate: Al-Qaida, Taliban seek Pakistani militants' help: Enter the year of the Taliban?

Exclusive: Pakistan Taliban commanders "at each other's throats": Al Qaeda, the Afghan Taliban and Pakistani militants have held a series of meetings aimed at containing what could soon be open warfare between the two most powerful Pakistani Taliban leaders, militant sources have said. Hakimullah Mehsud, the head of the Pakistani Taliban, also known as the Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP), and his deputy, Wali-ur-Rehman, were at each other's throats, the sources said.

Al-Qaida, Taliban seek Pakistani militants' help: "For God's sake, forget all your differences and give us fighters to boost the battle against America in Afghanistan," senior al-Qaida commander Abu Yahya al-Libi told Pakistani fighters at a meeting on Dec. 11, according to a militant who attended.

Pakistani Taliban chief Hakimullah Mehsud attended the two meetings on Nov. 27 in Wana, the main town in South Waziristan, and Dec. 11 in the Datta Khel area of North Waziristan, Pakistani Taliban spokesman Ehsanullah Ehsan told The Associated Press. Other prominent Pakistani militant leaders who attended included Mehsud's deputy, Waliur Rehman, and two commanders who have focused on fighting in Afghanistan, Maulvi Nazir and Gul Bahadur, Ehsan said. Also there was Sirajuddin Haqqani, an Afghan militant based in North Waziristan who leads one of the most feared groups fighting in Afghanistan.

At the urging of the Afghan Taliban, four major Pakistani insurgent factions have joined the Afghan guerrilla group known as the Haqqani network in a council aimed at resolving infighting and ending militant violence against civilians in Pakistan. Good now execute the coup de grace. Kill them all and bring the rest to the table!

Enter the year of the Taliban: No matter what the Chinese may say about 2012 being the year of the dragon, this is going to be the year of the Taliban so far as the United States is concerned.

The New Year began with an exciting media "leak" by senior United States officials in Washington that the Barack Obama administration was considering the transfer to Afghan custody of a senior Taliban official, Mullah Mohammed Fazl, who has been in Guantanamo, In a geopolitical coup, the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) summit in Moscow on December 20 took a momentous decision that for the setting up of foreign military bases on CSTO territory
Top it off with the Haqqani's the new leader's since the capture of mullah omar's trusted day one Commander and we may have Check, check, mate.

I think it is right to keep squeezing them until they are convinced that talking to us is the best and quickest way to see us gone. We must convince the Taliban to at least stay peaceful long enough to let us leave. The Taliban are indigenous to Afghanistan and when all is said and done they will be governing like it or not and who cares how as long as they are not harboring efforts against the west.

NATO: Raids To Go On With Afghan Participation: NATO will carry out nighttime kill-and-capture raids against suspected insurgents with increased participation from Afghan special forces, the alliance said Monday, after repeated protests by President Hamid Karzai.

The raids have become a flash point for anger over foreign meddling in Afghanistan and whether detention operations will be run by the Afghans or Americans. Karzai has demanded that foreign troops stop entering homes, saying Afghan citizens cannot feel secure if they think armed soldiers might burst into their houses in the middle of the night.

We know you are much better off when talking from a position of strength and having decimated the Taliban on both sides of the border I believe we are.

I think this is great, decimate them a little further and send them back to their roots of inter tribal warfare. Let them concentrate on being fractured and fighting and killing themselves and not us. Give us a chance to hold Obama accountable, get him reelected, and get us out of Afghanistan,

Supposedly since 2004, the US has been conducting a covert program to target and kill al Qaeda and Taliban commanders based in Pakistan's lawless northwest. The program has targeted top Al Qaeda leaders, Al Qaeda's external operations network, and Taliban leaders and fighters that threaten both the Afghan and Pakistani states.

I disagree with that since with President Bush the project was in name only to make it look like he cared while he spent all his time and effort in Iraq. That is why of the 67 some odd top Al Qaeda and Taliban leaders killed since 2004 all but 4 were killed on President Obama's watch. Since 2004, the US has been conducting a covert program to target and kill al Qaeda and Taliban commanders based in Pakistan's lawless northwest. The program has targeted top al Qaeda leaders, al Qaeda's external operations network, and Taliban leaders and fighters that threaten both the Afghan and Pakistani states.

Anyway now we have killed 80 more in one encounter at a so called "secret camp" Bad days and bad times for the Taliban, they are being decimated There is a reason for this success as I said!

The Taliban think they are getting away with something and we are just getting lucky but they are being watched closely by JSOC ready to pounce and take them out when given the command. I say give it now and save lives. My guess is the command has been given because the Haqqani's have been going down en-masse. The network is important but I think "they" should take out the Haqqani's first.

I wish we would quickly kill the Haqqani's, both Jalaluddin and Sirajuddin and leave the rest to Pakistan and Afghanistan. I believe the are being squeezed from all sides and feeling intense pressure on their lifestyle and that is a big reason why the talks are progressing.

Anyway you look at it we are viewed as temporary and the violent convoluted backstabbing tribal relationships will always be a way of life in the border area especially. We can only be very concerned how this is going to turn out between NATO, Afghanistan, and Pakistan. It won't be translucent or good!

The Haqqani's seem true to Mullah Omar who want us out of Afghanistan and want their independent Afghanistan. Pakistan has proven they do not want a free and independent Afghanistan but want to control it. At this point I want to say our soldiers have done their job let them come home as scheduled if not sooner. Let Mullah Omar the Haqqani's and other Taliban interests fight for Afghanistan it is theirs not ours or Pakistan's. Good luck Hamid Karzai that's all I say!

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

The Taliban are not our enemies: Secret US-Taliban talks reach turning point' it's about time we woke up

The Taliban are not an enemy of the U.S. and should not be talked about in such terms, Joe Biden has claimed. The vice-president said the militant Islamist group only represents an inherent threat if it allows Al-Qaeda to strike at the U.S. In an interview with Newsweek, Mr. Biden warned against labeling the Taliban as an enemy. It's about damn time!

Secret US-Taliban talks reach turning point: As part of the accelerating, high-stakes diplomacy, Reuters has learned, the United States is considering the transfer of an unspecified number of Taliban prisoners from the Guantanamo Bay military prison into Afghan government custody. 

It has asked representatives of the Taliban to match that confidence-building measure with some of their own. Those could include a denunciation of international terrorism and a public willingness to enter formal political talks with the government headed by Afghan President Hamid Karzai.

However I think it is right to keep squeezing them until they are convinced that talking to us is the best and quickest way to see us gone. We must convince the Taliban to at least stay peaceful long enough to let us leave. The Taliban are indigenous to Afghanistan and when all is said and done they will be governing like it or not and who cares how as long as they are not harboring efforts against the west.

NATO: Raids To Go On With Afghan Participation: NATO will carry out nighttime kill-and-capture raids against suspected insurgents with increased participation from Afghan special forces, the alliance said Monday, after repeated protests by President Hamid Karzai.

The raids have become a flash point for anger over foreign meddling in Afghanistan and whether detention operations will be run by the Afghans or Americans. Karzai has demanded that foreign troops stop entering homes, saying Afghan citizens cannot feel secure if they think armed soldiers might burst into their houses in the middle of the night.

We know you are much better off when talking from a position of strength and having decimated the Taliban on both sides of the border I believe we are.

I think this is great! They want to live close to the land and simple so I say decimate them a little further and send them back to their roots of inter tribal warfare. Let them concentrate on being fractured and fighting and killing themselves and not us. Give us a chance to hold Obama accountable, get him reelected, and get us out of Afghanistan,

Supposedly since 2004, the US has been conducting a covert program to target and kill al Qaeda and Taliban commanders based in Pakistan's lawless northwest. The program has targeted top Al Qaeda leaders, Al Qaeda's external operations network, and Taliban leaders and fighters that threaten both the Afghan and Pakistani states.

I disagree with that since with President Bush the project was in name only to make it look like he cared while he spent all his time and effort in Iraq. That is why of the 67 some odd top Al Qaeda and Taliban leaders killed since 2004 all but 4 were killed on President Obama's watch. Since 2004, the US has been conducting a covert program to target and kill al Qaeda and Taliban commanders based in Pakistan's lawless northwest. The program has targeted top al Qaeda leaders, al Qaeda's external operations network, and Taliban leaders and fighters that threaten both the Afghan and Pakistani states.

Anyway now we have killed 80 more in one encounter at a so called "secret camp" Bad days and bad times for the Taliban, they are being decimated There is a reason for this success as I said!

The Taliban think they are getting away with something and we are just getting lucky but they are being watched closely by JSOC ready to pounce and take them out when given the command. I say give it now and save lives. My guess is the command has been given because the Haqqani's have been going down en-masse. The network is important but I think "they" should take out the Haqqani's first.

I wish we would quickly kill the Haqqani's, both Jalaluddin and Sirajuddin and leave the rest to Pakistan and Afghanistan. I believe the are being squeezed from all sides and feeling intense pressure on their lifestyle and that is a big reason why the talks are progressing.

Anyway you look at it we are viewed as temporary and the violent convoluted backstabbing tribal relationships will always be a way of life in the border area especially. We can only be very concerned how this is going to turn out between NATO, Afghanistan, and Pakistan. It won't be translucent or good!

The Haqqani's seem true to Mullah Omar who want us out of Afghanistan and want their independent Afghanistan. Pakistan has proven they do not want a free and independent Afghanistan but want to control it. At this point I want to say our soldiers have done their job let them come home as scheduled if not sooner. Let Mullah Omar the Haqqani's and other Taliban interests fight for Afghanistan it is theirs not ours or Pakistan's. Good luck Hamid Karzai that's all I say!

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Pakistani Taliban splintering into factions: Good for us, send them back to their roots!

Pakistani Taliban splintering into factions : The two biggest factors hammering away at the Taliban's unity are U.S. drone strikes and Pakistani army operations in the tribal region. Turf wars have flared as militants fleeing the Pakistani military operations have moved into territory controlled by other militants, sometimes sparking clashes between groups. And as leaders have been killed either by drones or the Pakistani army, lieutenants have fought among themselves over who will replace them.

"The disintegration ... has accelerated with the Pakistan military operation in South Waziristan and the drone attacks by the United States in North Waziristan," Mahsud said, referring to the two tribal agencies that are the heartland of the Pakistani Taliban. Another factor is the divide-and-conquer strategy Pakistan's military has long employed in its dealings with militants.

I think this is great! They want to live close to the land and simple so I say decimate them a little further and send them back to their roots of inter tribal warfare. Let them concentrate on being fractured and fighting and killing themselves and not us. Give us a chance to hold Obama accountable, get him reelected, and get us out of Afghanistan,

Supposedly since 2004, the US has been conducting a covert program to target and kill al Qaeda and Taliban commanders based in Pakistan's lawless northwest. The program has targeted top al Qaeda leaders, al Qaeda's external operations network, and Taliban leaders and fighters that threaten both the Afghan and Pakistani states.

I disagree with that since with President Bush the project was a name only to make it look like he cared while he spent all his time and effort in Iraq. That is why of the 67 some odd top Al Qaeda and Taliban leaders killed since 2004 all but 4 were killed on President Obama's watch. Since 2004, the US has been conducting a covert program to target and kill al Qaeda and Taliban commanders based in Pakistan's lawless northwest. The program has targeted top al Qaeda leaders, al Qaeda's external operations network, and Taliban leaders and fighters that threaten both the Afghan and Pakistani states.

Jalaluddin Haqqani legendary leader who fought the Soviets and his son, Sirajuddin who directs operations are increasingly the targets of drones and now manned NATO aircraft in Pakistan as the Pakistani's have been leery to go in the area for whatever reason. Many are being killed, I heard in a few instances now over 80 in a week sometimes a day with no civilian casualties.

Anyway now we have killed 80 more in one encounter at a so called "secret camp" Bad days and bad times for the Taliban, they are being decimated There is a reason for this success as I said!

The Taliban think they are getting away with something but they are being watched closely by JSOC ready to pounce and take them out when given the command. I say give it now and save lives. My guess is the command has been given because the Haqqani's have been going down en-masse. The network is important but I think "they" should take out the Haqqani's first. I wish we would quickly kill the Haqqani's, both Jalaluddin and Sirajuddin and leave the rest to Pakistan and Afghanistan.

I have to laugh! The Haqqani's are not stupid they know how to play the game. They know we have long accused Pakistan more pointedly the ISI of controlling the Haqqanis. They also know that of late we have come out and accused elements of the Government and ISI of initiating the action against the west and Afghanistan.

Sadly the ISI has been complicit with the Haqqani's, Mullah Omar and other anti Afghanistan and anti American extremists from the beginning. The CIA was complicit with the ISI. The killing of 7 CIA agents by a suicide bomber changed this for the CIA. However you are not going to get the ISI to "switch sides" They have had a relationship with the Haqqani's since they were helping them fight the Russians.

Anyway you look at it we are viewed as temporary and the violent convoluted backstabbing tribal relationships will always be a way of life in the border area especially. We can only be very concerned how this is going to turn out between NATO, Afghanistan, and Pakistan. It won't be translucent or good!

*When all is said and done I believe in the old adage "there is honor amongst thieves" I do believe Sirajuddin Haqqani when he said he is talking to the CIA and the Haqqani's had nothing to do with killing Rabbani. I absolutely believe Pakistani interests did it as has been proven out. The Haqqani's seem to be home based in Afghanistan now and have wisely severed their ties with Pakistan.

The Haqqani's seem true to Mullah Omar who want us out of Afghanistan and want their independent Afghanistan. Pakistan has proven they do not want a free and independent Afghanistan but want to control it. At this point I want to say our soldiers have done their job let them come home as scheduled if not sooner. Let Mullah Omar the Haqqani's and other Taliban interests fight for Afghanistan it is theirs not ours or Pakistan's. Good luck Hamid Karzai that's all I say!

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

Tuesday, November 01, 2011

US 'held meeting with Haqqanis' compliments of their protectors Pakistan, tells Pakistan to make them negotiate

US 'held meeting with Haqqanis': She said the US held one preliminary meeting with the Haqqani network "to see if they would show up". "In fact, the Pakistani government officials helped to facilitate such a meeting," Mrs Clinton told Pakistani journalists. She added: "We have reached out to the Taliban, we have reached out to the Haqqani network to test their willingness and their sincerity, and we are now working among us - Afghanistan, Pakistan and the United States - to try to put together a process that would sequence us toward an actual negotiation." The only way Pakistan could facilitate such a meeting is if they were complicit protecting them and new where they were!

US changes approach to pressing Pakistan on Haqqani network: Faced with Pakistan's unwillingness to uproot the Haqqani network from its territory, Washington is now pressing Islamabad to force the Afghan insurgent group to join peace talks, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton suggested Friday. Clinton stressed, however, that if Pakistan doesn't move quickly, the United States would be forced to act unilaterally against Haqqani safe havens in Pakistani territory. We know where they live, we should just kill them!

These days Pakistan wants us to believe the Haqqani's and Pakistan have parted ways, Pakistan after Afghanistan and the Haqqani's are after us at least for now. However old and new proof shows us Pakistan is still protecting, aiding, and seemingly directing the Haqqani's. We have discussed this for years and it is time to take the matter into our own hands regardless of what it does to our relationship with Pakistan. The Haqqani's are standing in the way of our success and departure.

With the death of Osama Bin Laden we were asked what his death would mean for the war in Afghanistan. Like the so called war on terror which includes the Taliban, Al Qaeda of every creed, and extremists of every ilk looking to carry on Osama's vendetta against the west, it will serve to fuel their cause. His death should mean just the opposite and it does to all true Muslims.UBL "Osama Bin Laden, betrayed Islam!

The Haqqani's are most important to the war on extremists in Afghanistan. Eradicating them is of utmost importance to our ability to succeed and go home as we hopefully really are in the process of right now. There is good reason why we are having increasing success but first, the Haqqani's and their legendary stature are holding the so called terrorists force together. Their stature is legendary and hard earned.

The Haqqani network and their increasingly foreign fighters have become the main focus after 9 years of fighting. The Haqqani Network's North Waziristan leadership -- usually called the Miram Shah Shura consists of a number of Haqqani family members and closely associated long-serving commanders.

The Taliban think they are getting away with something but they are being watched closely by JSOC ready to pounce and take them out when given the command. I say give it now and save lives. My guess is the command has been given because the Haqqani's have been going down en-masse. The network is important but I think "they" should take out the Haqqani's first. I wish we would quickly kill the Haqqani's, both Jalaluddin and Sirajuddin and leave the rest to Pakistan and Afghanistan.

I have to laugh! The Haqqani's are not stupid they know how to play the game. They know we have long accused Pakistan more pointedly the ISI of controlling the Haqqanis. They also know that of late we have come out and accused elements of the Government and ISI of initiating the action against the west and Afghanistan.

Sadly the ISI has been complicit with the Haqqani's, Mullah Omar and other anti Afghanistan and anti American extremists from the beginning. The CIA was complicit with the ISI. The killing of 7 CIA agents by a suicide bomber changed this for the CIA. However you are not going to get the ISI to "switch sides" They have had a relationship with the Haqqani's since they were helping them fight the Russians.

Anyway you look at it we are viewed as temporary and the violent convoluted backstabbing tribal relationships will always be a way of life in the border area especially. We can only be very concerned how this is going to turn out between NATO, Afghanistan, and Pakistan. It won't be translucent or good!

*When all is said and done I believe in the old adage "there is honor amongst thieves" I do believe Sirajuddin Haqqani when he said he is talking to the CIA and the Haqqani's had nothing to do with killing Rabbani. I absolutely believe Pakistani interests did it as has been proven out. The Haqqani's seem to be home based in Afghanistan now and have wisely severed their ties with Pakistan.

The Haqqani's seem true to Mullah Omar who want us out of Afghanistan and want their independent Afghanistan. Pakistan has proven they do not want a free and independent Afghanistan but want to control it. At this point I want to say our soldiers have done their job let them come home as scheduled if not sooner. Let Mullah Omar the Haqqani's and other Taliban interests fight for Afghanistan it is theirs not ours or Pakistan's. Good luck Hamid Karzai that's all I say!

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Drone strike killed most senior Haqqani member and trusted Deputy of leader Sirajuddin yet as the noose continues to tighten

U.S. missiles killed six suspected militants in northwestern Pakistan near the Afghan border Saturday, Pakistani intelligence officials said. The strikes were part of a flurry of such attacks which could indicate a more aggressive American strategy against insurgents finding sanctuary there.

The United States is pressing Pakistan for action against Afghan insurgents in the region, especially the Haqqani network that it says is the No. 1 threat in Afghanistan and receives assistance from the Pakistan army. Independently of what Pakistan does, Washington may up the tempo of missile strikes or widen their targeting, although either option could strain its already complicated relationship with Islamabad.

Drone strike killed senior Haqqani member, US says“It’s probably the most senior death of any Haqqani network member in Pakistan to date, if it’s true,” said Jeffrey Dressler of the Washington-based Institute for the Study of War. “He’s on everybody’s radar.” Dressler and other experts said Zadran was not an active fighter but was in charge of group’s finances and arms shipments.

The strike followed several tense weeks in the U.S.-Pakistan relationship, as the Obama administration publicly alleged direct ties between the Haqqani network and Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence agency. The United States has said that the Haqqani network is the most significant threat to U.S. and coalition forces in eastern Afghanistan and has warned of increasingly direct action against the militant group’s haven in the Pakistani tribal area of North Waziristan if Pakistan does not move against it.

Pakistani militants bury 2 men killed alongside top commander in US strike: The four were riding in a car close to Miran Shah town, the main base of the Haqqani network, when two missiles struck, said the officials, who did not give their names because they were not allowed to brief reporters. U.S. intelligence believes the Haqqanis are the top threat to security in Afghanistan and that they enjoy the support of the Pakistani army. It wants the army to sever its ties and attack the group, something that Islamabad refuses to do.

As we just discussed: An American missile strike killed a ranking member of the militant Haqqani network on Thursday in northwestern Pakistan, striking a group that Washington claims is the No. 1 threat in Afghanistan and is supported by Pakistani security forces, local intelligence officials said: They identified the Haqqani member as Jalil and said he was a "coordinator" for the group. The men were walking down a street when the drone-fired missile hit, the officials said. One said Jalil was related to Sirajuddin Haqqani, the leader of the network.

In the above strike At least 10 suspected militants have been killed in two apparent US drone strikes in Pakistan, officials say.A strike in North Waziristan killed four suspected militants. Officials say one of the dead is a commander from the Haqqani militant network. Another attack targeted a compound in South Waziristan, killing at least six suspected militants, officials said. The volatile tribal region where many insurgents have taken shelter is frequently targeted by drone missiles.

Senior Haqqani Network Leader Killed in Afghan Airstrike: The militant, known only as Dilawar, was killed Tuesday during the strike in the Musa Khel district. A statement says two of his associates were also killed in the strike. NATO says Dilawar was a "principal subordinate' to Haji Mali Khan, the main leader of the Haqqani network in Afghanistan. It says he died exactly one week following Khan's capture.

Senior Haqqani leader captured in Afghanistan: NATO: Nato-led forces said on Saturday that they had captured the senior commander for the Haqqani network in Afghanistan, Haji Mali Khan, during an operation in eastern Paktia province earlier in the week. Mr Khan is “the uncle of Siraj and Badruddin Haqqani ... one of the highest ranking members of the Haqqani network and a revered elder of the Haqqani clan,” Siraj, or Sirajuddin, Haqqani and his brother, Badruddin, are sons of veteran Afghan militant commander Jalaluddin Haqqani. The Haqqani's are going down!

Afghans hand out satellite images of Taliban hideouts to Pakistan: Talking tough, Afghanistan has alleged Pakistan had advance knowledge of the plot to assassinate former President Burhanuddin Rabbani and said Islamabad was refusing to cooperate in investigations of the crime. Afghan officials have also said that they have handed over satellite images ofhouses of top leaders of the Taliban in the capital of Balochistan, Quetta, but Pakistani security forces were not taking action against them, New York Times reported.

These days the Haqqani's and Pakistan have parted ways, Pakistan after Afghanistan and the Haqqani's are after us at least for now.

With the death of Osama Bin Laden we were asked what his death would mean for the war in Afghanistan. Like the so called war on terror which includes the Taliban, Al Qaeda of every creed, and extremists of every ilk looking to carry on Osama's vendetta against the west, it will serve to fuel their cause. His death should mean just the opposite and it does to all true Muslims.UBL "Osama Bin Laden, betrayed Islam!

The Haqqani's are most important to the war on extremists in Afghanistan. Eradicating them is of utmost importance to our ability to succeed and go home as we hopefully really are in the process of right now. There is good reason why we are having increasing success but first, the Haqqani's and their legendary stature are holding the so called terrorists force together. Their stature is legendary and hard earned.

The Haqqani network and their increasingly foreign fighters have become the main focus after 9 years of fighting. The Haqqani Network's North Waziristan leadership -- usually called the Miram Shah Shura consists of a number of Haqqani family members and closely associated long-serving commanders.

At the top of the network is Sirajuddin Haqqani, who oversees the group's political and military activities and is the main liaison to the Mullah Muhammad Omar led Quetta Shura Taliban, the Taliban's leadership body (named for the capital of Pakistan's Baluchistan province). He is also one of the network's liaisons to Pakistani Taliban figures and al-Qaeda.

He travels regularly into Afghanistan 'or did" to coordinate with field commanders and occasionally to Peshawar and South Waziristan to connect with militants there. Remember Bowe Bergdahl? There are many field commanders in Afghanistan, but turnover is high because many get killed or captured. The most prominent is Mullah Sangin, who is believed to be holding Pfc. Bowe Bergdahl a captured U.S. soldier and Zakim Shah the movement's shadow governor of Khost province. Inside the Haqqani network

Jalaluddin Haqqani legendary leader who fought the Soviets and his son, Sirajuddin who directs operations are increasingly the targets of drones and now manned NATO aircraft in Pakistan as the Pakistani's have been leery to go in the area for whatever reason. Many are being killed, I heard over 80 in a week with no civilian casualties.

Anyway now we have killed 80 more in one encounter at a so called "secret camp" Bad days and bad times for the Taliban, they are being decimated There is a reason for this success as I said!

The Taliban think they are getting away with something but they are being watched closely by JSOC ready to pounce and take them out when given the command. I say give it now and save lives. My guess is the command has been given because the Haqqani's have been going down en-masse. The network is important but I think "they" should take out the Haqqani's first. I wish we would quickly kill the Haqqani's, both Jalaluddin and Sirajuddin and leave the rest to Pakistan and Afghanistan.

I have to laugh! The Haqqani's are not stupid they know how to play the game. They know we have long accused Pakistan more pointedly the ISI of controlling the Haqqanis. They also know that of late we have come out and accused elements of the Government and ISI of initiating the action against the west and Afghanistan.

Sadly the ISI has been complicit with the Haqqani's, Mullah Omar and other anti Afghanistan and anti American extremists from the beginning. The CIA was complicit with the ISI. The killing of 7 CIA agents by a suicide bomber changed this for the CIA. However you are not going to get the ISI to "switch sides" They have had a relationship with the Haqqani's since they were helping them fight the Russians.

Anyway you look at it we are viewed as temporary and the violent convoluted backstabbing tribal relationships will always be a way of life in the border area especially. We can only be very concerned how this is going to turn out between NATO, Afghanistan, and Pakistan. It won't be translucent or good!

*When all is said and done I believe in the old adage "there is honor amongst thieves" I do believe Sirajuddin Haqqani when he said he is talking to the CIA and the Haqqani's had nothing to do with killing Rabbani. I absolutely believe Pakistani interests did it as has been proven out. The Haqqani's seem to be home based in Afghanistan now and have wisely severed their ties with Pakistan.

The Haqqani's seem true to Mullah Omar who want us out of Afghanistan and want their independent Afghanistan. Pakistan has proven they do not want a free and independent Afghanistan but want to control it. At this point I want to say our soldiers have done their job let them come home as scheduled if not sooner. Let Mullah Omar the Haqqani's and other Taliban interests fight for Afghanistan it is theirs not ours or Pakistan's. Good luck Hamid Karzai that's all I say!

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma