Showing posts with label Glenn Beck. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Glenn Beck. Show all posts

Thursday, December 07, 2017

The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants"

Time to take our country back, this stuff is not funny! Tea partier Bachmann saying liberty will be refreshed in our country is a rewrite in code of Thomas Jefferson: "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants"

People keep telling me "don't worry they are small, it means nothing" I hate to tell you, you better believe it does or we are in serious trouble. Do not marginalize these tyrants cloaked in Patriots clothing! I remember when Palin said to lock and load and excused it away and Republicans dismissed it as just words, just a phrase. Dismiss this at all our peril!

This is getting worse with every speech I hear. The long sought Republican second revolution is getting closer regardless of how you marginalize it. It really took shape when the tea party took over the Republican party. Dick Armey threatened a hostile take over of the Republican part by the tea party and it is now complete.

Christine O'Donnell's Tea Party win is called shocking by many but not for the real implications. She is another know nothing mindless talentless ditz. However when Karl Rove the liar who propelled the fool Bush into office to destroy us spoke the truth about her and how she knew nothing Glenn Beck berated him and told him to get in line behind the party I was floored when sucked spit and fell in line like the rest of the Republican party. The hostile take over is complete and you better be concerned.

I saw the details that emerged of an interview with Fox's Bill O'Reilly in November 2007 in which she made the claim, without any foundation, that: "American scientific companies are cross-breeding humans and animals and coming up with mice with fully functioning human brains." That idiocy is dismissed and what they are electing to take our Liberty back? That victory puts $1m in her war chest. You better be worried

Bachmann praises tea party, predicts GOP victory at Values Voter ...

Remember Armey stated: "Let us be clear about one thing: The tea party movement is not seeking a junior partnership with the Republican Party, but a hostile takeover of it." The take over is complete and I don't think it is a good thing for Democrats any more because I am very concerned how far these fools will go if forced.

Remember Palin and Beck are the new leaders in the new crusade for the dumbing down of America. I was sickened by the lies in Washington and then again in Alaska but they will continue to gather a crowd but not large enough to bring about change let alone change you can believe in.

All they have to do is keep the big Government, fascist, socialist, anti-American, anti Obama fervor at a high pitch and with the help of Faux news Beck, Palin, and the secret money of the ultra rich, they will. Who's really backing this take back America and help the rich movement? The super rich! The Billionaires Bankrolling the Tea Party

Common sensed people better wake up and realize we are in trouble if they are able to end Obama's agenda altogether.They want a return to the fiasco Bush Cheney and Rove created saying we lost our way (Rove is now sanctioning this mess too). We have not lost our way they did and we can not let them drag us into total chaos but they are going to especially if independents and Democrats do not come out to keep them out of office.

They are bound and determined to start a 2nd Revolution saying they fear the Government is going to come after them and be beating them down. They are banking on it and have been instigating for it and to end up in the FEMA concentration camps from day on. I do not like what I see coming. I feel bad for my grandchildren who are going to grow up in this Bush created mess and for my patriotic sons who the Republicans keep invoking as brave patriots we must support.

We must support them but stop using them and 9/11 as shills as Palin and Beck are, trying to gain support for their 2nd revolution. Our troops have been lied to, ill used, and abused from day one under Bush I do not like what is coming! I am sick of the damn lies! We must come out to vote and keep these fools from public office. They would mean a monumental degradation of our America and any form of knowledge or common sense much worse than the destruction Bush wreaked on us and the world.

This keeps getting more vile by the day and anyone saying not to worry about it better wake up! While speaking at the so called values summit Bachmann suddenly broke into a troubling tirade against Democrats and more specially Obama for betraying the trust of the people. He is not betraying our trust they are. She said if you are afraid of the tea party you are afraid of Thomas Jefferson. How dare her compare the two.

At a $500 a plate dinner she decries Obama and Pelosi of excesses saying Pelosi has $100,000 bar tabs on military flights. That lying scum! The truth is not an issue just the lies you tell to rile up the people and get your way. Pelosi does not even drink and alcohol is not allowed on military flights. I never heard one word of truth and she was never corrected but cheered.

They want Obama investigated for helping the real we the people when it is Bush who should be investigated for betraying them. Whether you realize it or not we have serious stuff coming down the pike some think is necessary. I do not like it or think it is necessary especially at this tenuous time. I feel for my patriotic sons fighting for the lies in our country and especially my innocent grandchildren! If you missed Bachmann's tirade Bachmann praises tea party, predicts GOP victory at Values Voter ...

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

O'Donnell questions separation of church, state makes voters laugh, Angle Tells Hispanic Students They Look Asian, Tea party voter influence? You Betcha

Nevada Senate Race Turns Uglier With Hispanic Ad

O'Donnell questions separation of church, state makes voters laugh Remember "I'm a witch"? Evolution is a lie and creationism should be taught in public schools alongside evolution?

The half Governor Sarah Palin has thrown her support behind fellow Republican John Raese (RAY'-see), but she also temporarily relocated his U.S. Senate bid to Pennsylvania forgetting that Raese is running in West Virginia. Where's he from? Palin botches tweet touting Raese

Preston on Politics: Tea Party could be key voting bloc in Senate I'm banking on it!

These so called leaders of the new Republican tea party are all screwed up. This is really sick!
Time to take our country back, this stuff is not funny! Tea partier Bachmann saying liberty will be refreshed in our country is a rewrite in code of Thomas Jefferson: "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants"

People keep telling me "don't worry they are few, it means nothing" I hate to tell you, you better believe it does or we are in serious trouble. Do not marginalize these tyrants cloaked in Patriots clothing! I remember when Palin said to lock and load and excused it away and Republicans dismissed it as just words, just a phrase. Dismiss this at all our peril!

This is getting worse with every speech I hear. The long sought Republican second revolution is getting closer regardless of how you marginalize it. It really took shape when the tea party took over the Republican party. Dick Armey threatened a hostile take over of the Republican part by the tea party and it is now complete.

I think she is going to lose against the Democrat but Christine O'Donnell's Tea Party win is called shocking by many but not for the real implications. She is another know nothing mindless talentless ditz. However when Karl Rove the liar who propelled the fool Bush into office to destroy us spoke the truth about her and how she knew nothing Glenn Beck berated him and told him to get in line behind the party I was floored when sucked spit and fell in line like the rest of the Republican party. The hostile take over is complete and you better be concerned.

I saw the details that emerged of an interview with Fox's Bill O'Reilly in November 2007 in which she made the claim, without any foundation, that: "American scientific companies are cross-breeding humans and animals and coming up with mice with fully functioning human brains." That idiocy is dismissed and what they are electing to take our Liberty back? That victory puts $1m in her war chest.

Remember Armey stated: "Let us be clear about one thing: The tea party movement is not seeking a junior partnership with the Republican Party, but a hostile takeover of it." The take over is complete and I don't think it is a good thing for Democrats any more because I am very concerned how far these fools will go if forced.

Remember Palin and Beck are the new leaders in the new crusade for the dumbing down of America. I was sickened by the lies in Washington and then again in Alaska but they will continue to gather a crowd but not large enough to bring about change let alone change you can believe in.

All they have to do is keep the big Government, fascist, socialist, anti-American, anti Obama fervor at a high pitch and with the help of Faux news Beck, Palin, and the secret money of the ultra rich, they will. Who's really backing this take back America and help the rich movement? The super rich! The Billionaires Bankrolling the Tea Party

Common sensed people better wake up and realize we are in trouble if they are able to end Obama's agenda altogether.They want a return to the fiasco Bush Cheney and Rove created saying we lost our way (Rove is now sanctioning this mess too). We have not lost our way they did and we can not let them drag us into total chaos but they are going to especially if independents and Democrats do not come out to keep them out of office.

They are bound and determined to start a 2nd Revolution saying they fear the Government is going to come after them and be beating them down. They are banking on it and have been instigating for it and to end up in the FEMA concentration camps from day on. I do not like what I see coming. I feel bad for my grandchildren who are going to grow up in this Bush created mess and for my patriotic sons who the Republicans keep invoking as brave patriots we must support.

We must support them but stop using them and 9/11 as shills as Palin and Beck are, trying to gain support for their 2nd revolution. Our troops have been lied to, ill used, and abused from day one under Bush I do not like what is coming! I am sick of the damn lies! We must come out to vote and keep these fools from public office. They would mean a monumental degradation of our America and any form of knowledge or common sense much worse than the destruction Bush wreaked on us and the world.

This keeps getting more vile by the day and anyone saying not to worry about it better wake up! While speaking at the so called values summit Bachmann suddenly broke into a troubling tirade against Democrats and more specially Obama for betraying the trust of the people. He is not betraying our trust they are. She said if you are afraid of the tea party you are afraid of Thomas Jefferson. How dare her compare the two.

At a $500 a plate dinner she decries Obama and Pelosi of excesses saying Pelosi has $100,000 bar tabs on military flights. That lying scum! The truth is not an issue just the lies you tell to rile up the people and get your way. Pelosi does not even drink and alcohol is not allowed on military flights. I never heard one word of truth and she was never corrected but cheered.

They want Obama investigated for helping the real we the people when it is Bush who should be investigated for betraying them. Whether you realize it or not we have serious stuff coming down the pike some think is necessary. I do not like it or think it is necessary especially at this tenuous time. I feel for my patriotic sons fighting for the lies in our country and especially my innocent grandchildren! If you missed Bachmann's tirade Bachmann praises tea party, predicts GOP victory at Values Voter ...

* In closing: My biggest concern is what all these crazies are going to do if they do not get control in November and especially if Obama wins reelection in 2012. The shit will hit the fan! Notice Boehner and the rest of them were very ignorant boisterous and over confident, cocky, well now they are letting the tea party fools take control and do the heavy lifting. I don't care I do not like this at all!

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

Monday, October 25, 2010

A break in Democratic gloom: it is about time and well deserved, things aren't that bad

A break in Democratic gloom People are beginning to realize their future and the future of the country depends on it as in an election year when good news has been scarce for Democrats, anxious party strategists are heartened by at least one development: In states that have started voting, early indications are that Democratic turnout could be stronger than expected.

It is a fascist extremist zoo out there this election. Am I the only one that noticed the Fascist enabler who would be House speaker (3rd in line to the Presidency) the brown man John Boehner who was ignorantly reacting to everything Obama has tried has all of a sudden dropped out and is letting the tea party idiots take charge.

It is about time Obama has woken up has taken control and is rallying his base because it is a must! President Barack Obama poked some fun at his right-hand U.S. senator on Friday, telling a Las Vegas crowd that Harry Reid isn’t the flashiest guy around, talks softly, gives wonky speeches and “doesn’t move real quick.”“But Harry Reid does the right thing,” Obama told a crowd of some 9,000 enthusiasts at Orr Middle School. Obama presses his influence for Democratic candidates

Obama ends 4-day campaign swing in Minneapolis On a cross country campaign swing through five states in four days, he is making full-throated appeals to the vast coalition of women, Hispanics and young voters who helped put him in the White House two years ago.The message to those now feeling disillusioned by the pace of change: Don't give up and they better not or we are screwed!

The tea party has taken over as Dick Armey promised! Obama accuses Republicans of peddling "snake oil" You know despite Republican lies that is dead right. They want to privatize social security and Medicare, undo health care, stop trying to regulate corporations, continue tax cuts to the super wealthy, Have I missed anything? We can't let this happen. We can't let Oba's agenda be stopped. It is for us. It is for our America. We must stop these idiots!

It is really vile out there. I can't take any more negative lying ads. This never ending stream of money given by secret donors now controls politics more than ever as Republicans attempt to undo everything Obama has accomplished as they try to guarantee his and our Waterloo.

These so called leaders of the new Republican tea party are all screwed up. This is really sick! Time to take our country back, this stuff is not funny! Tea partier Bachmann saying liberty will be refreshed in our country is a rewrite in code of Thomas Jefferson: "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants"

People keep telling me "don't worry they are few, it means nothing" I hate to tell you, you better believe it does or we are in serious trouble. Do not marginalize these tyrants cloaked in Patriots clothing! I remember when Palin said to lock and load and excused it away and Republicans dismissed it as just words, just a phrase. Dismiss this at all our peril!

This is getting worse with every speech I hear. The long sought Republican second revolution is getting closer regardless of how you marginalize it. It really took shape when the tea party took over the Republican party. Dick Armey threatened a hostile take over of the Republican part by the tea party and it is now complete.

Remember Armey stated: "Let us be clear about one thing: The tea party movement is not seeking a junior partnership with the Republican Party, but a hostile takeover of it." The take over is complete and I don't think it is a good thing for Democrats any more because I am very concerned how far these fools will go if forced.

Remember Palin and Beck are the new leaders in the new crusade for the dumbing down of America. I was sickened by the lies in Washington and then again in Alaska but they will continue to gather a crowd but not large enough to bring about change let alone change you can believe in.

All they have to do is keep the big Government, fascist, socialist, anti-American, anti Obama fervor at a high pitch and with the help of Faux news Beck, Palin, and the secret money of the ultra rich, they will. Who's really backing this take back America and help the rich movement? The super rich! The Billionaires Bankrolling the Tea Party

Common sensed people better wake up and realize we are in trouble if they are able to end Obama's agenda altogether.They want a return to the fiasco Bush Cheney and Rove created saying we lost our way (Rove is now sanctioning this mess too). We have not lost our way they did and we can not let them drag us into total chaos but they are going to especially if independents and Democrats do not come out to keep them out of office.

They are bound and determined to start a 2nd Revolution saying they fear the Government is going to come after them and be beating them down. They are banking on it and have been instigating for it and to end up in the FEMA concentration camps from day on. I do not like what I see coming. I feel bad for my grandchildren who are going to grow up in this Bush created mess and for my patriotic sons who the Republicans keep invoking as brave patriots we must support.

We must support them but stop using them and 9/11 as shills as Palin and Beck are, trying to gain support for their 2nd revolution. Our troops have been lied to, ill used, and abused from day one under Bush I do not like what is coming! I am sick of the damn lies! We must come out to vote and keep these fools from public office. They would mean a monumental degradation of our America and any form of knowledge or common sense much worse than the destruction Bush wreaked on us and the world.

This keeps getting more vile by the day and anyone saying not to worry about it better wake up!
They want Obama investigated for helping the real "we the people" when it is Bush who should be investigated for betraying them. Whether you realize it or not we have serious stuff coming down the pike some think is necessary. I do not like it or think it is necessary especially at this tenuous time. I feel for my patriotic sons fighting for the lies in our country and especially my innocent grandchildren!

* In closing: My biggest concern is what all these crazies are going to do if they do not get control in November and especially if Obama wins reelection in 2012. The shit will hit the fan! Notice Boehner and the rest of them were very ignorant boisterous and over confident, cocky, well now they are letting the tea party fools take control and do the heavy lifting. I don't care I do not like this at all!

James Joiner

Gardner, Ma

Friday, September 17, 2010

Boehner would back US middle-class tax cuts alone, that is an Obama victory

This is not going to be the rebellion like Boehner has never seen before this fall like Boehner keeps saying hoping he and the tea partiers can make it a reality. Primarily because many people know the alternative to Democrats continuing to get our country back is a return to Bush's policies of tax cuts for the rich and breaks for the corporations in a Corporatocracy. Boehner finally relenting in his holding the middle class hostage until he can get the tax cuts for the super wealthy is proof that he realizes he has to start thinking about average Americans for once. Boehner would back US middle-class tax cuts alone

We are going to lose some seats it is only normal despite what Boehner, Cantor and other Republicans want you to think. Some crossovers and independents will go back to the Republicans because many fall for their lies and fear mongering. Many Democrats see the lies and fear mongering not only of the tea partiers but the Republican party they have vowed to hijack and they have. Boehner calls GOP House majority an uphill fight

Could the Tea Party Do More Damage Than Good to the Republican Party? Most definitely!

I was just looking at a story some main stream Republicans are teaming up to defeat tea party candidates as they realize they are fruit loops and they in general are not going to be able to compete with a common sensed Democrat if there is such a thing. They let it go unchecked and too far and now Beck chided even Karl Rove ans they are all being kow-towed to back the know nothing fools.. Remember Dick Armey's Tea-Party Coup‎ The movement is not seeking a junior partnership with the Republican Party. It is aiming for a hostile takeover.

Armey: Tea Party Seeks 'Hostile Takeover' of GOP Armey stated: "Let us be clear about one thing: The tea party movement is not seeking a junior partnership with the Republican Party, but a hostile takeover of it." That is a good thing he said and I have to agree it is a good thing but for the Democratic party!

It is good for us but they have taken over! Remember Palin and Beck are the new leaders in the new crusade for the dumbing down of America. I was sickened by the lies in Washington and then again in Alaska but they will continue to gather a crowd but not large enough to bring about change let alone change you can believe in.

All they have to do is keep the big Government, fascist, socialist, anti-American, anti Obama fervor at a high pitch and with the help of Faux news Beck, Palin, and the secret money of the ultra rich, they will. Who's really backing this take back America and help the rich movement? The super rich! The Billionaires Bankrolling the Tea Party

Common sensed people better wake up and realize we are in trouble if they are able to end Obama's agenda altogether.They want a return to the fiasco Bush Cheney and Rove created saying we lost our way. We have not lost our way they did and we can not let them drag us into total chaos but they are going to especially if independents and Democrats keep coming out to keep them out of office.

They are bound and determined to start a 2nd Revolution saying they fear the Government is going to come after them and be beating them down. They are banking on it and have been instigating for it and to end up in the FEMA concentration camps from day on. I do not like what I see coming. I feel bad for my grandchildren who are going to grow up in this Bush created mess and for my patriotic sons who the Republicans keep invoking as brave patriots we must support.

We must support them but stop using them and 9/11 as shills as Palin and Beck are, trying to gain support for their 2nd revolution. Our troops have been lied to, ill used, and abused from day one under Bush I do not like what is coming! I am sick of the damn lies! We must come out to vote and keep these fools from public office. They would mean a monumental degradation of our America and any form of knowledge or common sense much worse than the destruction Bush wreaked on us and the world.

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

Saturday, September 04, 2010

Palin and Beck the leaders of the new crusade in the dumbing down of America

I am glad to hear that experts put the size of the crowd only at about 87,000 angry whites not the 600,000 of every creed Beck lies about. I kept hearing it played up as close to a quarter million and do not understand why all main stream media is playing this up beyond as usual giving an issue legs for their gain.

It really is sick to hear the lies and swill that came out of all of them particularly Palin the fiscal conservative half Governor of the biggest welfare State in the country and Beck as his lies about the Washington monument prove, the creator of his own facts as the leaders of the new crusade in the dumbing down of America and people believe that crap. Beck has made a career out of lying and taking quotes out of context

To make it worse the lying crap Glenn Beck ignites new website called on heels of 'Restoring Honor' rally in D.C.

I remember when the half Governor first joined faux touring around the country on others dimes, charging to bark, and having others write books for her because she didn't know how. She always cried saying everyone picks on her.

I said the new 3rd party is forming, the pity party and I couldn't take it seriously though now knowing the tea party is calling for a hostile take over of the Republican party and Palin and Beck have come out as the two fear mongers wrapped up in Religion and the American flag and many brainless radicals are listening to them we damn well better. The New Crusade Starring Glenn Beck & Sarah Palin Frightening and sobering, we have to stop this!

They are dragging others susceptible to their swill because of our financial condition they created and want to give Obama credit for. I am hoping they divide the Republican party but in the end we can't hope for that.Republican Faith-Based Politics: The DumbingRepublican panic about the size of the Federal deficit is wildly inconsistent with their plea to continue Bush-era tax cuts for the rich. Nonetheless they keep harping on both themes. It is all about returning to Bush's version of America, the America of perverted Christianity, fascists, and the wealthy.

All they have to do is keep the big Government, fascist, socialist, anti-American, anti Obama fervor at a high pitch and with the help of Faux news Beck, Palin, and the secret money of the ultra rich, they will. Who's really backing this take back America and help the rich movement? The super rich! The Billionaires Bankrolling the Tea Party

Common sensed people better wake up and realize we are ion trouble.They want a return to the fiasco Bush Cheney and Rove created saying we lost our way. We have not lost our way they did and we can not let them drag us into total chaos but they are going to.

Especially if independents and Democrats keep coming out to keep them out of office. They are bound and determined to start a 2nd Revolution saying they fear the Government is going to come after them and be beating them down.

They are banking on it and have been instigating for it and to end up in the FEMA concentration camps from day on. I do not like what I see coming. I feel bad for my grandchildren who are going to grow up in this Bush created mess and for my patriotic sons who the Republicans keep invoking as brave patriots we must support.

We must support them but stop using them as shills as Palin and Beck are, trying to gain support for their 2nd revolution. Our troops have been lied to, ill used, and abused from day one under Bush I do not like what is coming!

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma