Showing posts with label Sarah Palin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sarah Palin. Show all posts

Thursday, December 07, 2017

The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants"

Time to take our country back, this stuff is not funny! Tea partier Bachmann saying liberty will be refreshed in our country is a rewrite in code of Thomas Jefferson: "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants"

People keep telling me "don't worry they are small, it means nothing" I hate to tell you, you better believe it does or we are in serious trouble. Do not marginalize these tyrants cloaked in Patriots clothing! I remember when Palin said to lock and load and excused it away and Republicans dismissed it as just words, just a phrase. Dismiss this at all our peril!

This is getting worse with every speech I hear. The long sought Republican second revolution is getting closer regardless of how you marginalize it. It really took shape when the tea party took over the Republican party. Dick Armey threatened a hostile take over of the Republican part by the tea party and it is now complete.

Christine O'Donnell's Tea Party win is called shocking by many but not for the real implications. She is another know nothing mindless talentless ditz. However when Karl Rove the liar who propelled the fool Bush into office to destroy us spoke the truth about her and how she knew nothing Glenn Beck berated him and told him to get in line behind the party I was floored when sucked spit and fell in line like the rest of the Republican party. The hostile take over is complete and you better be concerned.

I saw the details that emerged of an interview with Fox's Bill O'Reilly in November 2007 in which she made the claim, without any foundation, that: "American scientific companies are cross-breeding humans and animals and coming up with mice with fully functioning human brains." That idiocy is dismissed and what they are electing to take our Liberty back? That victory puts $1m in her war chest. You better be worried

Bachmann praises tea party, predicts GOP victory at Values Voter ...

Remember Armey stated: "Let us be clear about one thing: The tea party movement is not seeking a junior partnership with the Republican Party, but a hostile takeover of it." The take over is complete and I don't think it is a good thing for Democrats any more because I am very concerned how far these fools will go if forced.

Remember Palin and Beck are the new leaders in the new crusade for the dumbing down of America. I was sickened by the lies in Washington and then again in Alaska but they will continue to gather a crowd but not large enough to bring about change let alone change you can believe in.

All they have to do is keep the big Government, fascist, socialist, anti-American, anti Obama fervor at a high pitch and with the help of Faux news Beck, Palin, and the secret money of the ultra rich, they will. Who's really backing this take back America and help the rich movement? The super rich! The Billionaires Bankrolling the Tea Party

Common sensed people better wake up and realize we are in trouble if they are able to end Obama's agenda altogether.They want a return to the fiasco Bush Cheney and Rove created saying we lost our way (Rove is now sanctioning this mess too). We have not lost our way they did and we can not let them drag us into total chaos but they are going to especially if independents and Democrats do not come out to keep them out of office.

They are bound and determined to start a 2nd Revolution saying they fear the Government is going to come after them and be beating them down. They are banking on it and have been instigating for it and to end up in the FEMA concentration camps from day on. I do not like what I see coming. I feel bad for my grandchildren who are going to grow up in this Bush created mess and for my patriotic sons who the Republicans keep invoking as brave patriots we must support.

We must support them but stop using them and 9/11 as shills as Palin and Beck are, trying to gain support for their 2nd revolution. Our troops have been lied to, ill used, and abused from day one under Bush I do not like what is coming! I am sick of the damn lies! We must come out to vote and keep these fools from public office. They would mean a monumental degradation of our America and any form of knowledge or common sense much worse than the destruction Bush wreaked on us and the world.

This keeps getting more vile by the day and anyone saying not to worry about it better wake up! While speaking at the so called values summit Bachmann suddenly broke into a troubling tirade against Democrats and more specially Obama for betraying the trust of the people. He is not betraying our trust they are. She said if you are afraid of the tea party you are afraid of Thomas Jefferson. How dare her compare the two.

At a $500 a plate dinner she decries Obama and Pelosi of excesses saying Pelosi has $100,000 bar tabs on military flights. That lying scum! The truth is not an issue just the lies you tell to rile up the people and get your way. Pelosi does not even drink and alcohol is not allowed on military flights. I never heard one word of truth and she was never corrected but cheered.

They want Obama investigated for helping the real we the people when it is Bush who should be investigated for betraying them. Whether you realize it or not we have serious stuff coming down the pike some think is necessary. I do not like it or think it is necessary especially at this tenuous time. I feel for my patriotic sons fighting for the lies in our country and especially my innocent grandchildren! If you missed Bachmann's tirade Bachmann praises tea party, predicts GOP victory at Values Voter ...

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

Monday, February 14, 2011

Palin event canceled due to 'an onslaught of personal attacks' and Bush trip called off amid threats of protests, legal action, and arrest: They're getting it

I am only going to add a few words but will let the links do the talking. Bush should be arrested, Palin should be boycotted, a return to Reganism avoided. It is an absolute pleasure to see that Bush cancelled his trip to Switzerland due to the threat of arrest and to see people waking up as to the dangers of Sarah Palin. Palin event canceled due to 'an onslaught of personal attacks' About damn time!

Bush trip to Switzerland called off amid threats of protests, legal action, and arrest He should be arrested right here!

Is the country ready for yet another President Bush? No way in hell, two is two too much, we can't afford another Reagan!

Reagan was the kind of man that President Dwight D. Eisenhower feared would one day be in the White House. Sadly, his fears were born out with the arrival of the actor Ronald Reagan, a man who did not write his own speeches, could not keep his mind together for more than two sentences, who was a fool in international politics and destroyed the America we all loved and believed in. Thus, it is unsurprising that another idiot, Sarah Palin, would say we should take on more of Reagan's ideas and ways. If we take on any more than we already have, may God help us. The Unfortunate Truth About Ronald Reagan -- Neither a Great Nor Good President

Palin says America is on the road to ruin Please watch the video. Palin spoke at a banquet celebrating the centennial of former President Ronald Reagan's birth. She said America is dangerously out of step with Reagan's values and that the country is "on the road to ruin." I hate to wake her up but it is Reagan's values that put us on this road. Thank God we are out of step with Reagan!

I am glad to see Palin and Bush get the treatment they deserve. I am glad someone of consequence has spoken the truth as to the untruth's about what Reagan really did to the country and the world and the dire danger if we were to return to "Reaganism" as a President Jeb Bush would want and Palin and Bachmann advocate. We as a country better pay heed!

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Do we need any more proof Obama is on his own? The two party system is our biggest enemy!

Top Obama aide defends tax deal as Obama caves to Republicans and Democrats fume

Republicans and Democrats have both turned out to be the enemy of we the people. Republicans call Democrats the enemy and and Democrats call Republicans the enemy while they are both the enemy of we the people and President Obama. They only care about doing the right thing for their party and as I keep saying from day one, President Obama and average Americans are on their own.

So it's about time as Obama charts his own course

When I remember Romney stumping for McCain for President and he said democrats are America's biggest enemy it gave me chills.

Our trying to take care of the sick and elderly and everyone who needs help is why we have all these problems.

Bush was always reducing what they call unfunded liabilities "social security, Medicaid, and Medicare, amongst other things.

We are absolutely screwed if Republicans succeed in getting the power to repeal Health care, privatize Social Security, continue and enhance welfare for the wealthy, and taking Obama to court for crimes against America.

That should have been Bush's reward for destroying America and then flying away proud of his accomplishments. Not a good future we have before us and remember the state of the Political and environmental world of today!

This recession is not over it has barely begun. Think of the frightening prospect of of putting this mess in the hands of the know nothing Republican party hijackers, the tea party voodoo fools.That is frightening! That possibility is what we are now facing.As we just discussed, only Bin Laden can end this so called war on terror he started and only keeping health care and staying on the track of the recovery of "our" America Obama is trying to get us on, will give us a future, success into the 21st century.

The Brown Shirts I mean tea party have successfully hijacked the Republican party as threatened if you have not noticed. If they get in control what happens will not be pretty nor will the "liberty" they want. You have seen it before and know the results. If the so called tea party gets in control of the US it will be much worse mark my words.

We need those companies that were increasingly incentified by Bush to send their companies and jobs overseas to be forced to come back to the US. Obama's plan is doable and not as destructive to companies as those against the plan want you to think. We have to start putting the people ahead of companies

We are in serious trouble as you know, if we can not get our manufacturing base back and put the people back to work and enable them to pay their mortgages and pay the bills. I refuse to believe Republicans and other turncoats can get away with voting against the people and a return to Bush's destruction of "our America and world order" Obama has finally started to gather forces again to finally get something done. We better show the tea party Republicans we are not going to let them undo any progress and finish destroying our America. We must come out and keep his agenda moving forward. Get out the vote!

For a while there the Republicans looked lost forever. They took a back seat and let the likes of Rush Limbaugh and Glen Beck lie and whip up those in America angry at losing their version of America. Glen Beck and Sarah Palin were the leaders in the dumbing down of America. The tea party seems to have silent control of the Republican party now and since the election have allowed the leaders of the party to come back to the forefront or the leaders are done using them for now and have stepped forward again.

John Boehner, Mitch Mcconnell, Eric Cantor, they are frightening to look at let alone hear their rich man fascist stance. They are war mongers to top it off and with the likes of Newt Gingrich who wants to attack Iran as President we would be in more serious trouble than we are now. We can not allow them to get back in. I wish there was a way for Obama to separate himself from the Democratic party and run as an American who simply wants to see average Americans and our America succeed and not the party. The two party system is our enemy!

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Democrats Outrun by a 2-Year GOP Comeback Plan: Palin will be their patsy!

Democrats Outrun by a 2-Year GOP Comeback Plan

Scorecard on Palin's picks: wins, losses, errors She thinks she is ready to be the President of this mess that has become the United States and our uncooperative and inept Government!

Sarah Palin has given the clearest indication yet that she will make a bid for the US presidency in 2012, saying that "if there's nobody else to do it" then she will run.
Palin says she'll run in 2012 if there's nobody else: report

A palin run would guarantee reelection of President Obama because there are more people with a little common sense than Republican tea party fascist fools! At least we have to hope or we are in deep trouble!

We can not survive more of the war mongering, fascist, lying, corporate profiteering BS we had under Bush But you better be very concerned because whoever is really behind the Republican party, if they manage to get another mindless individual like George W Bush namely Sarah Palin so they can lead her around and follow their destructive agenda we are done.

I don't know who was in charge when Bush was President but it was not Bush! Bush was the puppet! The real behind the scene leaders "whoever they were" needed to follow their corporate agenda in what has become a corporatocracy not a Democracy. Remember when Cheney who was the real leader in the White House was picked by Bush to look for a Vice President and he chose himself so he could direct operations directly from the White House?

We knew from day one of Bush's campaign to be President that he was a mindless lying total life long loser and we were right. Bush was elected precisely because he was mindless clueless and could be led and controlled. Palin is the same type as you can see and we can not allow that to happen again or we and the world order we are trying to rebuild are done. Business Conference: Palin highlights packed business conference, introduced as next President

Remember this? A GOP nominee for the House of Representatives drew sharp criticism from Holocaust survivors for having participated in a Nazi reenactment group devoted to a Waffen SS division, and Democrats seized on the Ohio businessman's activities as the latest indication that the Republican Party is backing fringe candidates. Ya think? He said he just wanted to bond with his son. Whoa! GOP criticized over nominee who wore Nazi uniform

Remember what happened under the last mindless idiot George W Bush? We can not survive more of the same and worse. I do have to wonder who that mindless insult to women Sarah Palin would pick as Vice President? Cheney? That is Elizabeth Cheney! Nope, I think Mitch Mcconnell or John Boehner so they can implement their horrific plans. We are in trouble!

Open Fascism wants to control America and the agenda! They want health care privatized. No average American in their right mind want their health care privatized. If the wealthy do fine them make it voluntary but there will be no compromise only by the Democrats. Mcconnell forewarned Democrats could pay the price if they don't cooperate with the new Republican agenda. I heard Mcconnell say if there is going to be any compromise it is going to come from the Democrats. We are in deep trouble!

James Joiner

Gardner, Ma

Sunday, November 07, 2010

A Sarah Palin run for President in 2012 will guarantee a second term for President Obama! Whose side is that ditz really on?

Sarah Palin gives clearest indication she will run for president in 2012

Sarah Palin has given the clearest indication yet that she will make a bid for the US presidency in 2012, saying that "if there's nobody else to do it" then she will run.

Palin says she'll run in 2012 if there's nobody else: report

A palin run would guarantee reelection of President Obama because there are more people with a little common sense than Republican tea pary fascist fools!
We can not survive more of the war mongering, fascist, lying, corporate profiteering BS we had under Bush But you better be very concerned because whoever is really behind the Republican party, if they manage to get another mindless individual like George W Bush namely Sarah Palin so they can lead her around and follow their destructive agenda we are done.

I don't know who was in charge when Bush was President but it was not Bush! Bush was the puppet! The real behind the scene leaders "whoever they were" needed to follow their corporate agenda in what has become a corporatocracy not a Democracy. Remember when Cheney who was the real leader in the White House was picked by Bush to look for a Vice President and he chose himself so he could direct operations directly from the White House?

We knew from day one of Bush's campaign to be President that he was a mindless lying total life long loser and we were right. Bush was elected precisely because he was mindless clueless and could be led and controlled. Palin is the same type as you can see and we can not allow that to happen again or we and the world order we are trying to rebuild are done. Business Conference: Palin highlights packed business conference, introduced as next President

Remember this? A GOP nominee for the House of Representatives drew sharp criticism from Holocaust survivors for having participated in a Nazi reenactment group devoted to a Waffen SS division, and Democrats seized on the Ohio businessman's activities as the latest indication that the Republican Party is backing fringe candidates. Ya think? He said he just wanted to bond with his son. Whoa! GOP criticized over nominee who wore Nazi uniform

Remember what happened under the last mindless idiot George W Bush? We can not survive more of the same and worse. I do have to wonder who that mindless insult to women Sarah Palin would pick as Vice President? Cheney? That is Elizabeth Cheney!

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

O'Donnell questions separation of church, state makes voters laugh, Angle Tells Hispanic Students They Look Asian, Tea party voter influence? You Betcha

Nevada Senate Race Turns Uglier With Hispanic Ad

O'Donnell questions separation of church, state makes voters laugh Remember "I'm a witch"? Evolution is a lie and creationism should be taught in public schools alongside evolution?

The half Governor Sarah Palin has thrown her support behind fellow Republican John Raese (RAY'-see), but she also temporarily relocated his U.S. Senate bid to Pennsylvania forgetting that Raese is running in West Virginia. Where's he from? Palin botches tweet touting Raese

Preston on Politics: Tea Party could be key voting bloc in Senate I'm banking on it!

These so called leaders of the new Republican tea party are all screwed up. This is really sick!
Time to take our country back, this stuff is not funny! Tea partier Bachmann saying liberty will be refreshed in our country is a rewrite in code of Thomas Jefferson: "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants"

People keep telling me "don't worry they are few, it means nothing" I hate to tell you, you better believe it does or we are in serious trouble. Do not marginalize these tyrants cloaked in Patriots clothing! I remember when Palin said to lock and load and excused it away and Republicans dismissed it as just words, just a phrase. Dismiss this at all our peril!

This is getting worse with every speech I hear. The long sought Republican second revolution is getting closer regardless of how you marginalize it. It really took shape when the tea party took over the Republican party. Dick Armey threatened a hostile take over of the Republican part by the tea party and it is now complete.

I think she is going to lose against the Democrat but Christine O'Donnell's Tea Party win is called shocking by many but not for the real implications. She is another know nothing mindless talentless ditz. However when Karl Rove the liar who propelled the fool Bush into office to destroy us spoke the truth about her and how she knew nothing Glenn Beck berated him and told him to get in line behind the party I was floored when sucked spit and fell in line like the rest of the Republican party. The hostile take over is complete and you better be concerned.

I saw the details that emerged of an interview with Fox's Bill O'Reilly in November 2007 in which she made the claim, without any foundation, that: "American scientific companies are cross-breeding humans and animals and coming up with mice with fully functioning human brains." That idiocy is dismissed and what they are electing to take our Liberty back? That victory puts $1m in her war chest.

Remember Armey stated: "Let us be clear about one thing: The tea party movement is not seeking a junior partnership with the Republican Party, but a hostile takeover of it." The take over is complete and I don't think it is a good thing for Democrats any more because I am very concerned how far these fools will go if forced.

Remember Palin and Beck are the new leaders in the new crusade for the dumbing down of America. I was sickened by the lies in Washington and then again in Alaska but they will continue to gather a crowd but not large enough to bring about change let alone change you can believe in.

All they have to do is keep the big Government, fascist, socialist, anti-American, anti Obama fervor at a high pitch and with the help of Faux news Beck, Palin, and the secret money of the ultra rich, they will. Who's really backing this take back America and help the rich movement? The super rich! The Billionaires Bankrolling the Tea Party

Common sensed people better wake up and realize we are in trouble if they are able to end Obama's agenda altogether.They want a return to the fiasco Bush Cheney and Rove created saying we lost our way (Rove is now sanctioning this mess too). We have not lost our way they did and we can not let them drag us into total chaos but they are going to especially if independents and Democrats do not come out to keep them out of office.

They are bound and determined to start a 2nd Revolution saying they fear the Government is going to come after them and be beating them down. They are banking on it and have been instigating for it and to end up in the FEMA concentration camps from day on. I do not like what I see coming. I feel bad for my grandchildren who are going to grow up in this Bush created mess and for my patriotic sons who the Republicans keep invoking as brave patriots we must support.

We must support them but stop using them and 9/11 as shills as Palin and Beck are, trying to gain support for their 2nd revolution. Our troops have been lied to, ill used, and abused from day one under Bush I do not like what is coming! I am sick of the damn lies! We must come out to vote and keep these fools from public office. They would mean a monumental degradation of our America and any form of knowledge or common sense much worse than the destruction Bush wreaked on us and the world.

This keeps getting more vile by the day and anyone saying not to worry about it better wake up! While speaking at the so called values summit Bachmann suddenly broke into a troubling tirade against Democrats and more specially Obama for betraying the trust of the people. He is not betraying our trust they are. She said if you are afraid of the tea party you are afraid of Thomas Jefferson. How dare her compare the two.

At a $500 a plate dinner she decries Obama and Pelosi of excesses saying Pelosi has $100,000 bar tabs on military flights. That lying scum! The truth is not an issue just the lies you tell to rile up the people and get your way. Pelosi does not even drink and alcohol is not allowed on military flights. I never heard one word of truth and she was never corrected but cheered.

They want Obama investigated for helping the real we the people when it is Bush who should be investigated for betraying them. Whether you realize it or not we have serious stuff coming down the pike some think is necessary. I do not like it or think it is necessary especially at this tenuous time. I feel for my patriotic sons fighting for the lies in our country and especially my innocent grandchildren! If you missed Bachmann's tirade Bachmann praises tea party, predicts GOP victory at Values Voter ...

* In closing: My biggest concern is what all these crazies are going to do if they do not get control in November and especially if Obama wins reelection in 2012. The shit will hit the fan! Notice Boehner and the rest of them were very ignorant boisterous and over confident, cocky, well now they are letting the tea party fools take control and do the heavy lifting. I don't care I do not like this at all!

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

Monday, October 25, 2010

A break in Democratic gloom: it is about time and well deserved, things aren't that bad

A break in Democratic gloom People are beginning to realize their future and the future of the country depends on it as in an election year when good news has been scarce for Democrats, anxious party strategists are heartened by at least one development: In states that have started voting, early indications are that Democratic turnout could be stronger than expected.

It is a fascist extremist zoo out there this election. Am I the only one that noticed the Fascist enabler who would be House speaker (3rd in line to the Presidency) the brown man John Boehner who was ignorantly reacting to everything Obama has tried has all of a sudden dropped out and is letting the tea party idiots take charge.

It is about time Obama has woken up has taken control and is rallying his base because it is a must! President Barack Obama poked some fun at his right-hand U.S. senator on Friday, telling a Las Vegas crowd that Harry Reid isn’t the flashiest guy around, talks softly, gives wonky speeches and “doesn’t move real quick.”“But Harry Reid does the right thing,” Obama told a crowd of some 9,000 enthusiasts at Orr Middle School. Obama presses his influence for Democratic candidates

Obama ends 4-day campaign swing in Minneapolis On a cross country campaign swing through five states in four days, he is making full-throated appeals to the vast coalition of women, Hispanics and young voters who helped put him in the White House two years ago.The message to those now feeling disillusioned by the pace of change: Don't give up and they better not or we are screwed!

The tea party has taken over as Dick Armey promised! Obama accuses Republicans of peddling "snake oil" You know despite Republican lies that is dead right. They want to privatize social security and Medicare, undo health care, stop trying to regulate corporations, continue tax cuts to the super wealthy, Have I missed anything? We can't let this happen. We can't let Oba's agenda be stopped. It is for us. It is for our America. We must stop these idiots!

It is really vile out there. I can't take any more negative lying ads. This never ending stream of money given by secret donors now controls politics more than ever as Republicans attempt to undo everything Obama has accomplished as they try to guarantee his and our Waterloo.

These so called leaders of the new Republican tea party are all screwed up. This is really sick! Time to take our country back, this stuff is not funny! Tea partier Bachmann saying liberty will be refreshed in our country is a rewrite in code of Thomas Jefferson: "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants"

People keep telling me "don't worry they are few, it means nothing" I hate to tell you, you better believe it does or we are in serious trouble. Do not marginalize these tyrants cloaked in Patriots clothing! I remember when Palin said to lock and load and excused it away and Republicans dismissed it as just words, just a phrase. Dismiss this at all our peril!

This is getting worse with every speech I hear. The long sought Republican second revolution is getting closer regardless of how you marginalize it. It really took shape when the tea party took over the Republican party. Dick Armey threatened a hostile take over of the Republican part by the tea party and it is now complete.

Remember Armey stated: "Let us be clear about one thing: The tea party movement is not seeking a junior partnership with the Republican Party, but a hostile takeover of it." The take over is complete and I don't think it is a good thing for Democrats any more because I am very concerned how far these fools will go if forced.

Remember Palin and Beck are the new leaders in the new crusade for the dumbing down of America. I was sickened by the lies in Washington and then again in Alaska but they will continue to gather a crowd but not large enough to bring about change let alone change you can believe in.

All they have to do is keep the big Government, fascist, socialist, anti-American, anti Obama fervor at a high pitch and with the help of Faux news Beck, Palin, and the secret money of the ultra rich, they will. Who's really backing this take back America and help the rich movement? The super rich! The Billionaires Bankrolling the Tea Party

Common sensed people better wake up and realize we are in trouble if they are able to end Obama's agenda altogether.They want a return to the fiasco Bush Cheney and Rove created saying we lost our way (Rove is now sanctioning this mess too). We have not lost our way they did and we can not let them drag us into total chaos but they are going to especially if independents and Democrats do not come out to keep them out of office.

They are bound and determined to start a 2nd Revolution saying they fear the Government is going to come after them and be beating them down. They are banking on it and have been instigating for it and to end up in the FEMA concentration camps from day on. I do not like what I see coming. I feel bad for my grandchildren who are going to grow up in this Bush created mess and for my patriotic sons who the Republicans keep invoking as brave patriots we must support.

We must support them but stop using them and 9/11 as shills as Palin and Beck are, trying to gain support for their 2nd revolution. Our troops have been lied to, ill used, and abused from day one under Bush I do not like what is coming! I am sick of the damn lies! We must come out to vote and keep these fools from public office. They would mean a monumental degradation of our America and any form of knowledge or common sense much worse than the destruction Bush wreaked on us and the world.

This keeps getting more vile by the day and anyone saying not to worry about it better wake up!
They want Obama investigated for helping the real "we the people" when it is Bush who should be investigated for betraying them. Whether you realize it or not we have serious stuff coming down the pike some think is necessary. I do not like it or think it is necessary especially at this tenuous time. I feel for my patriotic sons fighting for the lies in our country and especially my innocent grandchildren!

* In closing: My biggest concern is what all these crazies are going to do if they do not get control in November and especially if Obama wins reelection in 2012. The shit will hit the fan! Notice Boehner and the rest of them were very ignorant boisterous and over confident, cocky, well now they are letting the tea party fools take control and do the heavy lifting. I don't care I do not like this at all!

James Joiner

Gardner, Ma

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Republican party needs another dummy like GW Bush they can lead by the nose as Palin introduced as next President, be very scared!

We can not survive more of the war mongering, fascist, lying, corporate profiteering BS we had under Bush But you better be very concerned because whoever is really behind the Republican party, if they manage to get another mindless individual like George W Bush namely Sarah Palin so they can lead her around and follow their destructive agenda we are done.

I don't know who was in charge when Bush was President but it was not Bush! Bush was the puppet! The real behind the scene leaders "whoever they were" needed to follow their corporate agenda in what has become a corporatocracy not a Democracy. Remember when Cheney who was the real leader in the White House was picked by Bush to look for a Vice President and he chose himself so he could direct operations directly from the White House?

We knew from day one of Bush's campaign to be President that he was a mindless lying total life long loser and we were right. Bush was elected precisely because he was mindless clueless and could be led and controlled. Palin is the same type as you can see and we can not allow that to happen again or we and the world order we are trying to rebuild are done. Business Conference: Palin highlights packed business conference, introduced as next President

Sarah Palin: Is the bloom off her rose?

A GOP nominee for the House of Representatives drew sharp criticism from Holocaust survivors Saturday for having participated in a Nazi reenactment group devoted to a Waffen SS division, and Democrats seized on the Ohio businessman's activities as the latest indication that the Republican Party is backing fringe candidates. Ya think? He said he just wanted to bond with his son. Whoa! GOP criticized over nominee who wore Nazi uniform

Remember what happened under the last mindless idiot George W Bush? We can not survive more of the same and worse. I do have to wonder who that mindless insult to women Sarah Palin would pick as Vice President? Cheney? That is Elizabeth Cheney!

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

Friday, September 17, 2010

Boehner would back US middle-class tax cuts alone, that is an Obama victory

This is not going to be the rebellion like Boehner has never seen before this fall like Boehner keeps saying hoping he and the tea partiers can make it a reality. Primarily because many people know the alternative to Democrats continuing to get our country back is a return to Bush's policies of tax cuts for the rich and breaks for the corporations in a Corporatocracy. Boehner finally relenting in his holding the middle class hostage until he can get the tax cuts for the super wealthy is proof that he realizes he has to start thinking about average Americans for once. Boehner would back US middle-class tax cuts alone

We are going to lose some seats it is only normal despite what Boehner, Cantor and other Republicans want you to think. Some crossovers and independents will go back to the Republicans because many fall for their lies and fear mongering. Many Democrats see the lies and fear mongering not only of the tea partiers but the Republican party they have vowed to hijack and they have. Boehner calls GOP House majority an uphill fight

Could the Tea Party Do More Damage Than Good to the Republican Party? Most definitely!

I was just looking at a story some main stream Republicans are teaming up to defeat tea party candidates as they realize they are fruit loops and they in general are not going to be able to compete with a common sensed Democrat if there is such a thing. They let it go unchecked and too far and now Beck chided even Karl Rove ans they are all being kow-towed to back the know nothing fools.. Remember Dick Armey's Tea-Party Coup‎ The movement is not seeking a junior partnership with the Republican Party. It is aiming for a hostile takeover.

Armey: Tea Party Seeks 'Hostile Takeover' of GOP Armey stated: "Let us be clear about one thing: The tea party movement is not seeking a junior partnership with the Republican Party, but a hostile takeover of it." That is a good thing he said and I have to agree it is a good thing but for the Democratic party!

It is good for us but they have taken over! Remember Palin and Beck are the new leaders in the new crusade for the dumbing down of America. I was sickened by the lies in Washington and then again in Alaska but they will continue to gather a crowd but not large enough to bring about change let alone change you can believe in.

All they have to do is keep the big Government, fascist, socialist, anti-American, anti Obama fervor at a high pitch and with the help of Faux news Beck, Palin, and the secret money of the ultra rich, they will. Who's really backing this take back America and help the rich movement? The super rich! The Billionaires Bankrolling the Tea Party

Common sensed people better wake up and realize we are in trouble if they are able to end Obama's agenda altogether.They want a return to the fiasco Bush Cheney and Rove created saying we lost our way. We have not lost our way they did and we can not let them drag us into total chaos but they are going to especially if independents and Democrats keep coming out to keep them out of office.

They are bound and determined to start a 2nd Revolution saying they fear the Government is going to come after them and be beating them down. They are banking on it and have been instigating for it and to end up in the FEMA concentration camps from day on. I do not like what I see coming. I feel bad for my grandchildren who are going to grow up in this Bush created mess and for my patriotic sons who the Republicans keep invoking as brave patriots we must support.

We must support them but stop using them and 9/11 as shills as Palin and Beck are, trying to gain support for their 2nd revolution. Our troops have been lied to, ill used, and abused from day one under Bush I do not like what is coming! I am sick of the damn lies! We must come out to vote and keep these fools from public office. They would mean a monumental degradation of our America and any form of knowledge or common sense much worse than the destruction Bush wreaked on us and the world.

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

Saturday, September 04, 2010

Palin and Beck the leaders of the new crusade in the dumbing down of America

I am glad to hear that experts put the size of the crowd only at about 87,000 angry whites not the 600,000 of every creed Beck lies about. I kept hearing it played up as close to a quarter million and do not understand why all main stream media is playing this up beyond as usual giving an issue legs for their gain.

It really is sick to hear the lies and swill that came out of all of them particularly Palin the fiscal conservative half Governor of the biggest welfare State in the country and Beck as his lies about the Washington monument prove, the creator of his own facts as the leaders of the new crusade in the dumbing down of America and people believe that crap. Beck has made a career out of lying and taking quotes out of context

To make it worse the lying crap Glenn Beck ignites new website called on heels of 'Restoring Honor' rally in D.C.

I remember when the half Governor first joined faux touring around the country on others dimes, charging to bark, and having others write books for her because she didn't know how. She always cried saying everyone picks on her.

I said the new 3rd party is forming, the pity party and I couldn't take it seriously though now knowing the tea party is calling for a hostile take over of the Republican party and Palin and Beck have come out as the two fear mongers wrapped up in Religion and the American flag and many brainless radicals are listening to them we damn well better. The New Crusade Starring Glenn Beck & Sarah Palin Frightening and sobering, we have to stop this!

They are dragging others susceptible to their swill because of our financial condition they created and want to give Obama credit for. I am hoping they divide the Republican party but in the end we can't hope for that.Republican Faith-Based Politics: The DumbingRepublican panic about the size of the Federal deficit is wildly inconsistent with their plea to continue Bush-era tax cuts for the rich. Nonetheless they keep harping on both themes. It is all about returning to Bush's version of America, the America of perverted Christianity, fascists, and the wealthy.

All they have to do is keep the big Government, fascist, socialist, anti-American, anti Obama fervor at a high pitch and with the help of Faux news Beck, Palin, and the secret money of the ultra rich, they will. Who's really backing this take back America and help the rich movement? The super rich! The Billionaires Bankrolling the Tea Party

Common sensed people better wake up and realize we are ion trouble.They want a return to the fiasco Bush Cheney and Rove created saying we lost our way. We have not lost our way they did and we can not let them drag us into total chaos but they are going to.

Especially if independents and Democrats keep coming out to keep them out of office. They are bound and determined to start a 2nd Revolution saying they fear the Government is going to come after them and be beating them down.

They are banking on it and have been instigating for it and to end up in the FEMA concentration camps from day on. I do not like what I see coming. I feel bad for my grandchildren who are going to grow up in this Bush created mess and for my patriotic sons who the Republicans keep invoking as brave patriots we must support.

We must support them but stop using them as shills as Palin and Beck are, trying to gain support for their 2nd revolution. Our troops have been lied to, ill used, and abused from day one under Bush I do not like what is coming!

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

Friday, September 03, 2010

Bush/Cheney knew Mehlman was gay during his anti gay campaign in 2004, their lies and extremism better be highlighted or we will return to it

Some believe Bush's support for anti-gay marriage measures conflict between Mehlman's private and public life under wraps but had no problem in leading the ignorant anti-gay movement to help GW Everyone of them come up as perverts,molesters, gay, liars, something, but it is okay for them. I can't be the only one very peeved that Melhman came out not because he is gay but because he headlined an ignorant Gay campaign that is credited with getting Bush reelected. As I always said under Bush they accuse Democrats of being the low life underhand's they are and they do it with a smug smile. Just look at damn Boehner!

Glenn Beck Rally "Blatantly Political," Says Top Democrat I am so sick of hearing it denied. I am sick of the frigging lies! Of course it is political and a rub in the face of Reverend Martin Luther King and those that follow him. I am so sick of those extremist nut case liars. Coincidence, divine intervention that blasphemous fool Beck calls it that he chose August 28th as the day to hold his rally. Frigging Liar! It was a direct effort to besmirch Obama's day, to besmirch and belittle where MLK spoke on this day in his I have a dream speech. I am so sick of this crap!

They say they want their country back and they love America and our troops. So don't we. Palin was bragging that she supports her son who is fighting. So do I! I have 3 sons in this, does that make me any better than her? No but not being a lying shit who wants to bring down the Government does! Democrats highlight Bush, 'extremism' in House battle

Johne said this and you have to agree: The Democrats greatest burden in the upcoming election is the Democrats. It is hard to remember a time when a party worked so hard to self destruct. Democrats have long claimed to be the champions of the middle class. Yet it is the middle class that has been driven to the right by the Democrats. The left has accomplished something the right has not been able to -- make the right the popular position and the left outcast extremists. The arrogance of Reid and Pelosi coupled with the incompetent leadership from the Executive branch is handing the November election to the GOP, who has had to do nothing to gain this benefit.

Democratic Campaign Chief Says Tea Party Will Hurt Republicans Of course I agree!

A reminder: Armey: Tea Party Seeks 'Hostile Takeover' of GOP Armey stated: "Let us be clear about one thing: The tea party movement is not seeking a junior partnership with the Republican Party, but a hostile takeover of it." That is a good thing he said and I have to agree it is a good thing but for the Democratic party!

I for one needed no reminder certainly by Rick Santelli and the majority of the ilk that call themselves tea partiers wanting to protect the Constitution and "get their country back" from our black President who happens to be a constitutional lawyer who loves the constitution as it was meant to be interpreted not the fascist Republican interpretation of the constitution or should I say rewriting of the aforementioned constitution.

Some of us were calling for a tea party movement, a second revolution, when it was really needed when Bush usurped the constitution as he was the sole decider and called the constitution "just a damn piece of paper".He purposely brought America to its knees in his quest to widen the gap between the classes eliminating the middle class and further enriching the upper class as he created a new societal order. The fascist Republican order.

That was when we needed to come together take to the streets and stand up and take our America back, take back the America of we the people. These so called patriotic tea partiers want the white supremacist America back is what I gather and I am very concerned as you know, about Republicans getting back in to finish off us and the Bush agenda off.

You know that includes social security, Medicaid, and Medicare, as that is socialism and aiding the elderly sickly and retired are bankrupting their version of America. You who truly love this country as it was meant to stand better stand up and be heard especially at the polls to beat back those who want to stop the restoration of our America.

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Muslims meet the anti mosque tea party movement

The ADL is the leading Jewish civil rights group in the U.S. and said in a statement Friday that it was "saddened" and "stunned" by Zakaria's decision to hand back his Award. Personally I was stunned by the Anti-Defamation League's stance! Columnist and TV host Fareed Zakaria has returned a First Amendment award and $10,000 stipend to the Anti-Defamation League in protest of the organization's opposition to a proposed mosque near ground zero.

The proposed mosque in New York has drawn opposition from half Governor Sarah Palin who should not even be a thought and former U.S. House Speaker Newt Gingrich who have called its proposed presence near the site of the deadliest terrorist attack in U.S. history inappropriate. Scary sources!

That said, I was taken aback when Last week, Abraham Foxman, director of the Anti-Defamation League, an organization created to fight religious intolerance, said the city "would be better served if an alternative location could be found. I happen to agree with that but because of extremists and nothing else but I guess the ADL of only against discrimination against Jews not anyone else.

Like it or not this is going to end up being a war against Islam because of the extremists Muslims and on the other side right here the extremist Republicans instigating for war against Islam. Italy, Switzerland, France, the fear of Muslims and their symbol is spreading across Europe but I am sick to see the idiots on the right and not just the tea baggers spreading that fear across America.

In Murfreesboro, Tenn., Republican candidates have denounced plans for a large Muslim center proposed near a subdivision, and hundreds of protesters turned out. In Temecula, Calif., members of a local Tea Party group took dogs and picket signs to Friday prayers at a mosque that is seeking to build a new worship center on a vacant lot nearby. In Sheboygan, Wis., a few Christian ministers led a noisy fight against a Muslim group that sought permission to open a mosque in a former health food store bought by a Muslim doctor. Christian Ministers what the hell?

In all of the recent conflicts, opponents have said their problem is Islam itself. They quote passages from the Koran and argue that even the most Americanized Muslim secretly wants to replace the Constitution with Islamic Sharia law. I hope I am right when I say that is asinine! It’s one thing to oppose a mosque because traffic might increase but it’s different when you say these mosques are going to be nurturing terrorist bombers, that Islam is invading, that civilization is being undermined by Muslims. I think we are smart enough to monitor the situation as we already are.

Knowing that Religion is the Government in Islam there is something to what a woman said when she said Islam is not about a religion. It’s a political government, and it’s 100 percent against our Constitution. That is the countries of Islam to me not not Muslim Americans. I believe largely they are Americans and just want to practice their religion. There are about 1,900 mosques in the United States and I am sure we are watching them all and I hate to say it but we must. Protests Against Mosques Spread Far Beyond Ground Zero

German's, Jews, Japanese, Catholics, Irish, we have all paid our dues here in America's melting pot and Muslim's are just taking there turn. It should be up to the Muslim community how this turns out in America not Republican's, the tea party, or fools that think Sharia law is going to subvert our Constitution.

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Grill baby grill not drill baby drill!

On her face book page that ditz is making it clear that “radical environmentalists” are the ones who are really causing this catastrophe a mile under the sea. Couldn't be because BP ignored all failure warnings to get the oil up? She went on to say “Extreme deep water drilling is not the preferred choice to meet our country’s energy needs, but your protests and lawsuits and lies about onshore and shallow water drilling have locked up safer areas. It’s catching up with you. It isn't catching up to her? What planet does she live on?

Heck I don't recall anything like this on land but there is always accidents. To recommend drilling in Anwar is sick even for her and I do not like the idea of drilling in our bays or near our beaches either. That oil is long gone anyway and she is as tapped out as that supply of oil. She should be held accountable for passing misinformation or for misremembering, whatever you want to call it!

Read more: Sarah Palin's Facebook Blasts Environmentalists for Oil Spill

'Drill, Baby, Drill' May Haunt Effort to Taint Obama

Take over BP president Obama, take control of their assets, and put them in receivership or conservatorship. Though James Cameron is a movie director he is known as the expert in dealing with the technology needed to fix this growing BP caused oil disaster. He said after 2 weeks of watching the BP circus his first thought was that they were morons and we can all agree with that!

BP has done absolutely nothing right period from the get go or this never would have happened. They obviously have never used the necessary technology to deal with this disaster they just got the equipment so they could use the lie that they were prepared. Nothing has gone right! Minimizing the ecological damage and helping the people whose lives they have destroyed they could care less about. Minimizing their financial liability and staying in control of their disaster is all that matters.

BP has no clue what they are doing nor do they want the people to know how bad this is or how bad the affect is going to be around the world. Originally BP's worst case scenario was this would go on until August, I automatically thought October, and now we are hearing it could be Christmas. Can anyone say 1 billion gallons of oil destroying the gulf, heading to Texas and Mexico then around the tip of Florida into the Gulf Stream up the East Coast over to Europe and around the world? We have a world disaster here, BP wants to hide it and the world does not know it!

Put BP on trial! Time to find out what was going on in those secret energy meetings between Bush/Cheney and the oil companies besides agreeing to stop all platform and well inspections and a reported 35 million dollar greasing of Cheney's hands. This is going to be bad and we can't allow this to happen again. I heard this will be in North Carolina by July. The Gulf stream usually brings warm water and Blues up here to Ma. and Maine in August. I wonder what it will bring this year?

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

Saturday, April 03, 2010

Palin an avowed tea partier should be one of the first in the FEMA Concentration Camps!

Sarah Palin who says John McCain is also a tea partier wants a revolution supposedly peaceful to take back the country. Just how do you do that peacefully while you are only 20% of the population? She refuses to take the targets from her web site that is on those who voted for health care reform. Sarah Palin is right there with Michelle Bachmann, the oath keepers, armed militia, Birther, Obama is a Nazi nutcases and should be one of the first in the FEMA concentration camps if this goes the way it looks.

Oathkeepers: I saw this being discussed on hardball with the Founder Stewart Rhodes. I found an interview on him and what this"anarchist" group is up to! They are flat out instigating anarchy against Obama and are recruiting thousands of military and law enforcement to stand down if the Government calls on them for help and to help the people against the Government instead! I was stunned at how out front and in your face this is! Watch the video it is down right scary!READY TO REVOLT: Oath Keepers pledges to prevent dictatorship in ...

The Group was founded shortly after Obama was elected but since they are supposed to be protecting the constitution and protecting the people’s rights they should have been after Bush! Anyway they are openly recruiting current and retired military and law enforcement officers to go against the Government "Obama" because they are the ones with the weapons!

They say Obama destroyed the constitution and the Oath keepers are asking the military and law enforcement to stand down if they are asked to oppress the people. This continues to grow and is not good. I hope to God something is being done behind the scenes! How can they with a straight face accuse President Obama a Constitutional Lawyer of destroying the Constitution? Get real!

They are recruiting these current and prior ex military and law enforcement officers to to promise to keep our cities from becoming prison camps at the same time thousands and thousands of armed militia are forming and may necessitate just that. They want the military and police to help their cause of anarchy and not to help the Government contain them and enforce order. They are openly instigating and advocating armed Revolution. This can not be legal!

Their call is to not aid in martial law but to me they are necessitating it! Many of those recruited are active duty military and law enforcement and say they will not subjugate any states sovereignty! If that was the case during the civil war I guess we just would have let the South secede as they want all States to have the right to do today. That means they will not help if called on if there is a law enforcement problem in any State and the Feds. have to get involved!

They expect concentration camps like for the Japs in WW2! I will say again that we do have the supposed FEMA concentration camps that were supposedly set up during the Bush years and many of us figured they were for us if martial law was enforced and we rebelled. The oath keepers, armed militia, Birther, Obama is a Nazi nutcases are determined that they will be used on them. They are trying to bring Armageddon to our America!

The "Oath keepers" feel there will be a crack down of right wing militia's, there better be and soon! Martial law, concentration camps, from my cold dead hands. They want a fight with the Obama Government and are doing their damnedest to instigate it! The anarchists are openly instigating the angry whites who want to take back their America they feel they lost to a Black President! They are many thousands strong and growing in numbers.

They are openly saying if you revolt we are behind you! Why is this condoned? They call themselves defenders of liberty but in reality are defenders of Anarchy! We are getting closer to the second armed Revolution many Republicans have long been instigating. They are appealing to the growing angry fringe! The growing number of nut cases, Birthers, tea partiers, town hallers, gun toters, angry whites who call Obama a Nazi a fascist a nigga and who knows what else! This just gets worse and worse daily. We have to quell this before it erupts. I hope someone is paying attention. This is more dangerous than they realize!

I read a superb essay yesterday from a US marine. In the end what he said is those looking for a revolution who are untrained civilians better come to their senses because they will be facing marines and other forces who are seasoned and trained for war, I want you to read this as it is really good. Here it is

James Joiner
Gardner' Ma

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Roger Ailes what ails you?

Glenn Beck is even an affront to fox news not only God!
Roger Ailes to Fox News' Glenn Beck haters: Stop 'shooting in the tent'

Sarah Palin on 'Glenn Beck'

Remember Fox News CEO Roger Ailes was or is contemplating running for President in 2012 at the prodding of friends. That really makes you wonder about his allowing the BS coming from talk show hosts and their guests. Is this what this so called war between Fox and the White House is all about? Is he gathering his following for a run? Is he setting the stage?Much is said about the White House getting involved with this but they must to avoid the anarchy Fox is instigating!

Ailes is the force, the mastermind behind all the negative Obama attack ads that keep backfiring on the Republican party insuring they remain "the pup tent" party. He will not run but I wish he would because it would mean another win for us! Running Fox is no preparation for taking on Al Qaeda, the Taliban, and the so called war on terror. The fools on the right keep comparing Obama to Nixon and his enemies list so should Obama do the same and have the IRS audit Ailes! Think Progress » Roger Ailes for president in 2012?

Lastly, I have been pretty pleased with President Obama's efforts at promoting volunteerism as a way of uniting the country and helping the down trodden. He is not saying Democrats we want you to volunteer. He is not saying Republicans and Independents we want to brain wash you into becoming Democrats. He is saying to all Americans "volunteer" to help our America! Remember America? That is what this should all be about not Republicans and Democrats! Obama asks nation to participate in volunteer services

Obama promoting volunteerism is a liberal conspiracy! Beck said it is Maoist China! how can they turn volunteering for America into a bad thing? A Partisan thing? A communist thing? They are friggen sick! LBJ did it, FDR, JFK. Volunteerism has been promoted many times. Hell Obama and McCain both pushed volunteering as Presidential candidates. Paranoid Right-Wingers See Obama's Volunteer Service Project as ... A Liberal brain washing conspiracy! What the hell is next?

Well now we know! Glenn Beck, Steve King: Health Care Bill Vote an Affront to God

I can not blame some Fox commentators for being concerned with Beck's idiocy and the fact that he has become the face of Fox news. Ailes came to his defense because Beck is the insane voice of Aile's who can not speak that way. He told the other commentators to find another station if they didn't like it. Roger Ailes what ails you?

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Palin: Tea Partiers "Have to Pick a Party the Republican party" as Cheney states the obvious, that Obama will be a one term President!

I don't remember what she settled on but I remember Paling looking for $100,000 to speak. She is damn lucky they are stupid enough to want to listen to her nonsense. Those that were there wanted to know if she was going to start a third party, First because she was looking for money to talk there was one element that Palin had to contend with on Tuesday that she rarely if ever did on the campaign trail: empty seats.

Though the Arkansas Republican Party sold differently priced upper-level and lower-level tickets to the event at the 18,000-seat Verizon Arena, less than half of the seats in the lower bowl were occupied, and the entire upper level was shrouded by black drapes. In the hours before the Palin event began, the Arkansas GOP was advertising on its web site a heavily discounted "$20 ticket special." That is still $20 too much
Palin: Tea Partiers "Have to Pick a Party" - CBS News

Mean while at the CDC there were Chants of 'Run, Cheney, Run' at conservative gathering as he states the obvious that Obama will be a one term President! I do not find the fact that Cheney spoke a surprise. The surprise would have been if he did not go and take the opportunity to bad mouth Obama. He said nothing we have not known from day one.

We knew Obama would be a one term President. Also that The likes of Cheney and all Republicans would do everything possible to create his and our Waterloo and make him a one term President so they can get back in and finish us off. Cheney surprises CPAC: Obama a 'one term' president Chants of 'Run, Cheney, Run' at conservative gathering

What I use to call the pup tent party does indeed want to be the Big tent party openly embracing the birthers, the Obama is a Nazi crowd, the so called angry white rascist indepents.That Michael Steele met with 50 of the leaders of the tea party to see if they would join forces should tell you how complicit Republicans have been in all this Nazi birther crap! - Steele Meets With Tea Party Leaders at RNC Headquarters

At one time the Republican Senate refused to talk against the tea partiers in fact quietly supporting them while trying to distance themselves from the crazies. Now they are openly courting them in their endeavor to be the Big Tent party. I am very concerned that this fascist Republican Party will get in control of us and finish off the average American and our America. Can a New Conservative Manifesto Woo the Tea Party?

We just saw another case of domestic terrorism when that guy flew the plane into the Federal Building in Austin, Texas. Obama better stay home, Reid and Pelosi deserve to lose their seat anyway. What that guy did was another Timothy Mcveigh move of a desperate man angry at the Government making one last blunt statement. That so called Conservative Manifesto is another act of Domestic terrorism as far as I am concerned; in the end they espouse the Constitution but want to stay true to the crazies in the tea party.

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

Tuesday, February 09, 2010

The new 3rd party the pity party is taking shape, it is sick but Palin will be at the head somewhere!

US Republicans seek 'Tea Party' alliances

In Full: Palin's Tea Party Speech

Sarah Palin Hand teleprompter

The Tea Party is still taking shape Harnessing 'tea party' spirit won't be easy. Convention is proof. They better take these fools seriously!
As you know, Palin made her debut on Faux! She made her debut on the Oreilly show she looks forward to being fair and balanced. Cut the crap! Oreilly, Hannity, Beck, and many others there have been caught flat out lying so many times it isn’t funny! They will all be in the new party.

Oreilly, Hannity, Beck, Palin, and their lying destructive guests, fair and balanced? I just learned Oreilly’s is the flagship show. That is sick! Watch the video of Oreilly flipping out live! Flag ship? Their flag whatever it is flies upside down! Oreilly is an idiot.

Oreilly asked Paling why she attracted so many pinheads. He is an ass. That is easy, because she is a pinhead. He must be talking about her fans not her intelligent America loving good sensed detractors. Sarah Palin Slams President Obama, Critics in Fox News Debut

I think taking a job with Fox was a huge mistake not for Paling but for Faux news. During the campaign for President McCain’s aids had to teach her about WW1, WW2, and the Korean War. Even later she could not understand why there is a North and South Korea. Come on, that is 3rd grade! I am sure she is still confused about everything you can see the confusion in her face!

She couldn’t even remember Joe Biden’s name. In preparing for their debate she kept calling him Obiden. To try to avoid her looking stupid which is impossible from the get go they tried to avoid the issue and that is why you heard the line “can I call you Joe” She still managed to call him Obiden! This is what the pity party I mean tea party is grounded on?

* She is a ditz albeit undeservedly now a rich ditz! Words of advice to Fox, you better limit her air time and coach her well. So far they have but wait until she speaks then they will jump. I do believe she has a big audience of dummies and when all is said and done will be bad for the Republican Party unless they fuse with the pity party. I believe she will use Fox as a jumping off platform for a 3rd party “the pity party” Sick but in the video the woman is holding a picture of what she says is our next President, Palin!

Watch her whole speech if you can listen to the BS! Amidst calls for “President Palin” she said she wants divine intervention, a return to Christian America. She said America is ready for another revolution. I am afraid we are listening to the next President of America and that is scary! Palin was caught on camera looking at crib notes she wrote on her hand. Come on! $100,000 wanting to be President and looking at crib notes?

James Joiner

Gardner, Ma

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Yeah Sarah we need Fox like a hole in the head! They better limit your time or you'll bring them down too!

Palin joins Foaux news says America needs Fox

Remember when Bill Oreilly flipped out?

Palin Questions Existence of America Without Fox News

Sarah Palin: Fox News move widely discussed in US media

Three reasons why Sarah Palin joined Fox News

As you know, Palin made her debut on Faux! She made her debut on the Orelly show she looks forward to being fair and balanced. Cut the crap! Oreilly, Hannity, Beck, and many others there have been caught flat out lying so many times it isn’t funny!

Oreilly, Hannity, Beck, Palin, and their lying destructive guests, fair and balanced? I just learned Oreilly’s is the flagship show. That is sick! Watch the video of Oreilly flipping out live! Flagship? Their flag whatever it is flies upside down! Oreilly is an idiot.

Oreilly asked Paling why she attracted so many pinheads. He is an ass. That is easy, because she is a pinhead. He must be talking about her fans not her intelligent America loving good sensed detractors. Sarah Palin Slams President Obama, Critics in Fox News Debut

I think taking a job with Fox is a huge mistake not for Paling but for Faux news. During the campaign for President McCain’s aids had to teach her about WW1, WW2, and the Korean War. Even later she could not understand why there is a North and South Korea. Come on, that is 3rd grade! I am sure she is still confused about everything you can see the confusion in her face!

She couldn’t even remember Joe Biden’s name. In preparing for their debate she kept calling him Obiden. To try to avoid her looking stupid which is impossible from the get go they tried to avoid the issue and that is why you heard the line “can I call you Joe” She still managed to call him Obiden!

* She is a ditz albeit undeservedly now a rich ditz! Words of advice to Fox, you better limit her air time and coach her well. I do believe she has a big audience of dummies and when all is said and done will be bad for the Republican party. I believe she will use Fox as a jumping off platform for a 3rd party “the pity party”

James Joiner

Gardner, Ma

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Sarah Palin: Going Rogue vs. Going Rouge!

Going Rouge satire vs Going Rogue the joke

Now this is funny! As you know, Sarah Palin the short term Alaska Governor who abandoned her post where she saw Russia from her house had someone write a book about her lies and idiocy titled Going Rogue. 4 months after abandoning her people! At the same time her book is coming out, the parody comic book version is coming out titled "Going Rouge" Please look at the video!

I have to laugh I don't think she can even read. Knowing the class of people that follow her I have to wonder if they know the difference between Rouge and Rogue and will buy the right one! Which one do you think will sell better? The comic book should far outsell Palings book of lies. If not it will only be because Oprah is going to interview her and promote the book. I predict another Oprah book scandal!

Paling kicked off her book tour on her Book Going Rogue but it looked more like going Rouge. She was on the Oprah show and was as ditzy as ever. Oprah asked her about the Couric interview and she tried to laugh it off saying she knew it was a bad interview but I am sure the ditz thought it was great like all the other stupid stuff she says and does.

It is obvious she does not like Katie Couric blaming her for her looking stupid. She does not need any help there. Remember when Couric asked her what she read she said she read voraciously and then could name nothing so on Oprah she produced a list including the Pearl and animal Farm. It was dreadful; it looked like a 7th grade reading list.

Sarah Barracuda is back! Watch the Republican Party try to ride the Palin paper tiger back into office! She is going to try to settle scores with McCain staffers and like everything she does it will backfire but her unthinking loyal followers will not care or even notice it.

Palin sad that when McCain and staff went up to Alaska to vet her the campaign charged her for it! Come on! Of course they denied it and of course she pulled the poor picked on Palin outlook once again.

On her tour she is avoiding big cities altogether and his going to red meat territory, to battleground states. Palin is America’s favorite quitter. To me she should not even relevant and she is not but even though she does not know what she is talking about many out there love the air head.

I am dumbfounded that this ditz has so many followers and some Politicians even want her to campaign for them. Be careful what you ask for you may get it! She said she is not into drama, cut the crap! She is the drama queen. What about her on going Levi saga?

She knows how to lie and play games that we know! How much do you think she is going to make on that farce of a book? She paid someone to write for her? * In closing, Palin is definitely looking at running in 2012 as she is hitting all the test run States on her book tour. I warn that nominating her will be suicide for the Republican Party, she is a money maker not a President maker. I do wonder why no one thought of pricing her book for $20.12?

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma