Showing posts with label Islamist. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Islamist. Show all posts

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Obama Honor all our troops not just the dead at Fort Hood and listen to Gorbachev!

Obama decision on Afghanistan troops 'in days'

I have been listening to irresponsible rumors the last few days as news channels competed to be the first to declare what President Obama will decide on as to adding or even subtracting troops from Afghanistan.

I first heard he decided to send 34,000 then that he was going to add the 40,000 recommended by General McChrystal. I was very disturbed thinking he did not wait to hear the provincial assessments and what the Afghan leaders need and want.

I was relieved to find out Obama has not decided what he is going to do yet. The ceremony at Fort Hood to Honor the 14 massacred and 30 wounded by what they thought was one of their own it is a somber backdrop that will influence Obama’s decision.

I finally heard Obama will decide in 2 weeks after here hears assessments From American Commanders on the ground in every province in Afghanistan. I pray Obama will not see fit to add the 40,000 troops General McChrystal recommended but will listen to Mikhail Gorbachev as he knows first hand if we do not we will join the graveyard of Nations in Afghanistan too.

Gorbachev rightly recommends that Obama start to withdraw troops, the slow good bye I keep recommending! I firmly hope Obama does not see fit to add 40,000 more troops to what the Taliban believe is the end of day’s battle field. I sent you the link many times to the Taliban get their first wish so Google it if you want but they will be tickled pink if we add more troops for them to kill.

President Obama could add a million more troops and it would not matter. There is no shortage of volunteer wanting to martyr to get the infidels out of Afghanistan. President Obama should the 13 murdered and 30 wounded at Fort Hood along with all our troops.

President Obama should weigh what his chiefs of staff, General McChrystal, VP Biden, General McChrystal, Max Cleland and most of all Mikhail Gorbachev and then as Commander in Chief do the right thing.

Train up the Afghan army and leave, our troops did their job and exemplary. Honor them by letting them pull out with their heads held high. Fed and supply the Afghani’s. Karzai said he will fight the corruption, unite Afghanistan, and defeat the Taliban. So be it, see you later!

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Bush encouraged about Afghanistan, Musharraf fears talibanization, Bush dead wrong, neither have a clue what they're facing!

It is really hard listening to the so called leaders discuss how to fight and win this war on rising Islamism that is still just beginning knowing they do not have a clue as to what is happening, how to win this, and how this is going to be won. Bush has proven many times that he will not wake up for many reasons so for America we have to continue to try to get all average Americans to understand what we are really up against and that little Bush is winning nothing and does not have a clue.
This is still just getting started. Bush gave an upbeat view of Iraq but acknowledged the country's slow political progress. In stating his case, the president emphasized enemy deaths. He has to stop playing cheerleader for once in his life. You can kill a million of them and it will not matter. That is a moot point. There is no shortage of volunteers in large part because Bush is the best recruiting tool the so called terrirists have.
Overall, Bush said al Qaeda and other extremists are under withering attack. "Since January," he said, "each month we have killed or captured an average of more than 1,500 al Qaeda terrorists and other enemies of Iraq's elected government." I am sick of hearing this Political rhetoric. This war against so called terrorism is still just beginning and besides being the poster child for Islamist recruitment his attack on Iraq and its destabilizing effect in the middle east is also just beginning. With the failing infrastructure in Iraq and basic human needs unable to be met and they will not be by us, we are winning nothing but the hearts and minds of mindless Bush fans.

On Afghanistan, Bush voiced confidence in Afghan President Hamid Karzai, with whom he met at the Camp David, Maryland, presidential retreat earlier in the week. Bush, echoing Karzai, said the resurgent Taliban are not a threat to the government of Afghanistan. "The Taliban fighters can still launch attacks on the innocent, but they cannot stop the march of democracy in Afghanistan," Bush said.
Correct me if i'm wrong but I remember talk of inviting the Taliban to participate in the Government because they were too hard to fight. Also amidst increased American casualties three of which occurred yesterday wasn't that the first day light frontal assault on an Allied outpost that occurred last week? Why does he continue to get away with lying and convenient ommisions of facts and the truth?
Anyway one person as usal is right but wrong about what they are facing and how to win. Musharaf was right in saying Military action and diplomacy are key in the fight against a rise in Taliban extremism currently plaguing Pakistan, But wrong to think that it or any combination there of will win anything. To extremists, getting rid of him would be a nice start.
He said Military action and diplomacy are key in the fight against a rise in Taliban extremism currently plaguing Pakistan, the country's president, Gen. Pervez Musharraf, said during a joint Afghan-Pakistani peace jirga in Kabul. The Pakistani leader, whose nearly eight-year rule is being challenged by opposition activists and Islamic militants, said he has witnessed "the rise of extremism, militancy and violence tearing at the fabric of our society." I guess no one will get him to see reality either unless he does and due to Bush must ignore it.
As you know, In recent days a crisis had been brewing in Pakistan, with the country teetering on the edge of a state of emergency amid the growing security threat in the country's lawless tribal regions. Musharraf thinks he can successfully combat this and like Bush blames it on a crisis had been brewing in Pakistan, with the country teetering on the edge of a state of emergency amid the growing security threat in the country's lawless tribal regions. Also what he calls a phenomenon of Talibanization and other forms of extremism, saying there are people that may be sympathetic to Taliban point of view and susceptible to extremism."

Regardless of what karzai, Musharraf, Bush, or anyone else says they will success comat and turn nothing around certainly not extremists. Bush of course did not start this fervor of increased Islamist nationalism but his "perceived" militarism towards Islam has certainly fueled the fire beyond any control.
There are elements who want a Muslim State in Iraq thanks to Bush and other middle east States, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Spain's Basque region, and now Indonesia speaks up again. Nearly 90,000 followers of a hard-line Muslim group packed a stadium in the Indonesian capital Sunday, calling for the creation of an Islamic state and thunderously chanting "Allah is great!" The group that sponsored this rally is outlawed in Indonesia. Hizbut Tahrir, a Sunni organization with an estimated million members, is banned in some Asian and Arab countries, but drew supporters from Europe, Africa and the Middle East to Indonesia for a meeting of the group that is held every two years.Speeches called for the return of the caliphate, or Islamic statehood, across the Muslim world. The crowd, divided into sections for women and men, roared in support.
"We need to carry this message from every corner from the east to west, so that on judgment day we can be proud," said Salim Frederick of Hizbut Tahrir's English branch. That message is being increasingly heard and voiced around the world.
This movement towards Islamist lone rule, recapturing all lands that were once theirs, and the drive for Islamic States is still in its infacy and will increase exponentially as time passes and the emotion spreads and it will. It will not be won Diplomaticlly, militarily or any other way. It will only be won by perseverence and attrition over a long, long, long, long, time.

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma